H1, you can use major pairs. Try it and share with us your result.sorry sir what TF and recommended pairs
No my dear I don't...Hi , I back test ready , look good on major , Do you have gold setting ? xau/usd
6 months is not enough, you need to go for 3 years minimum.
Why I should not try in real?same as jumstoch, dont try in real.
That's excellent job man, congratulations !!
Maybe you can share the set file...this is eur usd M5 ------------ with 10,000 starting, period from 01/01/2020 to today. Starting from batches of 0.01 it arrives once at 3.7 .... and twice at 2.5 ...... the rest of the times it never exceeds 1 ...., you could work on it, night everyone Carlo
99.9% quality BT will make a differ