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New EA Correlation EA Pro (MT5)


Active Member
Credit Hunter

I present my EA for MT5 with the Correlation strategy between pairs of currencies; It is done in MT5 to be able to test it in Backtest (I also have the version for MT4).

I would like you to try it, those who want, and upload the best configurations, especially which currencies are more profitable with the rest of the parameters as they come in the Ea.

Explanation of some parameters:

- Miliseconds: how often does the calculation.

- Enable TestMode: so that it does not ask to click on the "Start" button to start, as it would in real.

- Mode 2: there are two strategies, one only with the overlay indicator and another one with% correlations although you can also use the overlay or not. It is advisable to leave it like this in "2".

- MinDistance: distance in points between one price and another, measured with the Overlay.

- The Take Profit 1 and 2, the Average, the StopLossGlobal and the TakeProfitGlobal are all expressed in USD or in the base currency of the account.

Take Profit: it is simply that, to what it must arrive to close an operation between the two pairs of currencies, in general one will be losing and the other winning, but in total they must add this to close with gains.

Take Profit 2: it is the TP you have to reach if you enter with the "Average" system.

Average: if the operations give a negative result, to this amount of money in negative open another 2 equal orders, I do not remember if with a multiple or not ......

StopLossGlobal: we already know what it is, if the Equity reaches this point everything is closed.

Take Profit Global: the same but for the Profits.

Bollinger Bands and Filter Config are filters that in fact have not given me good results, Bollinger Bands demands that in addition the price is above or below the band and the Filter Config is set if one wants to close the operations also when the prices are touch on the Overlay indicator.

PeriodBase: 1 Hour, is to measure the correlations in a standard way, I am very comfortable with this parameter as well.

BarsBase: 6000, is the "size" of the period where one measures how correlated are two pairs of currencies, in theory the larger the period is better, in my MT5 for some reason nome worked with larger periods of 900 in this place, everyone should try more or less ...

BarrasActual: 24, here is the current period that one is working, if I put 6000 and here 24, it means that I am seeing if on this day (24 hours) the correlation varied enough with the one that it brought during the 6000 periods as to have an opportunity to operate.

Limit: 80, it's a percentage, it's the least I can ask two pairs to be correlated, less than that does not work, it would be too much to ask ...

Opening distance: 30, if it was 80% and low to 50% or less (30 difference) is an opportunity to operate because they were correlated and stopped being now.

Closing distance: 10, following the previous example, if it went down to 50% or less and opened an operation, it has to go up to 70% or more (10 difference) to close by%.

THE FILE "CORRELATION EA PRO MT5" is an expert and the "Overlay" is an INDICATOR.

I await your answers.

I CAN ANSWER IN ENGLISH TOO, even if I do not like it.



Les presento mi EA para MT5 con la estrategia de Correlación entre pares de monedas; está hecho en MT5 para poder probarlo en Backtest (también tengo la versión para MT4).

Me gustaría que lo prueben, los que quieran, y suban las mejores configuraciones, especialmente cuales monedas resultan más redituables con el resto de los parámetros tal cual vienen en el Ea.

Explicación de algunos parámetros:

- Miliseconds: cada cuánto hace el cálculo.

- Enable TestMode: para que no pida click en el botón "Start" para empezar, como sí lo haría en real.

- Mode 2: hay dos estrategias, una sólo con el overlay indicator y otra con % de correlaciones aunque también puede usar el overlay o no. Es recomendable dejarlo así en "2".

- MinDistance: distancia en puntos entre un precio y otro, medido con el Overlay.

- El Take Profit 1 y 2, el Average, el StopLossGlobal y el TakeProfitGlobal están todos expresados en USD o en la moneda base de la cuenta.

Take Profit: es simplemente eso, a cuanto debe llegar para cerrar una operación entre los dos pares de divisas, en general uno irá perdiendo y el otro ganando, pero en total deben sumar esto para cerrar con ganancias.

Take Profit 2: es el TP al que tiene que llegar si entra con el sistema "Average".

Average: si las operaciones dan un resultado negativo, a esta cantidad de dinero en negativo se abren otras 2 órdenes iguales, no recuerdo si con un múltiple o no......

StopLossGlobal: ya sabemos qué es, si el Equity llega a este punto se cierra todo.

Take Profit Global: lo mismo pero para las Ganancias.

Bollinger Bands y Filter Config son filtros que en los hechos no me han dado buenos resultados, Bollinger Bands exige que además el precio esté por encima o debajo de la banda y el Filter Config se pone si uno quiere cerrar las operaciones también cuando los precios se tocan en el indicador Overlay.

PeriodoBase: 1 Hour, es para medir de forma standard las correlaciones, a mí me quedan mucho muy cómodo este parámetro así.

BarrasBase: 6000, es el "tamaño" del período donde uno mide cuán correlacionadas están dos pares de monedas, en teoría cuanto más grande el período es mejor, en mi MT5 por alguna razón nome funcionó con períodos más grandes de 900 en este lugar, cada quien deberá probar con más o con menos....

BarrasActual: 24, aquí se pone el período actual que uno está trabajando, si puse 6000 y aquí 24, quiere decir que estoy viendo si en este día (24 horas) varió lo suficiente la correlación comparada con la que traía durante los 6000 períodos como para tener una oportunidad de operación.

Límite: 80, es porcentaje, es lo menos que le puedo pedir a dos pares para que estén correlacionados, menos de eso no sirve, más sería demasiado pedir....

Distancia de apertura: 30, si estaba en 80% y baja a 50% o menos (30 de diferencia) es un oportunidad de operación porque estaban correlacionados y dejaron de estarlo ahora.

Distancia de cierre: 10, siguiendo el ejemplo anterior, si bajó a 50% o menos y abrió una operación, tiene que subir a 70% o más (10 de diferencia) para cerrar por %.

EL ARCHIVO "CORRELATION EA PRO MT5" es un experto y el "Overlay" es un INDICADOR.

Espero sus respuestas.





Last edited:

I present my EA for MT5 with the Correlation strategy between pairs of currencies; It is done in MT5 to be able to test it in Backtest (I also have the version for MT4).

I would like you to try it, those who want, and upload the best configurations, especially which currencies are more profitable with the rest of the parameters as they come in the Ea.

Explanation of some parameters:

- Miliseconds: how often does the calculation.

- Enable TestMode: so that it does not ask to click on the "Start" button to start, as it would in real.

- Mode 2: there are two strategies, one only with the overlay indicator and another one with% correlations although you can also use the overlay or not. It is advisable to leave it like this in "2".

- MinDistance: distance in points between one price and another, measured with the Overlay.

- The Take Profit 1 and 2, the Average, the StopLossGlobal and the TakeProfitGlobal are all expressed in USD or in the base currency of the account.

Take Profit: it is simply that, to what it must arrive to close an operation between the two pairs of currencies, in general one will be losing and the other winning, but in total they must add this to close with gains.

Take Profit 2: it is the TP you have to reach if you enter with the "Average" system.

Average: if the operations give a negative result, to this amount of money in negative open another 2 equal orders, I do not remember if with a multiple or not ......

StopLossGlobal: we already know what it is, if the Equity reaches this point everything is closed.

Take Profit Global: the same but for the Profits.

Bollinger Bands and Filter Config are filters that in fact have not given me good results, Bollinger Bands demands that in addition the price is above or below the band and the Filter Config is set if one wants to close the operations also when the prices are touch on the Overlay indicator.

PeriodBase: 1 Hour, is to measure the correlations in a standard way, I am very comfortable with this parameter as well.

BarsBase: 6000, is the "size" of the period where one measures how correlated are two pairs of currencies, in theory the larger the period is better, in my MT5 for some reason nome worked with larger periods of 900 in this place, everyone should try more or less ...

BarrasActual: 24, here is the current period that one is working, if I put 6000 and here 24, it means that I am seeing if on this day (24 hours) the correlation varied enough with the one that it brought during the 6000 periods as to have an opportunity to operate.

Limit: 80, it's a percentage, it's the least I can ask two pairs to be correlated, less than that does not work, it would be too much to ask ...

Opening distance: 30, if it was 80% and low to 50% or less (30 difference) is an opportunity to operate because they were correlated and stopped being now.

Closing distance: 10, following the previous example, if it went down to 50% or less and opened an operation, it has to go up to 70% or more (10 difference) to close by%.

THE FILE "CORRELATION EA PRO MT5" is an expert and the "Overlay" is an INDICATOR.

I await your answers.

I CAN ANSWER IN ENGLISH TOO, even if I do not like it.



Les presento mi EA para MT5 con la estrategia de Correlación entre pares de monedas; está hecho en MT5 para poder probarlo en Backtest (también tengo la versión para MT4).

Me gustaría que lo prueben, los que quieran, y suban las mejores configuraciones, especialmente cuales monedas resultan más redituables con el resto de los parámetros tal cual vienen en el Ea.

Explicación de algunos parámetros:

- Miliseconds: cada cuánto hace el cálculo.

- Enable TestMode: para que no pida click en el botón "Start" para empezar, como sí lo haría en real.

- Mode 2: hay dos estrategias, una sólo con el overlay indicator y otra con % de correlaciones aunque también puede usar el overlay o no. Es recomendable dejarlo así en "2".

- MinDistance: distancia en puntos entre un precio y otro, medido con el Overlay.

- El Take Profit 1 y 2, el Average, el StopLossGlobal y el TakeProfitGlobal están todos expresados en USD o en la moneda base de la cuenta.

Take Profit: es simplemente eso, a cuanto debe llegar para cerrar una operación entre los dos pares de divisas, en general uno irá perdiendo y el otro ganando, pero en total deben sumar esto para cerrar con ganancias.

Take Profit 2: es el TP al que tiene que llegar si entra con el sistema "Average".

Average: si las operaciones dan un resultado negativo, a esta cantidad de dinero en negativo se abren otras 2 órdenes iguales, no recuerdo si con un múltiple o no......

StopLossGlobal: ya sabemos qué es, si el Equity llega a este punto se cierra todo.

Take Profit Global: lo mismo pero para las Ganancias.

Bollinger Bands y Filter Config son filtros que en los hechos no me han dado buenos resultados, Bollinger Bands exige que además el precio esté por encima o debajo de la banda y el Filter Config se pone si uno quiere cerrar las operaciones también cuando los precios se tocan en el indicador Overlay.

PeriodoBase: 1 Hour, es para medir de forma standard las correlaciones, a mí me quedan mucho muy cómodo este parámetro así.

BarrasBase: 6000, es el "tamaño" del período donde uno mide cuán correlacionadas están dos pares de monedas, en teoría cuanto más grande el período es mejor, en mi MT5 por alguna razón nome funcionó con períodos más grandes de 900 en este lugar, cada quien deberá probar con más o con menos....

BarrasActual: 24, aquí se pone el período actual que uno está trabajando, si puse 6000 y aquí 24, quiere decir que estoy viendo si en este día (24 horas) varió lo suficiente la correlación comparada con la que traía durante los 6000 períodos como para tener una oportunidad de operación.

Límite: 80, es porcentaje, es lo menos que le puedo pedir a dos pares para que estén correlacionados, menos de eso no sirve, más sería demasiado pedir....

Distancia de apertura: 30, si estaba en 80% y baja a 50% o menos (30 de diferencia) es un oportunidad de operación porque estaban correlacionados y dejaron de estarlo ahora.

Distancia de cierre: 10, siguiendo el ejemplo anterior, si bajó a 50% o menos y abrió una operación, tiene que subir a 70% o más (10 de diferencia) para cerrar por %.

EL ARCHIVO "CORRELATION EA PRO MT5" es un experto y el "Overlay" es un INDICADOR.

Espero sus respuestas.



kindly share the mt4 ea..
kindly share the mt4 ea..

SURE, this MT4 version has a expired date in October of 2018, if you get good set files you can get it more time (years).

With this version you can only make Backtest in forward way because MT4 can not use more than one pair in backtest at the same time.

best regards!


Mt5 only ?
here is it the Mt4 version but the idea is to Test it in MT5 because is the only way to can use more than one pair.

this MT4 version CAN BE USED IN REAL TOO but I think and recommend to test first the MT5 version in backtest; also I have to say that these version has a limit time up October of 2018, if you have good set files and share them you can get it for years, that´s the deal.

I attached the Standard set files too, please check them, these are for 100.000 usd accounts (real or cents....).

Thank you, best regards!


here is it the Mt4 version but the idea is to Test it in MT5 because is the only way to can use more than one pair.

this MT4 version CAN BE USED IN REAL TOO but I think and recommend to test first the MT5 version in backtest; also I have to say that these version has a limit time up October of 2018, if you have good set files and share them you can get it for years, that´s the deal.

I attached the Standard set files too, please check them, these are for 100.000 usd accounts (real or cents....).

Thank you, best regards!
Thanks brother.. ok let me find best set file
Download your MT5 version, I would like to confirm I only need to open one chart(one symbol) and it will automatically open trade for other symbol? Am I correct?

Thanks & Best Regards!

I got error when loading the EA. Attached is the screen dump
My version of MT5 is Version 5.00 build 1816
Can you please check the reason of failure. Thanks!

Best Regards!


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Download your MT5 version, I would like to confirm I only need to open one chart(one symbol) and it will automatically open trade for other symbol? Am I correct?

Thanks & Best Regards!

That´s right! Only one chart and it will open all the pairs, if you want to change the pairs you only can do it from the EA´s set .
Your can change the pair from the panel BUT IT IS WRONG because if you change the pairs from the panel and not from the EA´s set, the panel only show the new numbers but the EA will work always with the pairs in the set.

RESUME: if you want to change the pairs please change the pairs from the set and reload it.

I got error when loading the EA. Attached is the screen dump
View attachment 47396
My version of MT5 is Version 5.00 build 1816
View attachment 47397
Can you please check the reason of failure. Thanks!

Best Regards!

it never happened to me, please be sure that the "Overlay Indictador" is in the "Indicator Folder", I upload these files for MT4 and MT5 here.
Also, I recommend you download the MT4 again with the last version and/or change the broker platform (I use Tickmill for MT4 and the original version from mql5 for the MT5 platform and without problems).



I am using ICmarket MT5 client to test your EA. Once, I move the EA to the chart and I got the error message "‘CORRELATION EA PRO MT5.ex5’ has newer unsupported version, please update your client terminal". The MT5 client is already the latest version. I would like to confirm with you that the version number of your MT5 client. Thanks!

Best Regards!

I am using ICmarket MT5 client to test your EA. Once, I move the EA to the chart and I got the error message "‘CORRELATION EA PRO MT5.ex5’ has newer unsupported version, please update your client terminal". The MT5 client is already the latest version. I would like to confirm with you that the version number of your MT5 client. Thanks!

Best Regards!


HERE is my version but I think we must wait for the open market to see the prices and the correlations


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I got the error "array out of range in'CORRELATION EA PRO MT5.mq5'. Is that ok?


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Finally, I got the message and said that the EA is removed because of initialization error.


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William, Eland and Weigand:

I think that "out of range" is for the history data, if you set the EA with the number "900" in the "Barras Base" period parameter it should work, or you can go back in the chart a long period of time so the MT5 can download the historical data.

Eland, you can attach the EA in any TF, no matter.

Please confirm if all is fixed.
I have manage to get it trading. Am running it on Mt4 demo.
There is a few questions before i start adjusting and backtesting.
What is the stack lots? is this the next step opening lots ? 1000? meaning
The min distance 1000. i presume this is link to the above stack lots distance.

The set file defualt you gave was TP 1000 and tp2 2000? is this in Pips or points? or its overall 1000$ as there is another parameter
Averaging 2000? and global profit 0.
Then a global stop loss of 30000. If this is standard account type. its wow.
The lot size i tried. i think its a auto lot sizing right?

Thanks for clarfying the above questions.
William, Eland and Weigand:

I think that "out of range" is for the history data, if you set the EA with the number "900" in the "Barras Base" period parameter it should work, or you can go back in the chart a long period of time so the MT5 can download the historical data.

Eland, you can attach the EA in any TF, no matter.

Please confirm if all is fixed.

I have manage to get it trading. Am running it on Mt4 demo.
There is a few questions before i start adjusting and backtesting.
What is the stack lots? is this the next step opening lots ? 1000? meaning
The min distance 1000. i presume this is link to the above stack lots distance.

The set file defualt you gave was TP 1000 and tp2 2000? is this in Pips or points? or its overall 1000$ as there is another parameter
Averaging 2000? and global profit 0.
Then a global stop loss of 30000. If this is standard account type. its wow.
The lot size i tried. i think its a auto lot sizing right?

Thanks for clarfying the above questions.