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Search results

  1. Dirk Wuensche


    spreadcheck remove (no more spread to large error message) Magic number must be 13245768 Magicnumber must be identisch with magic
  2. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Official EA Budak Ubat(version 1.36)

  3. Dirk Wuensche

    Suggestion Halftrend EA

    please help me with a problem by this ea is only 2 errors please solve the errors
  4. Dirk Wuensche

    Suggestion Halftrend EA

    can someone help me please please solve the 11 errors in the ea script only gramatik errors please please please
  5. Dirk Wuensche

    Suggestion Halftrend EA

    Hell Guys i have no idea about programming in metatrader 4 editor can some one help me?? i have a good Indicator there give arrows if the market direktion change if the down arrow appears then opnen a sell trade and close the last buy trade if the up arrow appears then open a buy trade and...
  6. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Dashboard - Currency MeterV3

    can you post a new version plz with money managment????
  7. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Dashboard - Currency MeterV3

    This is my review for this thread: very nice
  8. Dirk Wuensche

    Suggestion Dashboard Trading (Basket, Scalping, Correlation, Etc)

    can soneone uploud a setfile? using auto trade
  9. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Dashboard - Currency MeterV3

    here the set file CAN YOU Implent Money Managment?? many Thanks
  10. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Dashboard - Currency MeterV3

    here my test for 5 hours with the second set file with TP and SL
  11. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Dashboard - Currency MeterV3

  12. Dirk Wuensche

    Suggestion EA Theo fx ,, BT modal 100 jadi 2300 usd dalam satu bulan

    great thanks :D TP = 0 SL = 3 pip step = 3 max orders = 999999999 trailing stop = 3 time to wait = 3 lots = 0.01 MM = true risk = 1 pfund/usd and USD/Jpy TF = M1 spread lower as 10 use active trade by attachment using 2 weeks 25/01/2016 to 05/02/2016 starting by 100 close price by 1 629 607.53
  13. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Candle scalper reverse

    no no yen 5 digits needet
  14. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Candle scalper reverse

    update pfund/usd m1 settings step = 0.002 price value set = 10
  15. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Candle scalper reverse

    use active trade witch 0.7 spread https://www.activtrades.de/ works perfektly
  16. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA Candle scalper reverse

    here my newest expert advisor for free download plz test first euro/usd m1 only settings price value set 12 lotsper1000 = 1 (very aggresiv setting 0,5 for lower risk) stop lost 20 candles 3 trailing stop 20 trailing step 2 step 0.0014 can some body post a BT from one year? thanks happy trading
  17. Dirk Wuensche

    New EA RSI Oversold scalper

    it can give some order send error if the sl und trailing stop to low it depeneds on spread from the broker use active trade demo broker witch 0,7 spread zero commission and zero swap or change the setting to 30 stop lost and trailing stop