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Suggestion Belajar Bareng BBMA Oma Ally

Discussion in 'Sistem dan Strategi Trading' started by Fajar Armiyanto, 07 Aug 2016.

  1. Mariono

    Mariono New Member

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    Gan boleh share templet nya
  2. Mariono

    Mariono New Member

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  3. mikhaylovich

    mikhaylovich New Member

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    belajar lagi saya gan
  4. larsan

    larsan Member Credit Hunter

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    BBMA Diamond Entry:
    Source: http://wangolds.com/Thread-Contoh-Setup-Diamond-Bbma

    Basically set up this setup when ma5 / 10, ema50, and mid bb are parallel or other intent when ma5 / 10 and

    ema 50 meet in mid bb ......

    Beautiful setup only when there is a minimum of 3 candle rejects in mid bb and our entry is a candle
    fourth ......

    The last conditions for valid setup, ---->
    for setup buy: if sume ma and mid bb parallel, ema 50 should be under mid bb
    for setup sell: if sume ma and mid bb are parallel, ema 50 should be above mid bb

    ** to add diamond confidence, diamond setup occurs when it happens
    extreme ....

    ** setup diamond x guarantees 100% win, just sl for setup diamond bigger tp reward him big
    base on TF ape that you are jumping diamond.example diamond in m30, sl maybe in
    5-10 pips ...

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  5. larsan

    larsan Member Credit Hunter

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    Can you please send me / share here this indicator for pattern entries? Thank you!
  6. larsan

    larsan Member Credit Hunter

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    Stochastic Oscillator Bbma Kredit Masta Oma Ally
    Source: http://wangolds.com/Thread-Stochastic-Oscillator-Bbma-Kredit-Masta-Oma-Ally

    Use two timeframes, eg H4 with H1 and H1 with M15.There are 2 ways, the Stochastic Combination is not a pleasure to use .. just the result of the study of ss Abg Oma always share in his FB.I have tried backtest too, first I focus on overbought and oversold but unpredictable why not follow trend and opponent momentum.Momentum buy but stochastic overbought continue to sell .. sell up again for new high.

    Best way, when the trending sell awaits the setup of extreme follow trend and there's a new overbought crossing we get in coolly and be KAW-KAW, at least low bb. Follow the trend is not a problem that is a problem with the trend because sometimes it is not until the TP target.

    That you have a lot of things to do, you can do it on the chart.Do you have the patience to wait for it to happen.I can guarantee there will be no waiting for the setup and only based on stochastic this past.It's a bit scary for me to share this.But for my early warning, any trade decision is your responsibility not my responsibility or technical responsibilities.

    Quotes from Oma's elder brother,

    "It's really good with us, we just do not understand her."

    A y a t he a t he a t he, you have to think too well .. What is it good?What do I do not understand?Tu to be self esteem .. yes diligent.

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    K a w a s a n red ittu selalu buat BROKER nangi!

    In the equation of Ema50 and Mid BB's position, just call the setup by trend

    1. Position Ema50 and Mid bb (same trend).

    2. H1 has an extreme signal.

    3. Stochastic overbought / oversold.

    H 1 wait for setup only if follow H4, entry when retest on H1 and make sure overbought (80) or oversold (20).

    It's time 1 week 3 or 2 times he has an entry.

    K ala u reentry in H1 during trend H4 ... H1 reentry and during reentry there is overbought or oversold .. please do not waste it.

    K ala u have momentum, SABAR !!!Wait in H1 to wait for the safest reentry.If the entry near EXTREME is more risky.
    If you have MHV and stochastic support for him, you can follow the trend

    J i k a s t o c h a s t i c over + momentum = DANGER !!!

    The best H4 t rend is at first Ema50 cross with Mid Bb.If Ema50 is away very much with Mid BB, please look for another pair.

    Mi d BB above Ema50 = Uptrend and Mid BB under Ema50 = Downtrend.

    *** Most dangerous for BROKER, when Reentry sells on H4, H1 over stochastic + sideways Ema50 out of Top BB, Then sell at will when stochastic confirmation cross.

    T rend for me there are 2 types:

    1. Current (price break mid bb)

    2. Major (mid bb cross ema50)

    The use of s t o c h a s t i c also has 2 types:

    1. Extreme (scalping).

    2. Dear Trend.

    *** Scalping = Depend on crossing alone not overbought or oversold.

    H 1 cross, M15 is waiting for reentry only, there is a reentry for closing the TP only.Typical TP is on line in line Ma5 / 10 in H1.

    D i H 1 trend up, In m15 there is overbought follow trend H1.

    H 4 on top BB but no oversold can take sell because follow trend at least 1 or 2 setup follow trend in 1 week enough-enough for him kaw-kaw.

    S etup Ships, really Kaw!

    P o s i s i Ema50 and Mid BB tu wajib sama atau parari ya.If at H4 Ema50 above Mid BB .. then in H1 it is also obligatory same + stoch overbought or stoch oversold.

    K ala u in H1 and cross go under Mid BB, is invalid.Only valid untutk entry of the usual follow trend.

    H 4 downtrend, H1 just got no setup just like that je and have not momentum yet.So it is considered to follow the trend later.

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  7. Manamoada

    Manamoada Member Credit Hunter

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    Selamat malam para master dan suhu sekalian, berikut saya mau share ringkasan teknik BBMA OMA ALLY beserta Trading Plan yang sudah saya kembangkan dari sejak pertama kali belajar teknik ini, oh ya teknik ini saya padukan dengan sedikit sentuhan price action, teman2 boleh pelajari juga macam2 candle reversal dan teori support resistance untuk membantu analisis, semoga dapat menambah referensi kawan2 semua,

    Salam profit! :):):)

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  8. yoeki.h

    yoeki.h New Member

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    Ikut belajar yah gan, terima kasih ebook nya. Salam Profit.
  9. edi s29

    edi s29 New Member

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    Thanks for share ebook nya Om, lengkap banget. Semoga Profit Selalu.
  10. Manamoada

    Manamoada Member Credit Hunter

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  11. Fajar Armiyanto

    Fajar Armiyanto Active Member Credit Hunter

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    mari kita belajar bareng di sini om.. nanti di lengkapi dengan teknik mudahnya.,,. kelemahannya, memang kita butuh SL untuk mengurangi resiko
    https://t .me/joinchat/C3rmyw_8WLc8K0q6l5Y2Cw
    Last edited by a moderator: 05 Feb 2018
  12. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Kalau ketahanan kuat tanpa stop loss masih mungkin, tapi harus sesuai arah trend major
    kalau modal kecil pake stop loss target juga baiaknya gak terlalu lebar, rata-rata saja
  13. Fajar Armiyanto

    Fajar Armiyanto Active Member Credit Hunter

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    sebenere saya tipikal scalping.. trend nya di m15, m1 untuk entry.. sl kecil.. tp lumayan...
  14. Fajar Armiyanto

    Fajar Armiyanto Active Member Credit Hunter

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    lebih nyaman bila di tf h1 dan m15 arah trend sama
    tp dapat 200-300 point
  15. MzarM

    MzarM Member Credit Hunter

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    Wow! Bisa belajar disini.. Ternyata tekniknya sangat mantap..
  16. MzarM

    MzarM Member Credit Hunter

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    Bagaimana trend hari ini?
  17. ardiantz3

    ardiantz3 New Member

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    Ada group nya kah? Untuk belajar bareng?

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
    Last edited by a moderator: 05 Feb 2018
  18. link4477

    link4477 New Member

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    Ijin download Gan..
  19. ronisu212

    ronisu212 New Member

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    temannya masih aktif trading minta tolong sharing trading nya dong "thanks you"
  20. Dee. Aychan

    Dee. Aychan New Member

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    Ini ada chanel untuk indikatornya bbma oa @BBMAKRAKEN

    Ini groupnya
    https://t. me/joinchat/AAAAAEKjh4gtqq5eYS7RJg
    Last edited by a moderator: 05 Feb 2018

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