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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Recent content by Glory

  1. Glory


    Oh sory om sy kurg ngerti, ok nnti sy coba, mksih y
  2. Glory

    New EA EA Breakout.. Looking for best setting..

    I see for today the box size is around 16 pips. The EA didn't put any order simply because 16 is smaller than the required "MinBoxSizeInPips" which you set into 20. BTW your result is realy impressive bro. I'm now planning to use this EA on real account with a starting balance of 100$ only...
  3. Glory

    New EA EA Breakout.. Looking for best setting..

    DST stands for Daily Saving Time. It is the practice of advancing time (1 hour faster) during summer months and adjust them backward in the autumn to standard time. During DST period many brokers adjust forward their market open by one hour ...
  4. Glory

    New EA EA Breakout.. Looking for best setting..

    Hai netprofit have you read this one :) ???
  5. Glory

    New EA EA Breakout.. Looking for best setting..

    I think this EA would be much better if there is a "SessionStartTime" option to adjust what time we start placing orders, I would prefer placing orders at 09:00 (before London Open) based on a box created between 20:00 - 23:59 the previous day. Plus, I prefer the TP factor to be based on pip...
  6. Glory

    New EA EA Breakout.. Looking for best setting..

    Please check, "StartTime" and "EndTime" in this case is the time period in which the box is formed, when the box completed then sellstop placed on its lower line (plus entry factor) and buystop on the upper line, which will be deleted (expired if not triggered) on "SessionEndTime". "LagiDST"...
  7. Glory

    New EA EA Breakout.. Looking for best setting..

    Try to fill in "MM factor" with 0 (zero), and adjust "SessionEndTime" to 15:00 Hope this will help. Good luck.
  8. Glory

    New EA EA Breakout.. Looking for best setting..

    Have you checked the boxsize? No trade if the box is less than MinBoxSize or greater than MaxBoxSize. I didnt see the setting in which we can decide whether or not to place a trade on certain days, so may be the creator has probably figure out that market on Mondays tend to go flat and therefore...
  9. Glory

    We love Lombok

    We love Lombok
  10. Glory

    New EA EA Breakout.. Looking for best setting..

    Breakout and CutSwitch strategy are indeed very powerful in trending market but may wipe out your balance in ranging market condition, so if you trade in real account using this EA I think you'll need to idetify the trend and sideways area in daily basis and take control of the EA. Plus...
  11. Glory

    New EA EA 3 Zigzag

    Spertinya bgus (y)
  12. Glory

    New EA EA Tahan Banting

    Sudh sy PM gan
  13. Glory

    New EA EA Tahan Banting

    dari yg sy tngkap ini EA mirip dgn yg sudh sy pke LIVE.. cara OP dn hasil grafiknya akan mirip, dn ini memng tahan banting juga..
  14. Glory

    Deposit Equity atau Credit melalui Bank Lokal BCA atau Bank Mandiri

    Adakah tempat sy bisa melihat Status dan History transaksi?
  15. Glory

    Cowok Lombok itu gantengnya beda ya.. kayak ada manis-manisnya gitu... :D

    Cowok Lombok itu gantengnya beda ya.. kayak ada manis-manisnya gitu... :D