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Profitable systen or indicator?

Discussion in 'How To - Kumpulan Cara' started by Jiri Kasparek, 15 May 2018.

  1. Jiri Kasparek

    Jiri Kasparek Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Is there really a lucrative strategy or indicator?
    Please share your profitable systems. Help me (beginner).
  2. newtrader(1)

    newtrader(1) Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    they say think positive, i say yeah
    but not when talking about math and what i mean by math exactly is trading

    so don't waste ur time on the bullshit, if necessary waste it on the math trading becuz every successful business have a good math, i mean by math everything has 1+1=2 so mm is math risk management is math anything u may take it seriously in this trading game except (hope, depression, drama, signals, news, love, etc..)
  3. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    I think before start trading with real money, you can try on demo account to learn how to manage money in uncertainty market condition, no perfect strategy but you will find with your self along with your experience trading with choosing strategy that make more comfortable in trading
    • Like Like x 1
  4. gaplektempe

    gaplektempe Member Credit Hunter

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    i chose strategy. with right strategy you will ready go to market. but it will take your time for understand it.
    try "Fibo Musang" strategy, its maybe old strategy but my trading imporving sice use this one.
  5. Opit_Ave

    Opit_Ave New Member Credit Hunter

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    I'm agree with newtrader(1), blackking, and gaplektempe. I'm sure they have spent years in trading. What you read here are the menu recipes of others which may not necessarily good for you to taste. Suitable for someone does not guarantee will match for you. You have to cook your own food to know what the shortcomings and the excess of your cooking result. Until one day you will tell yourself that your cuisine is delicious. Beware of fake chefs as well.

    Answering your question: You have to look for it yourself, try it out, combine them, tweak it, until someday you will say: this is my soul mate. And true, it will takes time, not days, not weeks, but....................... (this will not sounds good :heartbreak:) obviously months, or even years. Spend more time to read and learn instead of searching for holy grail.

    Welcome to the trading world.
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  6. GreenWitch

    GreenWitch Member Credit Hunter

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    first manage leverage, last follow strategy
    some part of that is what time you can trade
    you could trade some indicator like ichimoku
    follow the strategy, use leverage and margin.
    watch about EA that are tested on less than 99%
    you should make yourself a strategy!
  7. Campbell

    Campbell New Member

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    Ini pertanyaan sulit yang tidak mudah dijawab. Tidak ada satu strategi perdagangan tunggal yang akan menguntungkan bagi setiap trader. Itu semua tergantung pada keterampilan dan pengetahuan trader. Jadi, saya pikir pendekatan terbaik adalah menguji beberapa teknik di akun demo dan menemukan satu yang paling cocok untuk Anda
  8. Iftah5

    Iftah5 New Member

    Ref Point
    arbitrage and correlation system is the best

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