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Implemented Syarat & Rule Umum BUY SELL

Discussion in 'Pre Sales Question' started by Agus Mardiyanto, 18 Jul 2016.

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  1. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point

    Selamat datang di SoeHoe.ID

    Saat ini forum memberikan kesempatan dan mediasi kepada user yang ingin membeli,menjual atau menyewakan EA/Indikator dan layanan Signals / PAMM bergaransi.
    Kita ingin semua terbuka jujur dan bertanggung jawab serta berkeadilan. Tidak pihak ada yang di rugikan , pembeli bisa selektif dan cerdas dalam membeli dan penjual bisa jujur apa adanya , bisa di percaya harapan kita semua.Forum akan memfasilitasi dan memverifikasi terlebih dulu sebelumnya demi kenyamanan bersama.

    Ketentuan Umum :

    1.Histori akun Real minimal sudah 4 bulan
    2.Transaksi melalui Rekening Bersama bank lokal , paypal , skrill , neteller
    3.Pembeli atau penjual akan menerima haknya setelah akun berjalan satu bulan dan tiap berapa periode bulan untuk layanan sewa EA , Signals / PAMM
    4.Pembeli akan menerima kembali dananya setelah di kurangi Fee Dana Sosial jika ternyata akun mengalami loss/MC dalam masa garansi
    5.Penjual akan menerima dananya setelah di kurangi total Fee jika akun pembeli profit
    6.Penjual wajib memberikan support dan menjelaskan detail EA dalam threadnya
    7.Pembeli wajib mengikuti saran dan support yang di berikan penjual untuk klaim garansi
    8.Fee Forum untuk saat ini gratis
    9.Fee Dana Sosial 5 %
    10.Aturan ini bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu demi kepentingan bersama dan atas pertimbangan management tanpa pemberitahuan lebih dulu.

    Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut silahkan jangan segan untuk bertanya dan bisa menghubungi Staff Online saat itu dan kami akan berterima kasih sekali atas partisipasinya.



    Welcome to SoeHoe.ID

    Currently the forum provides an opportunity and mediation to users who want to buy, sell or rent EA/Indicators and services Signals / PAMM warranty.
    We want all open honest and responsible and equitable. No hand there are disadvantaged, be selective and smart buyers in the purchase and the seller can honestly what it is, can believe our expectations .Forum will facilitate and verify the previous first for the sake of comfort together.

    General requirements :

    1.Real history account minimum is already 4 months
    2.Transaction through the Joint Account local bank , paypal , skrill , neteller
    3.Buyer or Seller will receive right after your account is running a month and every how many month period for the rental service EA, Signals / PAMM
    4.Buyer will receive the funds after subtract Fee Social Fund if it turns out the account experienced loss/MC within the warranty period
    5.Seller will receive the funds after subtract the total fee if buyer account profit
    6.Seller obliged to provide support and explain the details of the EA in his thread
    7.Buyer obliged to follow the advice and support that is given the seller to claim warranty
    8.Forum fee is Free now
    9.Social Fund fee 5%
    10.This rule can be changed at any time for the common interest and in consideration of management without prior notice.

    If you have further questions please do not hesitate to ask and can contact Staff Online at the time and we will be grateful for your participation.

    Thank You
    Last edited: 18 Jul 2016
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  2. FX. Sutjiharto

    FX. Sutjiharto Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    ini yang ditunggu-tunggu
    • Like Like x 2

    D.KUMARAVEL New Member

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    really good
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