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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


  1. L

    [Trading Journals Lybeedo] - TimeLine Trading

    Greeting All olá amigo ! Salam kenal semuanya ijin buat journal di forum Soehoe, semoga bisa konsisten & rutin post di sini. Sekedar sharing dan bertekad untuk ikut menjadi bagian dari 1% profitable trader:giggle: Correspondence : I speak Bahasa & English & Japanese Trading Journals - TimeLine...
  2. pigeljos

    Suggestion indi fibo otomatis

    indi fibo dan trend bar,,silahkan pakai bila suka,,
  3. pagaleo

    Suggestion PaGaLeO´s Fibonacci goes PRO System

    PaGaLeO´s Fibonacci goes PRO System Now it´s time to give you my best manual trading secret to be a Pro Trader. It´s a very easy and for me the best manual trading system from the last years. It´s for all tmeframes, for scalper, daytrader and longtime trader. This System is a Fibonacci System...
  4. xmenedgar

    Suggestion Auto Elliot Wave + Auto fibonacci with target profit Indicator

    For people who like Elliot wave and fibonacci Strategi, very good indicator here you go enjoy
  5. gelbcke

    Fibonacci Golden Zone

    Hi, I found this indicator somewhere on web, I maked few tests, and he looks good to me. Is working normally, but i want the mql file to study how this works. Someone have it? Anyway here is the ex4 to contribute to the forum ;)
  6. izaxFx

    [ASK] Cara pindah level fibo yang sudah terbentuk

    Mohon bantuannya doang para master coding,. Saya masih baru belajar code mql4, saya ingin buat indikator auto fibo sendiri, tapi ada sedikit kendala,. Fibo saya akan menarik dari High Candle Daily ke Low Candle Daily/satu candle hari kemarin,. Kemudian, saya ingin level fibo 50.0 yg sudah...