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06 Oct 2023
14 Feb 2019
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25 Mar 1977 (Age: 47)


Member, 47

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My manual trading is based on h4 super signal v3 combined with supply and demand indicator and a fib channel for profit zones. 18 Mar 2019

candleman27 was last seen:
06 Oct 2023
    1. Konto24
      I'm also asking the same question :).
      Did you manage to create an EA for the TraderTom strategy?, did "Tanaka" help create the next version of EA_Frankfurt.ex4?
      Answer please :)
    2. traderblods
      Hi Mr Candleman. Just wondering if you finally programmed or got the Advanced School Run EA. I trade it every day manually, so wondering if you could help sharing the EA
      1. Konto24
        I'm also asking the same question :).
        Did you manage to create an EA for the TraderTom strategy?, did "Tanaka" help create the next version of EA_Frankfurt.ex4?
        Answer please :)
        22 Aug 2023
    3. Sonuva
      Hi candleman27,

      Regarding EAsistan, may i know how did you set up the EA, because after i attached to chart and run autotrade, nothing happens. Hope you are able to guide me on this since you are very much experienced. thank you sir.
    4. candleman27
      My manual trading is based on h4 super signal v3 combined with supply and demand indicator and a fib channel for profit zones.
    5. Blessed
      Hi Mr Candleman,

      I saw your many posts on Tanaka-Zaman EA thread...

      Could you post the EA you have talked so much about here. I want to run a demo test on it. Is it Free or is it for sale?
      You talk about how much it could make in an hour or two. Nice. Is it a Martingale EA? Has it ever blown an account? What minimum balance could it be run on, please?
      Thank you for your time. I await the EA and setfile links.
      1. illinci likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. benjamin zamora
        benjamin zamora
        i think i have a better ea i bought from ebay.com which can be also used on 28 forex pair" BTC Millionaire EA" which trades more than easistan also if you are new to forex and the robot has not traded on the top of mt4 go on Tools and go to options and check that auto trade and allow ddl imports i can give you the ea BTC MILLIONAIE EA IF YOU EMAIL ME , [email protected]
        22 Aug 2021
      4. benjamin zamora
        benjamin zamora
        also after you have attached the ea on the expert commonenable alerts allow live trading allow ddl imports allow importof external expert also the face on the top right should be smiling if everthing is now ok
        22 Aug 2021
      5. benjamin zamora
        benjamin zamora
        you an also try using youtube.com on how to use mt4 ea
        22 Aug 2021
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    25 Mar 1977 (Age: 47)
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