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  1. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    update terakhir sebelum weekend, REAL account
  2. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    maaf saya kurang paham dengan pertanyaannya agan intersleman , tetapi maksud tulisan di atas adalah akan lebih mudah mencari retrace kecil daripada retrace besar, misal target kita BEP+10 pips, akan lebih mudah di capai daripada BEP+80 pips, sehingga kalau TP nya agak jauh, belum kena TP sudah...
  3. belajartrading


    you admire this EA, you worship this EA, so its useless whatever i said you won't listen or put it into consideration, so please, just fixed it and use it for you my friend. if deposit is your issue btw, with $20 you can easily convert it into $2k using cent account, and test any other EA as...
  4. belajartrading


    sukses ya Gan :ok: dicoba dulu 1-2 minggu sebelum ke real Gan, biar nyaman ;)
  5. belajartrading

    Its Friday, DD is always a bit higher on Friday, use appropriate MM for your trade!!

    Its Friday, DD is always a bit higher on Friday, use appropriate MM for your trade!!
  6. belajartrading


    I have met hundred of EAs that only works in BT, but useless in FT, what good of BT if it cannot be applied in real environment?? i'm not saying that "scalper paling joss" is a scam, i just said that i have seen many EAs good in BT but failed in FT, i mean hundreds of them. don't get fooled by...
  7. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    Ini saya closed lagi manual, GU & EG.
  8. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    Here's the examples, I just cut USDCAD BUY positions and leave the SELL position open. The other way is by reducing the TP & TP1 from 80 to 30 for example. This will help making the floating faster to closed.
  9. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    It will last for days or even week, but not more than 2 weeks I think, normalnya max a week it will closed. I already answered as follow: Setting di real pakai yg conservative yg ane dah treadmark in. Holding period memang lama pakai set conservative, ga usah heran agan2, yg penting aman...
  10. belajartrading


    Setting di real pakai yg conservative yg ane dah treadmark in. Holding period memang lama pakai set conservative, ga usah heran agan2, yg penting aman, kena NFP juga aman menurut ane kok. Oiya, tips biar ga kelamaan oting (ane pake bbrp hari terakhir) caranya misal kita punya 8 OP USDJPY, 5 OP...
  11. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    Sama2 Gan, ditunggu cendol eh bintang nya wkwkwkkw
  12. belajartrading


    5 pairs di real & 3 pairs di demo Yg real 5 pairs pake trading time filter, jd lebih kalem, ini DD skrg cuma floating -$3 sajah :)
  13. belajartrading


    silahkan di coba dan gabung diskusinya disini Pak salam sukses!
  14. belajartrading

    Suggestion Tempat Kumpul Pencinta BENEFIT EA

    -- update 21 Apr 2016 - - REAL DEMO
  15. belajartrading


    its growing now.. yuhuuuuuu .. :rock: :rock: :rock: REAL: DEMO: colek agan wwaluyo Allstar D.Ray etamin irruzzz riqi yulian
  16. belajartrading


    Sorry for starting in a wrong way, I have a bad day and my evil side of me taking control for the last few hours. Your statement "not working" the other me read it as garbage (not working = garbage) Your questions, the other me read as repeated questions Let's started all over again, 1. Bad BT...
  17. belajartrading


    Thats why you need to learn and be patience, read again from the first post, i have put my set files and you can find pairs that i traded easily in myfxbook history, no one will give you money for free, do yourself a favor, read-analyze-run BT&FT an analyze whats wrong with your results, then...
  18. belajartrading


    I dont know how you do the BT, but in FT (real & demo), its been working for more than just 2-3 days, and its just fine, you can see my myfxbook stats, the DD is only $20 (real account) for the last few days
  19. belajartrading

    3pair setting agressive 900++ an, tapi kl setting normal paling ga sampe 100an sih Gan, bbrp...

    3pair setting agressive 900++ an, tapi kl setting normal paling ga sampe 100an sih Gan, bbrp hari ini DD di $30an aja sih untuk 4pair saya (normal)