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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Recent content by dody0857

  1. D

    New EA EA Tahan Banting

    baru mau coba ni... semoga profit konsisten
  2. D

    Suggestion MT5 SCRIPTS

    Can this script run with EA Live, for example setting SL / Buy limit which will then be executed automatically with EA
  3. D

    Suggestion Pirate One EA

    jalan mas. pake SL tinggal seting Tp aja, tp ga tau bia open pake indikator apa,sy cek BB tp tidak jg,mgkn udh tes .bisa bagi info
  4. D

    New EA EA Golden Elephant

    Ini GE versi berapa ?free ya? Atau ada batas exipired nya
  5. D

    New EA LOW DD EA

    what this EA
  6. D

    New EA LOW DD EA

    MR tanaka , do nyou have EA Trend MOnitor for MT5 ?
  7. D

    Suggestion I will code your proven good strategy in to EA

    wow this is good. but slow to open
  8. D

    pak mnuh .share link update EA Gold Elephannya

    pak mnuh .share link update EA Gold Elephannya
  9. D

    Suggestion EA Golden Elephant

    mksh bang. ini bisa utk akun real?
  10. D

    Suggestion I will code your proven good strategy in to EA

    thx tanaka, where can i donat it for this code :)
  11. D

    Suggestion EA Golden Elephant

    masih ada yg jalan dengan golden elepan v8 ?
  12. D

    Suggestion I will code your proven good strategy in to EA

    mr tanaka akiko i like your EA Target Bands. can u send me link download for real trading ?please. i have one ,but mising :worried:
  13. D

    Suggestion EA Golden Elephant

    download link free EA THOMAS ada?
  14. D

    MR TANAKA, I i was download target band, can u give me link indikator for set EA target bands

    MR TANAKA, I i was download target band, can u give me link indikator for set EA target bands