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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

best ea

  1. P

    Suggestion Good EA here just need a developer to change a few settings

    Hello guys, I have this EA here and its a really good performer as it used pyramid system. I would like someone to help me change this settings from Targetpercent_per trade and Targetpercent_per day from percentage to actual currency. Like if i want a certain target in a trade, i can input the...
  2. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion Swing Dashboard

    SWING DASH GRID TRADING SYSTEM. Persiapan: 1. Open #1DashboardEax.tpl 2. Wait signal PIN4 active disertai PTZ (W1/MN) active R/S 3/4. Hal ini sebagai indikasi awal bahwa harga sedang running di area over bought/sold. Pin4 signal: GBPCHF (buy) USDJPY (sell) *Peluang bagus untuk USDJPY...
  3. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion My Best Effort Trading Strategy #3

    Previous post: https://soehoe.id/my-best-effort-trading-startegy.t27670/ Chanell: Breakout & Overclimax https://t.me/volclimfxsignals Wa/telegram: +6282330771497
  4. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion My Best Effort Trading Startegy

    Cara baca signal Dashboard: Dashboard (Breakout).tpl Dashboard (Overclimax).tpl Template.tpl Ketiga tpl tsb diatas harus dibuka semua karena saling berkaitan. 1. Dashboard Breakout. Signal buy/sell akan muncul di PIN 4 2. Dashboard Overclimax. Signal buy/sell akan muncul di PIN 3 Trade set...
  5. D

    Suggestion EA Euronis Scalper

    Kawan-kawan semua....saya punya ea yg di dapat dr grup sebelah. Konon katanya terbaik di mql5. Namanya Euronis Scalper ea. Silahkan di coba ya. Dan share set file dan hasilnya disini ya...!!! Note: msimg32.dll dibagi 2 (file besar)
  6. noikpande

    Suggestion Amazing Metatrader 5 .. Its PROFIT 3% PerDAY .

    Hello I want to share EA PZ timer to trading Open position buy/sell with time you want And close order with time you set it. this EA perfectly profitable with signal in Sunton Capital Broker in Metatrader 5 Here below is the result why its profitable?? Because in sunton capital broker we...
  7. Ashiq islam

    New EA Supply and Demand Expert Advisor Modifications

    Hello, I have unfortunately a small problem with the EA below. I am new to writing EA's. I think the Expert Advisor has a lot of potentials. I would like to have it trade on verified and proven zones, unfortunately, I have not been able to successfully rewrite the code yet. I would like to...
  8. AutoProfit

    Suggestion Follow Trend, no martingale, no averaging, more profit 281% tested

    Hello semua, Sudah cukup lama saya tidak share EA, karena belakangan ini kami fokus menyempurnakan beberapa EA kami, salah satunya yang akan saya share adalah EA Optimus. Teknik trading yang paling diminati oleh para trader namun sangat rumit dan telah disempurnakah oleh team kami sehingga...
  9. V

    Suggestion SAFEST EA for both STANDARD and CENT account -

    STELZ 2.0 EA This EA was tested in EURUSD in 15Min timeframe for morethan two months and the results were pretty good in standard account. Deposit:$1000(Standard Account) Pair: EURUSD TimeFrame: 15 Mins Profit: $2,850 guys but its a demo account. Result are very promising. in point of my view...
  10. Joellivzfx

    New EA Keltner EA Version 3 - Proven Low Risk Monthly 20% EA

    Dear Friends in Soehoe, I am back again with yet another release from me, Now this time, its 100% profitable and making a monthly returns of 20% minimum with low risk. I am posting the EA in this for you and just follow the instructions. Use it for your accounts and Enjoy ! you will not be...
  11. Joellivzfx

    Suggestion Heiken and Keltner Based EA - Backtesters

    Dear fellow traders, I am happy again to meet you all through my new release of my Heiken Ashi based Keltner EA. I have backtested it and it gives good results. But still i want to confirm its performance with your backtesting. I am posting the EA here for your use. Please test it and post...
  12. A

    ANG Capital Signals (70 000 pips a week)

    HI Guys This is where we will be posting 1 or 2 signals a day with results to our premium channel on telegram. These signals have a very high accuracy rate and we are making good pips in our premium channel. Please feel free to join and have a look at what we are producing in the free telegram...
  13. Forexsignal.win

    Suggestion EA with Real Proof. Low Stoploss, High Take Profit.

    Hi, Introducing an EA/ Signal copy , that has low Stoploss ( Lesser than 15 pips ) and takeprofit trailing to as far as it goes. Only Real Proof In Icmarkets, with the same EA. Hence you will also get exactly the same results. You may try In Demo or Live , to see how it works. 1. Please share...