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Emotions are the worst enemy

Discussion in 'Diskusi Umum' started by Justin009, 04 Nov 2021.

  1. Justin009

    Justin009 New Member

    Ref Point
    Emotions are the worst enemy to traders. And we are emotional being. We have joy, fear and greed. When we make a good profit we become over joyous and when we make loss we become fearful. Sometimes we open a trade out of greed. All these emotions are in our DNA. With careful thinking we can change it. I am trading with Eurotrader where I am following their advanced informational advantages for make myself capable.
  2. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Don't trade when you in emotional pressure, forex trading needs to work in calm minds and accept all consequences in trading, if traders can't accept the loss as part of forex, hence better they stay away from forex trading because they don't agree with term and condition forex trading, emotion indeed as human nature but as a trader needs to control it.
  3. andengireng

    andengireng Member

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    Emosi memang sangat mempengaruhi hasil dari trading kita semua, maka dari itu sebelum Anda masuk ke real account, lebih baik Anda belajar dulu menggunakan demo akun, saya sarankan Anda untuk belajar di FreshForex karena banyak sekali analisa dan pengetahuan tentang trading Forex yang bisa Anda dapatkan secara gratis.
  4. jason james

    jason james New Member

    Ref Point
    So true!! Need to control emotions.
  5. Generalfx

    Generalfx Member

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    Don't think I have heard about eurotrader a bit in Indonesia? Is there any website that I can access to learn about the broker? And most indonesian have no cards, so better be having local depositor to make the broker works in this country.
  6. Generalfx

    Generalfx Member

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    Kami selalu berusaha untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dan kemampuan kami secara rutin dan tekun. Kami juga menjaga pengelolaan dana dan risiko dengan baik agar kegiatan trading lebih baik dan maksimal.
  7. bradley

    bradley New Member

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    emotions always effect the way you trade, even if it doesn't appear that they are. we mainly note when its bad but not so much the good emotions from good trading
  8. Generalfx

    Generalfx Member

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    FreshForex merupakan broker ECN yang memberikan kualitas transaksi yang terjamin dengan penyedia likuiditas yang selalu terupdate, gan. Dengan demikian, kita dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan harga yang diinginkan dengan spread yang lebih kompetitif bahkan ketika kita melakukan scalping sekalipun.
  9. Matius Perbesi

    Matius Perbesi New Member

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    Benar sekali saya setuju bahwa trading dengan emosi adalah musuh terbesar bagi trader. Karna mengandalkan emosi terkadan trader akan melakukan trading tanpa perencanaan yang berakibat mengabaikan money management. Oleh karena itu psikologi trading sangatlah penting. Saya saat ini trading dan mempelajari trading dari broker Headway. Banyak sekali edukasi tentang trading mulai dari basic

  10. Generalfx

    Generalfx Member

    Ref Point
    Belum lagi akses pembayaran trader dari Indonesia sangat terbatas karena tidak semua trader memiliki kartu kredit yang bisa digunakan untuk melakukan deposit. Apakah terdapat metode lain dari broker Headway.
  11. FXOpen Trader

    FXOpen Trader Member

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    If we will be able to control the Emotions in doing our trades then we can learn in a better way and also make more profits on time.
  12. DaveFranco_

    DaveFranco_ New Member

    Ref Point
    Indeed, emotions can significantly impact trading decisions, often leading to impulsive actions driven by joy, fear, or greed. As human beings, these emotions are innate, but with mindful awareness, we can learn to manage them effectively. It's essential to recognize the influence of emotions and develop strategies to mitigate their impact on trading outcomes.

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