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Question Butuh bantuan membuat ea dari indikator crossover


Credit Hunter
minta bantuannya para master EA
saya dapat indikator di forum ini dan sangat bermanfaat.
bahan indikator crossover,
ask for help from the EA masters
I have an indicator in this forum and it is very useful.
crossover indicator material,

logikanya :
order sell
bila panah di H4/D1 muncul Sell ( kuning ) maka di setiap muncul panah m5 order sell dan close semua order bila H4 muncul panah buy ( biru ).
order buy kebalikan dari sell.
sell order
if the arrow in H4 / D1 appears Sell (yellow) then in each arrow appears m5 sell order and close all order if H4 appears buy arrow (blue).
Buy order is reversed from sell.


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Stop loss nya dimana Om?
Indinya repaint ga?
Mungkin bisa Kami bantu.
to NeoBatavia.
saya tidak tahu maksudnya repaint.
bila pernah lihat thread ki supo lumbung padi,
biasa saya pake untuk cari posisi open dengan lihat tren H4 dan eksekusi order di m5
tidak pakai stoplos, semua order di tutup bila ada panah berlawanan di H4 muncul maka kebalikan arah.
mungkin bagusnya stoploss untuk posisi awal pembukaan H4 bagusnya.

indinya bisa salah satu ini
scalp_crossover = slow open order
trendsignal (1) = agresif open order.

harus lihat panah di h4 baru open order di m5 maka bila H4 muncul Panah sell kita eksekusi di m5, bila muncul lagi open sell lagi di m5 ( tidak boleh order berlawanan di m5 ) sampai H4 berbalik arah atau muncul Panah buy.



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masih bingunggan dan kayaknya ini akan floating banyak per open posisinya..
untuk akun micro berapa minimal nya untuk depositnya
Good idea but it is better to catch only the first pullbacks because the signal from the H4 and Daily TF is not that sensitive and it will comes a little bit later which can cause some losses.
for First open H4 use SL if doubt open order or open position second candle H4.
gan ijin download yah indi scalper nya buat di cuba tnba ke indi lumbung nya semoga bs bikin tanba yakin buat open
2018.08.24 02:49:10.755 2017.01.25 00:00:00 Scalp_crossover EURUSD,H4: SetIndexBuffer function must be called from custom indicator only

Stop loss nya dimana Om?
Indinya repaint ga?
Mungkin bisa Kami bantu.
It has been going well but it is still improving closing the order, because it does not want to close the order after turning back.
please help me.


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