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Suggestion Coder needed to turn amazing Indicator to EA

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by Telac, 07 Feb 2018.

  1. Yoshibomb

    Yoshibomb Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thanks a lot man !!
  2. KWP20

    KWP20 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    Thank you Arby for your work and efforts, much appreciated :)
    A question to the others: in the last few days (including today), practically speaking, since around last thursday, results are really bad. This is of course not the fault of Arby, but the original indicator is giving false signals which are turning into losses. Of course, a few days is literally nothing, but we're also not testing this EA/indy long enough. So what I'm trying to ask from longer members of this forum (members who are using this indicator for a longer period of time, longer before the EA has been built here): is this indicator profitable in the long term? Or the amazing results we've seen until the middle of last week, were basically just based on random luck?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not impatient or something, I'm just trying to search some confirmation, because I'm testing this system for almost two weeks now, and while the initial results were amazing, the last few days ate back all the good profits, big time.
    So anybody has a longer history with this indicator?

    Thanks :)

    lIOVANNIX Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    The indicator is built on moving average which is good for trend. MA doesnt readust to trend change or flat trend in time. While the indicator is very useful as a guide when trading as manual cos you are able to tell if the trend still looks continious or a possible reversal the same can not be said for Robot as it does not have that privilage.
    Unfortunately the market has had its own mind since later last week. Even the trend indicators cant tell us just one trend per day so its now scappers market. Anything longer than 1 hour is a too long time in the current market. I have seen my trade in real account gone from profit to loses only to close them and the market turns again in what should have been my favour. The mistery GBP only seem to follow the Brexit and not what you see on the chart.
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  4. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    But I think too, that only one trade per day is too less if the indi is wrong, so that the EA can correct with other pairs, to reach an equity tp over the basket

    lIOVANNIX Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    The indicator gives one signal per day. The problem was should you close a trade and the signal still exist it takes a second trade so it has to be limited to a single trade per daily candle.
    How ever we can ask for the option to take a ----Martingale Options---- should the first be a lose.

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  6. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    A martingale ? naaa the version 2.3 has opened many pairs contemporaly... and less was loss and many was profit but at the end the basket was profit and he closed all open trades in a istant, that was really good
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  7. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    At me isnt trading :( my next problem is, he count all trades.. from the other EAs too.. eventually he has to concentrate only on his own Magicnumbers... or he will never trade anymore.. now.. 30 hours.. no one trade.. journal is no showing any errors.. and the other EAs are runnig without problems
  8. arby1108

    arby1108 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    problem fixed.

    Now order counter will select orders by Magic Number and Comment, and also Multitrade option added to enable reentries if the order hit TP or SL and the signal is still live.

    any other suggestion?

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  9. Zennor

    Zennor New Member Credit Hunter

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    Awesome work arby.. Many thanks for all your hard work it is very much appreciated...
  10. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    arby you are the "MAESTRO" :D thx
  11. docan

    docan Member Credit Hunter

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    arby1108, if multitrade option is checked, in 2nd OP, why set TP follow the 1st, so profit become Minus?

  12. arby1108

    arby1108 Member Credit Hunter

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    because the indicator give only one signal per day, but if you have any suggestion to set TP just tell me to ajust the EA
  13. docan

    docan Member Credit Hunter

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    If possible, recalculate basketclose to meet profit target again

  14. ZINE10

    ZINE10 New Member

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    the ea works good. thank you arby.
    i have a question : how the ea calculates the lots size for each trade in defaut settings mode ?
  15. Mike Dvd

    Mike Dvd Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi arby1108 - The Ea is quite promising, the only glitch I can find for the moment is:

    When this setting in the photo is set to true, it still trades at any time.

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  16. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    no on e trade was opended today :( what is wrong now with the EA? :(
  17. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    I switched now the whether to use in true.. let see if he trades now :)
  18. arby1108

    arby1108 Member Credit Hunter

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    that setting is work with Local Time, Time of the VPS or the Computer.

    any body else has the same problem?
  19. taha salam

    taha salam Member Credit Hunter

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    Great Work, Arby1108,
    great indicator i used it before long time , i have suggestion for ea to generate the signal only once and open the trade then this signal should be deleted at all for that pair
  20. arby1108

    arby1108 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    if Multitrade option is set false EA will open only one trade by day for each pair.

    thanks for you suggestion.

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