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New EA Dragon pips profitable

kalau DD terlalu tinggi itu wajar, kenapa? karna hasilnya besar.. apa lagi tipe marti, kalau DD gak mau tinggi ya modal dibesarin tapi lot sama dengan set di atas.. contoh modal 20.000$ kemungkinan DD rata2 41% kalau mau rendah lagi DD nya tambah modal jadi 30.000$ kemungkinan DD rata2 27.3% dst... jangan mikir DD nya dulu, mikir logicnya bisa konsisten gak?? kalau bisa baru mikir DD nya :D
maaf cuma celotehan newbie

google translate
DD is too high if it is reasonable, why? because the results are great .. what type of martingel, if DD ya do not want high capital raised but the lot is equal to the example set above .. possibility DD capital $ 20,000 on average 41% lower DD if you want it added $ 30,000 of capital so chances DD average of 27.3% and so on ... do not be thinking of her first DD, thinkers logicnya be consistent or not ?? The new thinking that could be his DD: D
sorry just babbling newbie