EA icarus (MT4) is free to code by anyone, openly (in forex factory).
i would like to post this EA (mql4) here, & coders here is invited to contribute at will (but please post the MQL4 file, thus it can be on-going enhanced).
My request = (Wish list) : D
Source. Last EA revised = Link .
Myself edited this EA from that Link. (attach the MQL4 here, for enhancement by any volunteer here).
(I am not a coder)

i would like to post this EA (mql4) here, & coders here is invited to contribute at will (but please post the MQL4 file, thus it can be on-going enhanced).
My request = (Wish list) : D
- EA able to run on 1-chart, & trades multiple symbols.
- order_comment. example = icarus. % Magic_Number%. % indicator_type%
Source. Last EA revised = Link .
Myself edited this EA from that Link. (attach the MQL4 here, for enhancement by any volunteer here).
(I am not a coder)
- Coders. Feel free to clean up / Enhance the source code. Put the MQL4 file to this tread or source forum (is a must).