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Suggestion Basket Trading over 300++ pips a week


Credit Hunter
Hello, good day for you all. Well, I'm a fans of basket trading.
Here is my profitable trading strategy.

When you use this strategy, forget all your knowledge about chart, WE TRADE BLIND WITHOUT CHART.

and I introduce to you...


Well the simple rule...

Buy :
conservative trade.

1. All Signal in monthly, weekly, daily, H4, H1 (BTS Long)
2. Currency with diamond that will open from script, All in the green area. (monthly, weekly,Daily, H4, H1)
aggresive trade(daily trade)
3. If all signal don't match, Ignore monthly and weekly. Look for daily, H4, H1 (BTS long) and diamond currency in green area.
4. 4 out of 5 diamond currency in green area (daily, H4, H1) and (optional for best entry) strength column arrow up

Sell :
conservative trade.

1. All Signal in monthly, weekly, daily, H4, H1 (BTS Short)
2. Currency with diamond that will open from script, All in the red area. (monthly, weekly,Daily, H4, H1)
aggresive trade(daily trade)
3. If all signal don't match, Ignore monthly and weekly. Look for daily, H4, H1 (BTS short) and diamond currency in red area.
4. 4 out of 5 diamond currency in red area (daily, H4, H1) and (optional for best entry) strength column arrow

The best time to open position is 30/60 minute after opening H4 your broker time.

Exit trade:
with your MM or if you confident enough when signal turn to opposite direction.

How to trade:
- Copy "FX_T101 5TF.ex4" to your mt4 expert folder
- Copy "droneox.tpl" to your mt4 Template folder
- Copy all in the script folder to your mt4 script folder
- Open market window, right-click -> show all
- Open any chart TF 1H or 4H. right click, apply droneox.tpl.
- Open any chart. attach close5profit and enter your MM.
- For open buy, run TradeBuybasket.mq4, for sell, run TradeSellbasket.mq4
- Enter your lot and magic number
- For manual close your desired pips, run script closeall.mq4

Set your target pips/account growth per week.

Don't be greedy
. Sooner or later it will kill you.

Use MM for all basket(total pips basket) SL 50 TP 150. or with EA you can set it with desired money to lose and desired profit.
1:3 RR.

I use SL 50 TP 150 for daily trade.
with basket trading you can achieve that 150pips or more in a day.
Why MM important for basket trading?

Lets say 3 out of 10 winning trade. 7 out of 10 losing trade.
so 3x150 - 7x50 = 450 - 350 = 100 pips profit.

This is not holy grail but after forward trading with this system, the winning trade about 80%. If you are discipline to follow the rule, money management and your trading psychology is good, this system is for you.

Well, I'm looking for someone to code and make it auto trade and share it for FREE in this forum.

For development:
-Auto Open Trade and Exit Trade
-Basket Trailing Stop with magic number(track the profit with magic number).
with trailing basket we can minimize the lose to breakeven and maximize the profit.

Credit to pemy FF.


May the green pips be with us.


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looks good, i've seen some threads on ff discussing about basket too
would be better using equity sentry, close at profit or mptm :ok:
Hello, good day for you all. Well, I'm a fans of basket trading.
Here is my profitable trading strategy.

When you use this strategy, forget all your knowledge about chart, WE TRADE BLIND WITHOUT CHART.

and I introduce to you...


Well the simple rule...

Buy :
conservative trade.

1. All Signal in monthly, weekly, daily, H4, H1 (BTS Long)
2. Currency with diamond that will open from script, All in the green area. (monthly, weekly,Daily, H4, H1)
aggresive trade(daily trade)
3. If all signal don't match, Ignore monthly and weekly. Look for daily, H4, H1 (BTS long) and diamond currency in green area.
4. 4 out of 5 diamond currency in green area (weekly,daily, H4, H1)

Sell :
conservative trade.

1. All Signal in monthly, weekly, daily, H4, H1 (BTS Short)
2. Currency with diamond that will open from script, All in the red area. (monthly, weekly,Daily, H4, H1)
aggresive trade(daily trade)
3. If all signal don't match, Ignore monthly and weekly. Look for daily, H4, H1 (BTS short) and diamond currency in red area.
4. 4 out of 5 diamond currency in red area (weekly,daily, H4, H1)

Exit trade: when signal turn to opposite or desired profit with MM.

How to trade:
- Copy "FX_T101 5TF.ex4" to expert folder
- Copy "droneox.tpl" to Template folder
- Copy all in the script folder to your mt4 script folder
- Open market window, right-click -> show all
- Open any chart TF 1H or 4H. right click, apply droneox.tpl.
- Open any chart. attach close5profit and enter your MM.
- For open buy, run TradeBuybasket.mq4, for sell, run TradeSellbasket.mq4
- Enter your lot and magic number
- For manual close your desired pips, run script closeall.mq4

Don't be greedy. Sooner or later it will kill you.

Use MM for all basket(total pips basket) SL 50 TP 150. or with EA you can set it with desired money to lose and desired profit.
1:3 RR.

I use SL 50 TP 150 for daily trade.

Why MM important for basket trading?

Lets say 3 out of 10 winning trade. 7 out of 10 losing trade.
so 3x150 - 7x50 = 450 - 350 = 100 pips profit.

This is not holy grail but after forward trading with this system, the winning trade about 80%

Well, I'm looking for someone to code and make it auto trade and share it for FREE in this forum.

For development:
-Auto Open Trade and Exit Trade
-Basket Trailing Stop with magic number(track the profit with magic number).
with trailing basket we can minimize the lose to breakeven and maximize the profit.

Credit to pemy FF.


May the green pips be with us.

Dear sir how can setup mt4 chart ??? pls help me
Ini bakal buka pair apa? apa hanya pair yg di attach charta saja?
ato semua pair yg ke monitor di market watch?

Kalkulasi profitnya, apa semua trade yg open di MT4 bakal ke closed? (jika ada trade yg open bukan oleh EA ini).
looks good, i've seen some threads on ff discussing about basket too
would be better using equity sentry, close at profit or mptm :ok:
thanks happy pippin'
Dear sir how can setup mt4 chart ??? pls help me
well already explain in 1st post
Ini bakal buka pair apa? apa hanya pair yg di attach charta saja?
ato semua pair yg ke monitor di market watch?

Kalkulasi profitnya, apa semua trade yg open di MT4 bakal ke closed? (jika ada trade yg open bukan oleh EA ini).
pair trading GJ EJ NU GU AJ, posisi kita open manual melalui script. untuk close bisa pake EA close5profit.mq4, atau close manual dgn script closeall.mq4. script close all untuk closeall dan EA close5profit untuk close semua posisi trade. kalo mau close basket gj ej nu gu aj modif aja scriptnya gan, close dgn magic number
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Example open basket buy position
nih buat penyemangat. lot kecil saja karena market ga pasti, tadi aggresive trade cuma 3 yg di green area tapi sinyal udah pas. langsung order buy. open 5 posisi skaligus. Today trade on live account and still floating. dan ini broker friendly karena bukan scalping ataupun arbitrage. 107 pips and still counting
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nih buat penyemangat. lot kecil saja karena market ga pasti, tadi aggresive trade cuma 3 yg di green area tapi sinyal udah pas. langsung order buy. open 5 posisi skaligus. Today trade on live account and still floating. dan ini broker friendly karena bukan scalping ataupun arbitrage. 107 pips and still counting

mantep boss droneox terimakasih sudah berbagi semoga selalu profit en berkah
enough for today. nice green pips. click pic for zoom.

close for 381 pips today
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Droneox, could you please explain when is best time to buy or sell?

When show BTS Long, just start buy script?
or Do you enter when total buy is more than total sell??

When best time to stop loss and close all trades??

When best time to stop gain and close all trades with profit?

Droneox, could you please explain when is best time to buy or sell?

When show BTS Long, just start buy script?
or Do you enter when total buy is more than total sell??

When best time to stop loss and close all trades??

When best time to stop gain and close all trades with profit?


read the rule again, its all in the first post. when all meets the condition, either you follow conservative or aggresive rule. open trades.
SL your risk per trade, TP your target pips, its all MM.

Well lets say you have $100 balance in your account, you will use 0.01 lot. you gonna risk 5% per trade, 1:3RR, your SL in $5 or 50 pips, TP 15$ or 150 pips with 0.01.
the key of this basket trading strategy is your MM.

well almost forget. thanks for mention it. updated first post
The best time to open position is 30/60 minute after opening H4.
gan bisa tolong dibantu.. di mt4 saya templatenya kok ga ada pmandangannya begini ya??:think:


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restart mt4, klik kanan market window -> show all, load template.
baik gan.. saya ke tkp. ternyata yg punya rumah belum tidur. :clap:
makasi gan ijin donlotnya telat:D
ternyata memang di mt4 fbs ndak bisa gan saya coba berkali-kali. setelah saya coba di mt4 tickmill langsung nongol..:clap:
berikut penampakannya::


  • template tickmill.jpg
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baik gan.. saya ke tkp. ternyata yg punya rumah belum tidur. :clap:
makasi gan ijin donlotnya telat:D
ternyata memang di mt4 fbs ndak bisa gan saya coba berkali-kali. setelah saya coba di mt4 tickmill langsung nongol..:clap:
berikut penampakannya::
belum pernah coba fbs gan, ane coba tickmill,fort,robo,ic,exness,insta,octa,xm bisa semua gan hehe. oke gan silahkan coba FT untuk dapetin feel trade nya. happy pippin' :D