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Suggestion FiboActiveBot - good tool with EA possibilities.

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by Andy4Rum, 12 Jul 2019.

  1. Andy4Rum

    Andy4Rum Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    yes, COS means Close on Opposite Signal.
    It means, if you get a BUY order, it will be closed on SELL signal. Sell order comes than.
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  2. Ramze

    Ramze New Member

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    :ладно:Пожалуйста, отправьте последнюю полную версию EA [email protected]
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  3. Sergio Carlos O Silva

    Sergio Carlos O Silva Member Credit Hunter

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    • Like Like x 1
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  4. radiosa

    radiosa Member Credit Hunter

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    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  5. ART33

    ART33 New Member Credit Hunter

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  6. Andy4Rum

    Andy4Rum Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Yep, will send it out today

    Thanks for your interest. If anyone gets new idea - let's try it all.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. ronaldo_rene

    ronaldo_rene New Member Credit Hunter

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    Please can you send me the full version of this EA to [email protected] ?

    Thank you very much in advance!
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  8. Kevmay

    Kevmay Member Credit Hunter

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    thanks Andy but its not a good EA, prove me wrong, its losing in all pairs i now tested 1 month fortunately demo only, Dens stuff in the past for me not good:(
    i bought HK,SWAT and more all no good but he refunded me on SWAT, so he
    is good person
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Andy4Rum

    Andy4Rum Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Kevmay,

    Thanks for your story. Let me give my opinion on this... FAB originally was a tool for 2 trades, that's was main idea - to keep trader as a part of the system.
    Check it, monitor its trading as well as Market conditions.
    If it could be good as clear EA - they would definetly make it that way. I used original version even with the first full auto version. I mean, we asked full auto,
    and now unhappy :) I'm trying to work with a new version, make it very strict in time trading, using COS and so on... it won't be kind of EA - but a bit more
    flexible than original version. If we ask to modify something based on our thoughts, we just need to understand possible dissapointments or be ready to find
    out the best, not just ON/OFF it.

    I use SWAT too, but asked to modify it (add kind of MA filter) and use it only on H1/H4 (with my trend filter to reduce small fluctuations or signals in opposite
    directions to big trends). I'm pretty happy with it, but actually, use it as manual with auto tool (3 trades a week or so). If it could be good as clear EA - they would
    made it as EA and made less complex (I think). So, this is kind of manual system again.

    I tried many strategies (paid for for own ideas) - but come to simple result = there is no tool that work as EA and simply gain Pips. Suddenly. If you have one,
    please share :) That's why I just trying to find RIGHT tools to make it work for me... I think, no one will make unloss EA, but there are many good tools that
    we can use and try to make it work. Don't believe in EAs anymore.

    That's why I like all such kind of things - they are better than clear indicators, but still not EAs. PS: I'm using free RS4EU for M5, quite good as well and also,
    another kind of semi-auto tool. I will share it here too. But I'm sure, we will come to full auto version and another dissapoinment :) I will keep it as original :)

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  10. Andy4Rum

    Andy4Rum Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    yes, sure, done
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Anwar Luqman

    Anwar Luqman Member Credit Hunter

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  12. yogahand

    yogahand Member Credit Hunter

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    bisakah Anda mengirimi saya versi lengkap EA ini ke handita.hand@ gmail.com

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  13. yogahand

    yogahand Member Credit Hunter

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  14. ghasham

    ghasham Member Credit Hunter

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    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. vovabond

    vovabond New Member

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  16. Andy4Rum

    Andy4Rum Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    did you get it? I sent it in the past? Will do in PM than

  17. Dante_s

    Dante_s New Member

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    Привет Энди,

    пожалуйста, отправьте последнюю полную версию FAB EA в [email protected] -
    Спасибо тебе.
    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Oct 2019
  18. Dr. John

    Dr. John Member Credit Hunter

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    indicator Arrow hhh
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  19. iromone

    iromone New Member

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  20. bruno pinto

    bruno pinto New Member Credit Hunter

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