• Welcome back! Thank you for being a part of this Traders Community. Let's discuss and share :)
    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


EA v2
  • spread bs dinaikin untuk pair laen dari 20 ke 35 misal, distance yg paling penting disini sesuaikan agar bs masuk posisi saat BT, op pertama mungkin loss (anggap sedekah dikit) yg kedua berdasarkan pengalaman sy pribadi profit terus..
    ini ea versi 2 sebelumnya,menurut sy terlalu aggresif rekan2 bisa membandingkan dengan versi terakhir. pair EU settingan standar di broker Ontel cukup menjanjikan.
    silahkan share dimari hasil tesnya mau riil atau demo sy apresiasi bget...thanks


    EA v6
  • very nice on M5 timeframe, H1 and H4, but you can experiment with the others.
    Update terbaru EA V6 baru dicoba di 1 akun dengan modal welcome bonus type cents.performa bisa di cek disini:
    bagi rekan2 yang laen tolong bantu tes di broker lain. hasilnya share disini meski loss atau profit saya mengucapkan terima kasih.
    Ea yg sy pakai,profit saat ada big news,aman dilepas daily dan tidak ada batasan pair selama spread ok,cara kerja ea bila sudah melewati variabel tertentu baru op,cocok untuk semua broker tapi settingan berbeda TF berbeda.saat NFP TF H4 dalam satu candle bisa op lebih dari 5 dan max DD 2%. ea ini buatan temen saya dari brazil versi ke4 dan sampai saat ini belum ketemu settingan yg pas buat broker2 lainnya.berikut settingan yg biasa sy pakai di broker TM dan sy minta bantuan rekan2 trader dan master untuk share settingan terbaik disini dengan broker yg berbeda2.
    Hasil BT di broker2 tertentu OK,tapi ada jg BT not good FT profit.
    silahkan di test....


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    v6 setting
  • Hi Muhama,

    Oh, I know Tickmill. You can also try IC Markets. Many people who have used live accounts on Tickmill and IC Markets often said IC Markets is better than Tickmill in spreads, commission, and slippage.

    Fxchoice is similar to Tickmill. So, you can test this ea on Fxchoice, too. Let's share our experiences on the good ECN Brokers that are suitable to this ea, and many other scalping ea.

    I am opening a live account with IC Markets next week because my current broker is Hotforex who has very high spreads on all major pairs, and slippage is high, too.

    +++ Thanks a lot for your above information, my friend.

    Nice weekend !

    Hi Muhama,

    Sorry to ask you again, but you forgot to tell me the RISK % Settings that you are using. I would like to know this so that I can set up HALF of your risk to reduce the max drawdown to under 30%. Hope you can tell me.

    Thanks a lot

    standard setting was already below 10%. but if you want know my setting is:


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