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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Recent content by Liu Xin

  1. L

    Suggestion HFT

    I want to use some HFT EA. But who can tell me which broker support it ? I mean some broker not allowd HFT,envn you can make a good profit,but you can not Withdrawal. Thanks for any reply.
  2. L

    New EA A Powerful Pinbar Reversal Expert Advisor!

    Yep,i also found it. So backtest is not real and correct.
  3. L

    New EA A Powerful Pinbar Reversal Expert Advisor!

    Ok,thanks for sharing. So is it limit for use in demo or real account?
  4. L

    New EA EA CR7EA Similar free to all

    I also want this CR7 EA,want to test it,where can find it? So thanks for any reply.
  5. L

    Suggestion Bitcoin Robot TF M5. Gila Banget!

    Which website need to add in the setting? Log shows werequest error .Error code = 4060
  6. L


    Thank you. Happy New Year !!!!
  7. L

    New EA Aurum AI mt4 V1.2

    In the last trade,it hit SL with the live singal. And need more live singal and test demo account.
  8. L

    New EA CoreX G V1.6 MT4

    So thanks,is it a fix version with unlimit for use ?
  9. L

    New EA CyNera MT4 V4.50

    大佬,美国东部的vps应该可以访问openapi吧?打算试一试 方便加个联系方式么,不打扰其他,只是对ea的讨论。
  10. L

    New EA CyNera MT4 V4.50

    是的,之前真实跑过2.3 后来放弃了 扔demo测试,感觉不太行。 这款的话 最近版本都运行不了 没法测试,大佬跑的如何?感觉不开新闻过滤和AI 一样要止损
  11. L

    New EA CyNera MT4 V4.50

  12. L

    New EA CyNera MT4 V4.50

    感谢大佬回复,那么请问就是因为vps不能打开openai导致这个EA 和新版的AI Gen XII MT4_2.9_fix不能正常运行么? vps只能购买国外的才能用openai然后ea才能运行正常么?
  13. L

    New EA CoreX G MT4_1.5_fix

    The same,last trade is 2024.12.12,then no open trades. Is it normal for running???
  14. L

    New EA CyNera MT4 V4.50

    Shows error like this:
  15. L

    New EA CyNera MT4 V4.50

    So thanks. But why this Ea shows GPT is not available and not open any trades? Can somebody help me?