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New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

EA yang tahan Trend sepanjang apa pun dan Sideways selama apa pun

  1. zanewood

    zanewood New Member

    Ref Point
    EA Banting friends,

    As per my understanding, 3000 units ( whether cents or dollar etc ) is the 1 pair BASEDEQUITY entry amount. If I use 2 pairs (eg EURUSD & EURGBP ) to apply this EA, I have to increase this amount to 6000 units ( cents/dollar/etc ) & as the INITIAL DEPOSIT entry is set at 7700 unit PER pair, have to increase this also to 15400 unit for 2 pairs (cents/dollar/etc). My question is ; for every PAIR that I open a CHART at MT4 & attached EA Banting to the chart, do I used the 3000 unit & 7700 unit (by default) to a pair OR do I need to change to 6000 unit & 15400 unit to the BOTH pair CHART (eg EURUSD & EURGBP ) that was attached with EA Banting.

    Another question will be : is my DEPOSIT at my FOREX BROKER should be 6000 or 15400 for 2 pairs (eg EURUSD & EURGBP )?

    BONUS DEPOSIT IN PERCENT : this parameter should be set for ZERO if my BROKER does not give me BONUS, right?

    Thank you so much in advance.

    1st photo is the DEFAULT setting.
    2nd photo is the QUESTION I am asking.

    Attached Files:

  2. Y salasa a

    Y salasa a New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    maaf newbie mau tanya, cukup pakai settingan default dan tinggal sesuaikan modal aja ya?
  3. Ancucoc

    Ancucoc New Member

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    All same TF because this EA open next order position by range point.
  4. Malaikax

    Malaikax Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This EA is Very Profitable if you know how to use it.

    Change all "true" to "false" Except Usestartingtime & UseAutoLots set is "true" than you can focus only BasedEquity to change the lot.
    Ex. if u want to use it 2 pair with 6000 with 0.01 lot

    UseAutolots : True
    BasedEquity : 6000
    InitialLots : 0.01
    Slippage : 3
    Max Averaging : 15 ( this depend on how many level order you accept w/ marti)

    with this set means your trade will always running until you stop it because your profit target has reach more than enough for you.

    Remember this. Don't be greedy. Always withdraw your profit everyday don't compound it.

    Hope This Help.
  5. Malaikax

    Malaikax Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Bisa om.
  6. zanewood

    zanewood New Member

    Ref Point
    Thank you for your advice. Some more questions.

    Initial Deposit : no need to change? And my ACTUAL Deposit at Forex Broker MUST be more than "Initial Deposit" ?
    I screenshot for your mentoring.......Tqtq

    Attached Files:

  7. zanewood

    zanewood New Member

    Ref Point
    If just by changing BasedEquity(3000) depending on number of pairs without changing the Initial Deposit(7700), then if I use for 4 pairs, the BasedEquity will be 12000 with Initial Deposit still at 7700? TQ in advance
  8. Malaikax

    Malaikax Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    UseAutolot = False , UseAutolots = true , No need to change initial deposit because you already set UseFilterTarget to false. only change below part.
  9. Savio Abdou

    Savio Abdou New Member

    Ref Point
    This EA doesn't work can someone tell me what to do ?
  10. robo0088

    robo0088 New Member

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    EA trading is easy as I don't have a time for the trading. I just want to buy forexrobotrading EA? I am taking right decision please reply soon.
  11. didik indrawan

    didik indrawan New Member

    Ref Point
    Maaf gan nanya, kalau untuk cent/micro hitunganya gmn ya utk setinganya? contoh misalnya saya pakai 50.000cent, itu yang mesti diganti bagian mana aja ya? kalau hitungan lotnya saya sdh paham dr penjelasn agan di koment2 sblmnya.

    hanya utk setingan lainya yang mana aja perlu dirubah.. makasi sblmnya
  12. Malaikax

    Malaikax Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    what do you mean "doesn't work " ? share your problem here with some picture & maybe we can help.
  13. Malaikax

    Malaikax Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hey man, i hope you have a time for read some discussion here to get yours.
  14. Malaikax

    Malaikax Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Kalo agan pengguna socialvps semua sdh auto set, dan set yg perlu dirubah biasanya kebanyakan di penggunaan start lot awalnya.
    Memang soehoe tidak menjelaskan setting secara keseluruhan tapi dengan forward test maka kita akan paham. yg pnting jangan serakah aja ya gan hehehee...
  15. didik indrawan

    didik indrawan New Member

    Ref Point
    karna saya pakai laptop dirumah sndiri gan hidup 24jam. mumpung ga trpakai dan ada jaringan intrnet yang aktif 24jam jg.. jd ini saya pakai sbg penganti VPS.

    dr rule dan koment bbrp yang sdh saya baca, memang penggunaan modal 3000$ utk 1 pair eurusd cukup pakai set default. hanya saya ksulitan jika seting dengan modal cent yang balancenya akan melebihi angka 3000$ diatas. sprti contohnya 500$ mnjadi 50000$cent.
    apakah yang dirubah hanya lot saja? atau ada yang lainya.. mohon infonya
  16. robo0088

    robo0088 New Member

    Ref Point
    can you please elaborate more about the EA trading and what is the issue you have fact it
  17. robo0088

    robo0088 New Member

    Ref Point
    i need to spend sometimes and set some parameters so that EA will perform for me and dont know which EA is good for the trade so i am going to assign work forexrobotrading who will connect EA for me . what you say? i doing right thing
  18. Akhmad khalimi

    Akhmad khalimi New Member

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    Para Soehoe, adakah yg menggunakan EA TB selama minimal 6bln & tidak MC sampai sekarang ? ....
  19. Frey arias

    Frey arias New Member

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    Adakah yg MC ketika EUR/USD trending jumat kemarin? Ehehe
    Dan adakah yg tau jawaban yg ditanyakan oleh Domenico :D
  20. Y salasa a

    Y salasa a New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    dari kamis sampai jumat, 2 pair EU dan GU aman akun demo saya.

    Start lot 0.01, deposit 6000.

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