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Suggestion EA Manhattan FX


Active Member
Credit Hunter
MANHATTAN FX Unlimited Version ( Demo + Real )
M 1 TP=10-17 / M5 TP=17-24 / M15=24-36 / M30 TP=32-40
Change only Take Profit and at the bottom the value of how much after the comma (default is 0)
All other default settings.
I'm on real life on M5 with a take profit of 35


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MANHATTAN FX Unlimited Version ( Demo + Real )
M 1 TP=10-17 / M5 TP=17-24 / M15=24-36 / M30 TP=32-40
Change only Take Profit and at the bottom the value of how much after the comma (default is 0)
All other default settings.
I'm on real life on M5 with a take profit of 35

Hi need to install also "robot assistant cm_TP_NL" with TP 35 or only change TP in Manhattan from 10 (default) to 35?

Besides what is " the value of how much after the comma (default is 0)", I haven't found it...
Backtests from the site.


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You wanted to surprise me with something? I'm aware of the tests, too. Robot bought from the author Richard Gray
Hello Olvit,

2019.04.14 21:51:43.287 2019.01.23 16:52:00 cannot open file 'C:\Users\Invwe\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\2010C2441A263399B34F537D91A53AC9\MQL4\indicators\Silence2_02.ex4' [2]

Indicator is missing.
Add to indicators folder.
Also the backtests of the site refers to another version of the EA.
Has nothing in common with the one posted.


What indicator? Dear if you in this robot do not think at all. Duck better shut up and do not show your gray. I generally vseravno your opinion. I bought the robot from the author and this full version, which trades on many pairs and the update of the robot by the author was updated on 01.15.2019.


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I detected already an issue, it open two way trades at same time, buy/sell.
I dont really know about the engine of this EA, but this problem is generally relationed with indicators and maxlot, Think it must be solved if the basis indicator be set to only one
and or be aded a FIFO working option on it.
What indicator? Dear if you in this robot do not think at all. Duck better shut up and do not show your gray. I generally vseravno your opinion. I bought the robot from the author and this full version, which trades on many pairs and the update of the robot by the author was updated on 01.15.2019.

The EA calls indicator silence on the Journal tab.
Check it out please.
Hello Olvit,

2019.04.14 21:51:43.287 2019.01.23 16:52:00 cannot open file 'C:\Users\Invwe\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\2010C2441A263399B34F537D91A53AC9\MQL4\indicators\Silence2_02.ex4' [2]

Indicator is missing.
Add to indicators folder.
Also the backtests of the site refers to another version of the EA.
Has nothing in common with the one posted.

Agree. As I told in another Tread, this isn't same EA as backtest, this seems Tengri an old 2014 EA that needs the Indicator Silence2


Mr Joshua Hello. Please take off the screenshot. If the advisor is really asking you, what kind of indicator is required. I will immediately contact the author with the question of what to do in this situation. Everything is normal in my journal, there are no errors and the adviser does not request anything and trades in his normal mode. I just, that laid out in free access - OLVIT-SCANNER PRO look may be useful to you. Respectfully


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MANHATTAN FX Unlimited Version ( Demo + Real )
M 1 TP=10-17 / M5 TP=17-24 / M15=24-36 / M30 TP=32-40
Change only Take Profit and at the bottom the value of how much after the comma (default is 0)
All other default settings.
I'm on real life on M5 with a take profit of 35

What you have shared is the complete robot that works indefinitely of time with a real account?

If there is no chance you are sending me the full version?

Thank you
my mail [email protected]
Think what you want. You have a free working robot provided. So take and use. I am personally interested in who can and will post some other settings. In reality, I no longer have the desire to spread something else from robots. Hope for understanding
Everything works fine for me. The indicator was created in 2009, the robot is much later. Well, I will now put on a couple like you, on the time frame M 5 - and see.
And below is your indicator.
//+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Silence.mq4 | //| Copyright © Trofimov 2009 | //+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Тишина | //| | //| Описание: Показывает на сколько процентов активен рынок | //| Синяя - процент агрессивности (скорости изменения цены) | //| Красная - процент волатильности (по индикатору StdDev) | //| Авторское право принадлежит Трофимову Евгению Витальевичу, 2009 | //+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ //============================================================================================================================= // Доработка индикатора DS [email protected] // добавлена средняя между двух линий #property copyright "Copyright © Trofimov Evgeniy, 2009" #property link "http://www.mql4.com/ru/users/EvgeTrofi" //---- Свойства индикатора #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 3 #property indicator_color1 CLR_NONE #property indicator_width1 1 #property indicator_color2 Yellow #property indicator_width2 1 #property indicator_color3 CLR_NONE #property indicator_width3 2 #property indicator_maximum 100 #property indicator_minimum 0 #property indicator_level1 78 //---- Входящие параметры extern int MyPeriod=12; extern int BuffSize=96; bool ReDraw=true; //-если включен, то перерисовывает нулевой бар при каждом новом тике // если выключен, то нулевой бар содержит фиксированное значение, вычисленное по предыдущим (готовым) барам double Buff_line1[]; // - агрессивность double Buff_line2[]; // - волатильность double Buff_line3[]; // - общее среднее double Aggress[], Volatility[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Функция инициализации индикатора | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---- x дополнительных буфера, используемых для расчета IndicatorBuffers(3); IndicatorDigits(2); //---- параметры рисования (установка начального бара) SetIndexDrawBegin(0,BuffSize+MyPeriod); SetIndexDrawBegin(1,BuffSize+MyPeriod); SetIndexDrawBegin(2,BuffSize+MyPeriod); //---- x распределенных буфера индикатора SetIndexBuffer(0,Buff_line1); SetIndexBuffer(1,Buff_line2); SetIndexBuffer(2,Buff_line3); //---- имя индикатора и подсказки для линий IndicatorShortName("Silence2("+MyPeriod+","+BuffSize+") = "); SetIndexLabel(0,"Aggressiveness"); SetIndexLabel(1,"Volatility"); SetIndexLabel(1,"Middle"); ArrayResize(Aggress,BuffSize); ArrayResize(Volatility,BuffSize); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Функция индикатора | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { static datetime LastTime; int limit, RD; double MAX,MIN; //double upPrice,downPrice; double dAmount,dMovingAverage,dAPrice; if(ReDraw) RD=1; // Пропущенные бары int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); //---- обходим возможные ошибки if(counted_bars<0) return(-1); //---- новые бары не появились и поэтому ничего рисовать не нужно limit=Bars-counted_bars-1+RD; //---- основные переменные double B; //---- основной цикл for(int t=limit-RD; t>-RD; t--) { //Вычисление агрессивности бара t B=0; for(int x=t+MyPeriod-1; x>=t; x--) { if(Close[x]>Open[x]) { //белая свеча B=B+(Close[x]-Close[x+1]); }else{ //чёрная свеча B=B+(Close[x+1]-Close[x]); } }//Next x //Вычисление волатильности бара t //upPrice=High[iHighest(Symbol(),0,MODE_HIGH,MyPeriod,t)];//максимум за N баров //downPrice=Low[iLowest(Symbol(),0,MODE_LOW,MyPeriod,t)]; //минимум за N баров dAmount=0.0; dMovingAverage=iMA(NULL,0,MyPeriod,0,0,0,t); for(x=t+MyPeriod-1; x>=t; x--) { dAPrice=Close[x]; dAmount+=(dAPrice-dMovingAverage)*(dAPrice-dMovingAverage); } //Если образовался новый бар, то производится сдвижка массива if(LastTime!=Time[t+1]){ for(x=BuffSize-1; x>0; x--) { Aggress[x]=Aggress[x-1]; Volatility[x]=Volatility[x-1]; }//Next x LastTime=Time[t+1]; } //Конец сдвижки массива //Перерисовка агрессивности Aggress[0]=B/Point/MyPeriod; MAX=Aggress[ArrayMaximum(Aggress)]; MIN=Aggress[ArrayMinimum(Aggress)]; Buff_line1[t]=Интерполяция(MAX,MIN,100,0,Aggress[0]); if(!ReDraw && t==1) Buff_line1[0]=Buff_line1[1]; //Конец перерисовка агрессивности //Перерисовка волатильности Volatility[0]=MathSqrt(dAmount/MyPeriod); MAX=Volatility[ArrayMaximum(Volatility)]; MIN=Volatility[ArrayMinimum(Volatility)]; Buff_line2[t]=Интерполяция(MAX,MIN,100,0,Volatility[0]); Set_Line3(t); if(!ReDraw && t==1) { Buff_line2[0]=Buff_line2[1]; Set_Line3(0); } //Конец перерисовка волатильности }//Next t return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double Интерполяция(double a,double b,double c,double d,double X) { //a; X; b - столбец изветных чисел, c; d; - столбец со стороны неизвестной. if(b - a == 0) return(10000000); //бесконечность else return(d - (b - X) * (d - c) / (b - a)); }//Интерполяция //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //=================================================================================== void Set_Line3(int pBar) { Buff_line3[pBar] = (Buff_line1[pBar] + Buff_line2[pBar]) / 2; }
I checked everything works as it should. Not what indicators does not require.


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I am sending you an MT 4 terminal. Install it on your PC. The demo account also opened at $ 333,333. Install one robot there and check whether or not there will be errors in the log and, most importantly, a link to the indicator of silen2_02. Write me the result. Although I know in advance that everything will be without problems. Robot trading in 6 countries and no one complained to me
Тип счета:
Demo Master
Номер счета (Логин):Login
Пароль: Password
Сервер: Server
Demo DEPO is 333 333 $

