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  1. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    same here with etamin Demo (aggressive) set looks promising, DD still manageable and profit flows on a daily basis
  2. belajartrading


    Demo (aggressive) set looks promising, DD still manageable and profit flows on a daily basis
  3. belajartrading


    3 pairs, UJ, EJ, UCAD
  4. belajartrading

    Benefit EA silahkan coba :-)

    Benefit EA silahkan coba :-)
  5. belajartrading

    Jurnal Trading Wong Ndeso - Multi-Currency Martingale Trading System

    Sudah off sepertinya Gan, kena stroom Little Boy EA hahaha Kalau suka marty mampi kesini gan https://soehoe.com/tempat-kumpul-pencinta-benefit-ea.t4367/page-2
  6. belajartrading


    I share the same set files here also Pak :)
  7. belajartrading


    You needto check adjust the time to follow GMT, you can check myfxbook.com/dailyfx.com to know the difference between your broker tine and GMT, my setting is for GMT+2 or GMT+3 broker, like tickmill, pepperstone, octa, roboforex, forextime, etc. You can see my explanation on our discussion room...
  8. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    Saya pakai time filter pak, jadi sudah ditinggal on saja 24 jam, dia tidak akan op baru diluar jamnya apabila floating sudah clear Pak, kecuali yg msh floating akan diteruskan sampai bersih Maaf juga jadi salah paham sepertinya Pak :)
  9. belajartrading


    Agree ron, that's why I spare a backup fund to be injected just in case market get hairy, for the sake of "peace of mind trading" that's why I always suggest to use 5k for 1 pair with 0.01 as starting lot. Thanks for the rating & review btw RonFroese Long live & prosper to all !!
  10. belajartrading


    Hi Pak wwaluyo As you can see, my demo already flow me with $200++ today only, while the conservative one not even close, and good thing is, the DD still manageable
  11. belajartrading


    Hi Hi Ron, $1k for one pair with starting lot of 0.01 I think should be fine, as I now running 5 pairs in $5k account #just add another pair yesterday :p
  12. belajartrading


    It's in the 6th page RonFroese , you can easily find it in the threadmark also. Thanks
  13. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA
    Threadmarks: Setting by TS

    my setting please note that i'm using multi pair in both demo and real account. ps: aggressive set is in demo and conservative is used in my real account
  14. belajartrading

    Threadmarks: Settingan TS

    my set files, both for 5 digit, conservative & aggressive set. please note that i'm using multi currency in both demo and real.
  15. belajartrading


    one more thing, my demo is using time filter, so the trades is still controllable as you see below, the profit in money is higher than my real, but in percentage is much lower due to differences in initial deposit.
  16. belajartrading


    Because my real account uses 5k depo and my demo using 100k, and use the same starting lot of 0.01, that's why in percentage real seems getting bigger return, but pls bear in mind that I made a mistake in the beginning by setting the 5 digit to FALSE in my real account. Thanks
  17. belajartrading

    Yea, but for rebate I suggest not to leave it auto pilot, have to 50-50 with manual. As for...

    Yea, but for rebate I suggest not to leave it auto pilot, have to 50-50 with manual. As for benefit, I already posted my set files and myfxbook also for monitoring purposes, you can compared yours with mine.
  18. belajartrading


    If you set it to FALSE, the profit will flow everyday and create bigger return, hence the possibility of getting MC when market is trending and you're in an opposite direction is bigger, you need 100k minimum for this to survive in a long rung, if you want to do it with smaller capital, 5k for...
  19. belajartrading

    Its hard for doing that, you have to make a manual intervention on a daily basis, otherwise the...

    Its hard for doing that, you have to make a manual intervention on a daily basis, otherwise the trades would flood your account, sorry RAMA VARDHAN NARALA no recommended set files as per now
  20. belajartrading

    Suggestion Teknik Fibo Musang

    pertamax diamankan dulu, sambil pelajari tekniknya, asyik lagi kl ada yg berkenan buat EA nya, tinggal di BT lanjut FT dan real deh hehehe #ngarep.com