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Suggestion EA Spider Autotrend V3 2021

Sripuji Tsea

Active Member
Credit Hunter
Salam All Trader,

Performance EA Spider Autotrend V2, sudah cukup teruji di market high voltality tetapi masih belum menghadapi market trending extrem dan floating minus di V2 juga masih diperlukan equity yang hemat margin.

Untuk hal ini, V3 semoga bisa mengatasi dengan fitur by style spider "take profit yang dinamis".
Nilai TP dengan menyesuaikan floating yang terjadi.

Spider Autotrend V3 2021, lebih safe dan ada balance floating dan profitnya.
Growth equity juga lebih cepat dari V2.

Silahkan dicoba dan di explorasi settingan nya,

saya share 2 EA Versi Demo dan Real
Jika ingin trade Real, Silahkan kirim nomer account nanti akan saya kasih autocodenya.

Bagi yang punya autocode, bisa anda pakai kembali untuk V3 asalkan account number nya sama.

All pair major
TF M15
Modal minimal 100$/pair

Setting ; Default set

Setting ; Default set and
Marty 1.5
Start TP minus -100

Note :
*Jika memasang EA versi baru, harap diperhatikan magic number nya harus sama dengan yang lama supaya open posisi bisa terbaca oleh EA baru.

*Buat user ea spider, jika nanti telah mendapatkan return bep modal dari sejak awal trading, diharapkan berbagi sebagian rezekinya kepada kerabat, teman atau orang yang membutuhkan.
Supaya kehidupan kita semua bisa bermanfaat bagi yang lain dan ea nya menjadi berkah, amiin..

Good luck




قمت بإجراء اختبار له على حساب حقيقي ، لكنه لم يفتح أي صفقة
الرجاء إرسال الرقم السحري أو النسخة الكاملة إلى بريدي الإلكتروني
م[email protected]
قمت بإجراء اختبار له على حساب حقيقي ، لكنه لم يفتح أي صفقة
الرجاء إرسال الرقم السحري أو النسخة الكاملة إلى بريدي الإلكتروني
م[email protected]
يرجى إرسال رقم حسابك الحقيقي هنا أو صندوق الوارد الذي سأقوم بتشفيره لاحقًا. إذا كان حسابًا تجريبيًا ، فيرجى استخدامه
* For ea spider users, if later you have received a return on capital from the start of trading, it is hoped that you will share some of your fortune with relatives, friends or people in need.
So that all of our lives can be useful for others and become a blessing, amen ...

Sir I like your concept
Allah bless
[QUOTE = "Sripuji Tsea, post: 437111, member: 44464"] Greetings, All Traders,

The performance of the EA Spider Autotrend V2 has been sufficiently tested in the high voltality market but still has not faced market trending extremes and floating minus in V2. Equity that saves margin is still needed.

Hopefully, V3 can cope with the "dynamic take profit" by style spider feature.
TP value by adjusting the floating that occurs.

Spider Autotrend V3 2021, is safer and has a floating balance and profit.
Growth equity is also faster than V2.

Please try and explore the settings,

I share 2 EA Demo and Real Versions
If you want to trade Real, please send the account number and I'll give you the autocode.

For those who have autocode, you can use it again for V3 as long as the account number is the same.

All major pairs
TF M15
Minimum capital is 100 $ / pair

Settings; Default set

Settings; Default set and
Marty 1.5
Start TP minus -100

* If installing a new version of EA, please note that the magic number must be the same as the old one so that the open position can be read by the new EA.

* For ea spider users, if later you have received a return on capital from the start of trading, it is hoped that you will share some of your fortune with relatives, friends or people in need.
So that all of our lives can benefit others and become a blessing, amen ..

Good luck


Surabaya [/ QUOTE]

the word thanks not enough for you as you are kind and humble, a person like you is rare in the forex world.
jazak allah kair and give you way to jannah amen amen
[QUOTE = "Sripuji Tsea, post: 437111, member: 44464"] Greetings, All Traders,

The performance of the EA Spider Autotrend V2 has been sufficiently tested in the high voltality market but still has not faced market trending extremes and floating minus in V2. Equity that saves margin is still needed.

Hopefully, V3 can cope with the "dynamic take profit" by style spider feature.
TP value by adjusting the floating that occurs.

Spider Autotrend V3 2021, is safer and has a floating balance and profit.
Growth equity is also faster than V2.

Please try and explore the settings,

I share 2 EA Demo and Real Versions
If you want to trade Real, please send the account number and I'll give you the autocode.

For those who have autocode, you can use it again for V3 as long as the account number is the same.

All major pairs
TF M15
Minimum capital is 100 $ / pair

Settings; Default set

Settings; Default set and
Marty 1.5
Start TP minus -100

* If installing a new version of EA, please note that the magic number must be the same as the old one so that the open position can be read by the new EA.

* For ea spider users, if later you have received a return on capital from the start of trading, it is hoped that you will share some of your fortune with relatives, friends or people in need.
So that all of our lives can benefit others and become a blessing, amen ..

Good luck


Surabaya [/ QUOTE]

the word thanks not enough for you as you are kind and humble, a person like you is rare in the forex world.
jazak allah kair and give you way to jannah amen amen
Amiin, thanks a lot bro.
can you please explain the meaning and function of each entry ? by the way I use default I did not change anything
All positions are open based on the signal, please try it first, then you will understand the rules.

The default set is good, if you want to change the base lot must pay attention to; marty, start lock, start TP minus, and sl in money.

Please explore in an easy way, namely using the comparison ratio from the default.
All positions are open based on the signal, please try it first, then you will understand the rules.

The default set is good, if you want to change the base lot must pay attention to; marty, start lock, start TP minus, and sl in money.

Please explore in an easy way, namely using the comparison ratio from the default.
thanks for help, meantime lot is 0.01 when I will make more I will contact you, bro