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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)
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  • Ciao bellissima sono del Forex mi chiamo Salvo contattami whatsapp e parliamo Italia +39 3935120448. Ti aspetto
    Ms. Ros, saat ini EA yang dirimu pakai di real account apa aja ? Gmana hasil forward testnya ? Makasih ya ...
    Can I ask about the "FX Correlation AutoBot EA"?
    How about the floating... it seems it can go high and stay several days/weeks
    Per your experience, will it ever close?

    Feeling Good you are new but have vast of mind i hope you play in forex well. i am from pakistan here is many talented traders.
    Halo mba, saya mau tanya itu lazy arbitrage masih bisa dipakai sampai saat ini? Terima Kasih sharingnya
    . hello. And why don't you want to talk to me?Do you have anything interesting for binary options
    I really liked all the Expert Advisors you posted.Too bad they don't work.I generally work more on binary options.So I wrote to find out . do you have anything interesting on this topic
    I used to have advisors with the same crack and they worked.And when I throw your Expert Advisors in the root folder of MetaTrader 4, an error occurs when the terminal starts. I even reinstalled the Windows system and still didn't help.So I came to the conclusion that metaquotes put protection in the terminal so that people would buy Expert Advisors and not use crack.
    Since as far as I understand the metaquotes have put up a defense against the crack msimg32.dll.I initially thought that it was something wrong with my computer
    Nice to meet you mrs rosalina, i am also in jakarta. Thank for your EA sharing, hope one day you share more EA to us in this forumn
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