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      Best Trailing Stop or Stop Loss


      New Member
      I am just reaching out to see what other stop losses are available for trading. Currently I am just using a simple 20 point trailing stop but interested in trying to capture larger moves. The only issue is some of my trades are fairly short and only have a small profit window before it will go in the negative so a smaller stop loss will work with these trades. While at the same time most trades offer opportunity to capture larger profits.

      So I am looking for a way to capture profits for both small and larger trades. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

      I attached an image of two trades I had today as an example.


      • tradeexample.png
        11.6 KB · Views: 98
      Stop loss and take profit both are very important tool of forex market. Stop loss helps to prevent big loss and take profit ensures the sure amount of profit. These two things help a trader to do their trade tension free. Trading in forex market is always risky. Besides, a trader can not stay online for the whole day and night. These two elements can help the trader to fix his loss and profit. I am currently trading with Tpglobalfx. I can easily set my loss ratio and profit amount by the use of stop loss and take profit bar. It keeps me tension free and i don't need to sit all day long for making profit or not to make loss.
      Trailing stop will active if mt4 running and connect to the server broker if a turn off computer or connection internet hence trailing stop will can't work
      to reached long term target and short term target we can open two order and split position size to adjusted
      I see that the biggest mistake that the most of traders do is they trade with huge lots and high risk to profit with no plan or money management so this is the reason of the loss to a large portion of traders. So i think that we need to control on this and dependably maintain a strategic distance from the trade with high risk and with huge parts in light of the fact that the trade with plan is the best thing that dependably lead us to the achievement. At least we should follow 1:1 risk and reward ratio because a survey shows that most traders are right in more than 50% times. I am trading with Tpglobalfx. I have picked up this broker because it is a regulated broker. In the same place I can trade both forex and Futures.
      TPglobalfx? Never heard of that broker before in Indonesia? Maybe more approach on the deposit bonuses and convenience on depositing would work for Indonesian traders.
      Banyak sekali strategi trading yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk bisa mendapatkan profit di dunia trading Forex. Anda bisa menggunakan martingale dan juga hedging. Namun selain itu broker yang Anda pilih harus mengijinkan Anda melakukan strategi tersebut, karena banyak sekali broker yang tidak memperbolehkan nya. Tradinglah bersama FreshForex, karena FreshForex mengijinkan Anda menggunakan semua strategi trading yang Anda sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir.
      Trailing stop will active if mt4 running and connect to the server broker if a turn off computer or connection internet hence trailing stop will can't work
      to reached long term target and short term target we can open two order and split position size to adjusted

      I have never used the Trailing stop loss but i can say for sure that it is more beneficial for the traders.
      Di dalam forex itu tidak akan pernah ada yang instan, sehingga trader harus siap untuk menghadapi resiko dalam trading lebih baik lagi untuk bisa mempertahankan akun tradingnya dengan lebih konsisten lagi gan. Beberapa bonus deposit pun bisa dimanfaatkan untuk bisa menahan resiko drawdown ketika melakukan trading.
      Itu mungkin memang karena setting robotnya seperti itu, jadi itu lebih ke gaya scalping. Kalau agan merasa tidak cocok dengan robot tersebut, agan coba saja untuk memakai robot lainnya, saya sarankan untuk memilih robot di FreshForex, banyak sekali robot di website FreshForex, mulai dari yang gratis hingga berbayar. Buka akun Anda sekarang juga di FreshForex.
      Untuk trader inigin mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dalam trading forexnya yang pasti tidak akan pernah instan ketika memulai, karena resiko trading memiliki peran yang besar yang harus dipertimbangkan dengan baik ketika melakukan eksekusi trading. Ini yang disarankan analisa FreshForex dalam setiap analisa yang dilakukan di websitenya.
      Agar trading menjadi lebih menguntungkan dan memahami cara kerjanya, seorang trader harus memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang segala hal terkait. Ini akan membantu trading menjadi lebih mudah dan sukses terutama dalam mengelola modal dan risiko di broker FreshForex. Bisa juga memanfaatkan analisa harian yang dilakukan di websitenya gan.
      Stop loss adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk meminimalisir resiko. Jadi, diharapkan terus digunakan, agar trading nyaman dan aman.
      I have used the trailing stop, but not on a regular basis.
      I stopped using it when I realised that I was sacrificing positive results and it was a sign of insecurity in my trading approach:
      If you have complied with your money management, evaluated the possible trade with your system and defined the risk/reward percentage, forget about the trade and let it run in search of your objective: Assess your criteria and assume your results (forget the trailing stop).
      Dalam analisis, pilihan indikator yang tepat dapat sangat membantu. Cobalah menggunakan indikator yang sesuai di akun demo terlebih dahulu, bahkan FreshForex juga menyarankan penggunaan indikator yang lebih sederhana untuk memahami pergerakan harga.