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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)
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New EA Dari $100 menjadi $10.000 + (Plus) hanya dalam 1 bulan 1.0.0

System yang paling dahsyat, jelas, terbuka, jujur, hasil nyata dan tanpa tipu-tipu

  1. nani maryati

    nani maryati New Member

    Ref Point
    Tidak mudah memenuhi hasrat dan keinginan semua user di forum ini.Salut semua masih semangat dan semoga soehoe beserta tim di beri kesehatan dan kemudahan dalam merealisasikan program ini.
  2. irruzzz

    irruzzz Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Masih setia menunggu ....
  3. Ihsanul Karim

    Ihsanul Karim New Member

    Ref Point
    Hari ini berkabung, 1 akun MC :cry:
  4. iwan sugiono

    iwan sugiono Member Pioneer

    Ref Point
    tetap setia menunggu
  5. yudilana

    yudilana New Member

    Ref Point
    sabar , kita dibayar karena sabar
  6. hevy

    hevy Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    yang MC akun yang ikut program ini atau atau akun trading pribadi gan?
  7. Asyifaabhy15

    Asyifaabhy15 New Member

    Ref Point
    Masih menunggu keajaiban..
  8. irruzzz

    irruzzz Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    agan ini paling rajin nongkrong di sini...
    Kudoain gan moga nanti terpilih...
    Semoga aku juga :D
  9. Ihsanul Karim

    Ihsanul Karim New Member

    Ref Point

    Akun pribadi bos :ok:
  10. Dadang Haris

    Dadang Haris New Member

    Ref Point
    Bgm kabar Pak SoeHoe dan Team serta para Momod
  11. yudilana

    yudilana New Member

    Ref Point
    bagi yg masih new member hanya bisa menelan ludah:p
  12. hevy

    hevy Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    coba minum air putih boss,,, semoga juga masih bisa... hehehe
  13. mecman

    mecman Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    [QUOTE = "SoeHoe, post: 89 494, member: 1"] Slamat morning,
    I've been in Bekasi, on the working table that I normally use. Trimakasih on the participation of all my friends in the discussion on the project $ 100 to $ 10,000 this:)

    Monday is usually the busiest day for me. Busyness is the most widely usually a new Server Installation for SocialVPS.net and for EA completion and testing orders. At 19:30 pm I usually getting ready to start learning how to make EA webinar on XM. Not to mention other personal activities, including business kecil2an property which will be combined with this project as its Plus, which happens today there is a transaction. Additionally, information that is already titunggu many users, I have to make a detailed explanation associated with the project $ 100 to $ 10,000 next so that participants can immediately depot. Keterangann project for $ 100 to $ 10,000 would I post in this thread, and I will also create a PDF order form can also be downloaded, read and shared more easily. Complete busy dah ...

    Fortunately, yesterday afternoon I've got two new servers to SocialVPS.net and property affairs kecil2an that I have entrusted to another team. So, today I will complete a new first EA order to write a detailed description of the project is $ 100 to $ 10,000. I submit it flashes just to let friends know why I put off if it should delay. Last week there was a sudden affair far 100 times more important than this project, namely my parents were less healthy and had me jenguk. Thank God they're healthy now and I'm able to share time again for this project.

    Keeping in statement that I make will be long enough so I beg your patience yes. I will also discuss with moderator before post in this thread. So that if there are any questions regarding the content of information so it is they who will help to answer. I plan to be the explanation can already posted today. hopefully ...

    I am glad because the majority can be positive about this project. Make those who are suspicious about this project, in my opinion, should make a full review and logic that can be justified, then post in this thread. Do not just post a few sentences on the grounds that less concrete. Our vision and mission remain on the information in the overview section. That is the reason why this project exists. If according to friends there are other solutions in connection with the description overview even then it will be very good. The most important thing is INTENTIONS and PURPOSE. Meanwhile, how can just different, and need not be blamed because it is related to the tastes and abilities.

    Many times I mentioned that I did not know trading. I just nickels and newbie trader. Some System or EA that I consider to be the mainstay of now it only comes from other people my message to the EA, which has been mandated CAN NOT be given to anyone but my own life. One or more of the System / EA that will run for this project. This is my way, and I think it was the best of who I know to fulfill the vision and mission in the overview. If anyone has another idea, then be happy to welcome his input. The important thing is INTENTIONS and PURPOSE in accordance with the description in the overview. That is why we describe in detail how the project is running, what opportunities and risks, and what's in it for us. So that everyone can give an analysis of the way, the intention and purpose of this project. So that participants can understand the risks and opportunities, and more confidently determine its position.

    Therefore, we ask the following comments can be more objective. No longer need to speculate because I'll give you the info details:)

    Good luck ... and Thank you ... [/ QUOTE]

    Honestlty i dont know how you run your buusiness, but its definately not easy to reply to everyone in this forum. I wanted to purchase your vps but later discovered that has similar latency with my current VPS for UK server,so i opted out. How ever i hope we can do business together in future.
  14. Prima Jonathan

    Prima Jonathan New Member

    Ref Point
    Sudah Sedia modal, tinggal nunggu EA-nya aja lagi.
  15. sekar17

    sekar17 New Member

    Ref Point
    siap jadi donatur
  16. Danny0988

    Danny0988 New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    ikut ngantri EA ini ah,,, siap depo dan siap MC. hahahaha
  17. haosixiang

    haosixiang Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I have not found this EA's Download! I used this forum VPS has been two months! But your EA has not been open, then use your EA is to only hire VPS! Very disappointed, disappointed! ! !
  18. zumarul

    zumarul New Member

    Ref Point
    tidak bisa membayangkan jika ini bisa di realisasikan , pasti banyak broker yang geleng geleng kepala, ditunggu aja deh aq ikut ngantri
  19. Faishal Hermawan

    Faishal Hermawan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    nyimak + ikut menunggu
  20. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    You post out off topic. Yes this EA is never...and never shared, and you should know. If you buy VPS you get VPS services, not EA.

    Remember this :
    All of Like EA and Like EA Signals in this forum ,the purposes is what the EA seller or the Signal providers really honest and profitable ?
    Before you buy an EA or signal that certainly paid subscription, this Forum support by SocialVPS trying to help what the user want for Free.
    Forum is never advocate or recommend / warrantly any profitable EA :)
    After a few months you can try it certainly has to decide whether to continue using the EA either request in this forum or buy directly to the seller or paid provider signal

    Last edited: 12 Apr 2016
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