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Recent content by aryo yudhias

  1. A

    Ask indicator king profit

    Is it repaint?
  2. A

    Suggestion Forex Instant Profit System

    do you have mql4 file?
  3. A

    Suggestion Forex Instant Profit System

    Haloo. anyone has this MQ4 file for this indicator?
  4. A

    Suggestion Indicator Oracle Forex

    Thank you for sharing. could u teach us how to use it
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    Suggestion Ea for indicator 99% win

    Could you shared this mql4 for this indi? I wilk shared the ea if I finished it
  6. A

    Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

    Hi anyone can decompile this file into mq4? Thank you. my email is: [email protected]
  7. A

    Suggestion Peak Indicator No Repaint

    anyone have compatible file of this indicator for MT5?
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    Suggestion Peak Indicator No Repaint

    anyone have mq4/mql4 for this indicator?
  9. A

    Suggestion Highly profitable Trading System

    or anyone have this indicator for mt5 version? thank you
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    Suggestion Highly profitable Trading System

    Hallo everyone, anyone have mql4 for this indicator?
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    Suggestion Peak Indicator No Repaint

    Ini basicnya apa ya? Akumulasi atau volum?
  12. A

    Suggestion Trio Orchestra EA: A free - no expiry - little grid rider

    I think based on your previous posting you also get almost 100% from this EA sir
  13. A

    New EA EA Tahan Banting

    Naik 50 pips tanpa open order sama sekali
  14. A

    New EA EA Tahan Banting

    Sepertinya ada masalah di akun saya. Ada bugs di ea ini/masalah vps/dari broker. Saya pakai fbs, kemarin ada range di GU dan eurogbp yg kelewat 50 pips tanpa open order. Di insta tidak ada masalah