hello to everybody we are a group of russia and we have a group of market makers, we have created two very important threads that will change their way and focus of work in trading, I leave the links of the threads so that you can educate yourself and read, (https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=588764 (david), https: //www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php? t = 877939 (fxcyborg))
that two threads check our strategy of us the market makers (THANK YOU to my friend DAVIT AND FXCYBORG), neither indicators nor algorithms are effective in this world only the market is won with price action
because we will be more united and because after 10 years recompiling information from market makers we have made a couple of robots that will really make money for you in none of the threads are the robots because ff does not let them upload to that page. we keep in touch with fxcyborg and davit as soon as we finish the robots we will upload them totally free for all of us to benefit
WARNING: We will remove people who are not serious in this thread. To be able to understand this system you need some experience in this field to remain waiting to be the first to try the market creator robot thanks
that two threads check our st
that two threads check our strategy of us the market makers (THANK YOU to my friend DAVIT AND FXCYBORG), neither indicators nor algorithms are effective in this world only the market is won with price action
because we will be more united and because after 10 years recompiling information from market makers we have made a couple of robots that will really make money for you in none of the threads are the robots because ff does not let them upload to that page. we keep in touch with fxcyborg and davit as soon as we finish the robots we will upload them totally free for all of us to benefit
WARNING: We will remove people who are not serious in this thread. To be able to understand this system you need some experience in this field to remain waiting to be the first to try the market creator robot thanks
that two threads check our st