Bollinger Bands
Plenty of indicators are used by traders to analyse the market, however only a small part of them can help to estimate the volatility of market processes. The indicator ?Bollinger bands? is considered as a secure instrument and is used in many graphic analitical programmes.
The indicator ?Bollinger bands? was created in the 20th century by the financial analyst, the president of the company Bollinger Capital Management John Bollinger. Of course this indicator can not foresee the direction of the future price movement but it is able to prompt the moment when a strong price movement is expected.
The indicator consists of only three lines.The line in the middle is a simple moving average, as a rule with the period of 20. The upper and the lower line, they determine 2 bands of the indicator, have an equal distance from the middle one. This distance is proportional to the volume of the mean square price range, this indicator characterizes the market volatility. Consequently, we observe narrow lines during calm periods and when the market is unstable Bollinger bands widen.
There are drastic price changes when the bands meet during small and quite longstanding fluctuations of market prices. During this period the indicator will not prompt the direction of the future movement. Traders can outguess this direction by means of other instruments of technical analysis. If the price goes beyond one of the indicator borders, it might be a signal of the beginning of a new trend or the continuation of the previous trend after the correction.
Fairly often the price forming a high or a low beyond the indicator lines returns inside the Bollinger bands. In this case the first target of the trader should be an average line.In the given picture there are a lot of examples. Thus, market extremums, which usually occur beyond Bollinger bands, indicate the change of market tendencies and the lines of the indicator represent strong levels of support/resistance and price consolidation. Due to this peculiarity of the indicator it can be a base for a really working trading system.
The efficiency of Bollinger bands becomes apparent together with other indicators and if they confirm signals of turnback or clearance, the probability that an open position will be profitable sharply increases. It is worth combining Bollinger bands with indicators of volume ?MACD? or ?Stochastic?.
However, it is worth remembering that work with Bollinger bands requires from the trader sufficient experience and necessary skills acquiring which it will be possible to estimate the placement of forces in the market and take proactive decisions about the trades.
Plenty of indicators are used by traders to analyse the market, however only a small part of them can help to estimate the volatility of market processes. The indicator ?Bollinger bands? is considered as a secure instrument and is used in many graphic analitical programmes.
The indicator ?Bollinger bands? was created in the 20th century by the financial analyst, the president of the company Bollinger Capital Management John Bollinger. Of course this indicator can not foresee the direction of the future price movement but it is able to prompt the moment when a strong price movement is expected.
The indicator consists of only three lines.The line in the middle is a simple moving average, as a rule with the period of 20. The upper and the lower line, they determine 2 bands of the indicator, have an equal distance from the middle one. This distance is proportional to the volume of the mean square price range, this indicator characterizes the market volatility. Consequently, we observe narrow lines during calm periods and when the market is unstable Bollinger bands widen.
There are drastic price changes when the bands meet during small and quite longstanding fluctuations of market prices. During this period the indicator will not prompt the direction of the future movement. Traders can outguess this direction by means of other instruments of technical analysis. If the price goes beyond one of the indicator borders, it might be a signal of the beginning of a new trend or the continuation of the previous trend after the correction.
Fairly often the price forming a high or a low beyond the indicator lines returns inside the Bollinger bands. In this case the first target of the trader should be an average line.In the given picture there are a lot of examples. Thus, market extremums, which usually occur beyond Bollinger bands, indicate the change of market tendencies and the lines of the indicator represent strong levels of support/resistance and price consolidation. Due to this peculiarity of the indicator it can be a base for a really working trading system.
The efficiency of Bollinger bands becomes apparent together with other indicators and if they confirm signals of turnback or clearance, the probability that an open position will be profitable sharply increases. It is worth combining Bollinger bands with indicators of volume ?MACD? or ?Stochastic?.
However, it is worth remembering that work with Bollinger bands requires from the trader sufficient experience and necessary skills acquiring which it will be possible to estimate the placement of forces in the market and take proactive decisions about the trades.