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Search results

  1. Riza Rohman

    Tutorial Smart DashboardEax Trading System

    Watch Video Smart Dashboardeax Telegram: https://t.me/volclimfxsignals
  2. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion Swing Dashboard

    SWING DASH GRID TRADING SYSTEM. Persiapan: 1. Open #1DashboardEax.tpl 2. Wait signal PIN4 active disertai PTZ (W1/MN) active R/S 3/4. Hal ini sebagai indikasi awal bahwa harga sedang running di area over bought/sold. Pin4 signal: GBPCHF (buy) USDJPY (sell) *Peluang bagus untuk USDJPY...
  3. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion My Best Effort Trading Strategy #3

    Previous post: https://soehoe.id/my-best-effort-trading-startegy.t27670/ Chanell: Breakout & Overclimax https://t.me/volclimfxsignals Wa/telegram: +6282330771497
  4. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion My Best Effort Trading Startegy

    Cara baca signal Dashboard: Dashboard (Breakout).tpl Dashboard (Overclimax).tpl Template.tpl Ketiga tpl tsb diatas harus dibuka semua karena saling berkaitan. 1. Dashboard Breakout. Signal buy/sell akan muncul di PIN 4 2. Dashboard Overclimax. Signal buy/sell akan muncul di PIN 3 Trade set...
  5. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion Strong Trend Indicator

    This new MT4 indicator will help you identify strong trends with the accuracy you can depend on! You can combine it with Chart Button Bar Indicator.
  6. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion Auto-Fibonacci-Retracement.mq4

    The Fibonacci indicator is one that is commonly used by institutional traders and therefore the level of support and resistance created by this indicator is more significant. The Fibonacci indicator consists of retracement and extension. All you need to do is to drag the indicator from the top...
  7. Riza Rohman

    New EA EA for Automatic StopLoss, Take Profit, Profit Lock, and Trailing Stop (With Special Methods). SL an

    AE Created by Rony Nafrianto EA for Automatic StopLoss, Take Profit, Profit Lock, and Trailing Stop (With Special Methods). SL and TP could be hidden. http://superfxtrading.blogspot.com
  8. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion Smart Trading System, No Stress Anymore

    Bisnis Perdagangan Mata Uang (Forex Trading): Adalah bisnis memprediksi harga mata uang akan NAIK/ TURUN dalam jangka waktu tertentu, dan bisa dikatakan sbg binis probabilitas (kemungkinan). Sudah banyak Trader yang sukses dlm bisnis ini (semoga saya termasuk yg akan menyusul kesuksesan tsb)...
  9. Riza Rohman

    New EA Dashboard EAX, is smart and awesome EA

    Link Source: http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=568595
  10. Riza Rohman

    New EA Dashboard Fibo V3- Most Wanted

    **** After file downloaded, rename it: Dashboard Fibo V3
  11. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion Dashboard - Currency MeterV3 and My Trading Scenario

    My Swing And Scalping Trading Strategy 1...2...3 Simple Step without stress anymore... :) Step 1: (swing trading) Daily Trading: Indicator: CCfp 2-Diff_v2.01; Daily Timeframe (1440) Trade Level 2 Every other setting at default values. Trades taken @ anytime from 2/3hours after daily candle...
  12. Riza Rohman

    New EA Dashboard - Currency MeterV3

    Heloo everybody.....Please test, review and then share your experience with this EA. There are 2 Set Option to do with this EA: Manual or Auto Trade. Also you can Change set Time Frame. Thank You...Trimakasih alias matur suwun Setting Parameter (Manual Trade) TF M15: UPDATE 8 April...
  13. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion MT4 Currency Power - I really enjoy it.

    MT4 Currency Power - created by Mr. Karl Ditmann It shows strengths of several currency pairs in anice stylish box on your chart and you can choose to either BUY or SELL. Its very very easy and simple but it actually helped me make a few greatly profitable trades, so I really wanted to share...
  14. Riza Rohman

    New EA EA Auto SL TP

    EA otomatis untuk menempatkan posisi Stop Lost (SL) dan Take Profit (TP) setiap kali anda Open Posisi (OP/Order)) Cukup pasang di satu pair dan EA ini akan bekerja setiap kali anda OP di pair yang lain. Silakan set Fixed SL dan Fixed TP sesuai kebutuhan dan gaya trading anda.
  15. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion EA Simulator. Easy backtesting system with Hot Key on the Keyboard

    video tutorial: Hot key: B=Buy, S=Sell etc...
  16. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion SuperFx_Agimat, is smart system for Scalper and Swinger Trader

    You will love SuperFx_Agimat trading system for scalping and swing trading. Please DO Experiment and gain experience in demo accounts before trading with your own money. Maaf saya belum sempat menulis trading rule, tapi saya yakin anda akan bisa menemukan poin2 untuk acuan OP. Silakan saling...
  17. Riza Rohman

    Suggestion SuperFx Profitable Strategy

    SuperFx Sistem adalah sistem trading yang dirancang untuk SCALPING TRADING Time Frame 1 menit (M1) dan 5 menit (M5). Bagi yg sudah mahir dan berpengalaman, system ini juga cocok untuk style INTRA DAY & SWING TRADING dengan Time Frame yg lebih besar (M30/H1/H4). Tingkat akurasi system ini...