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Answered After purchasing VPS my EA not working (Solved)

Discussion in 'SocialVPS.net' started by Mehedi Hasan, 22 Jan 2016.

  1. Mehedi Hasan

    Mehedi Hasan New Member

    Ref Point
    Hi i purchase vps as they say's & download those ea from my personal area but after try to active those ea on my mt4 chart its says u dont have permission, i dont no why ,i put my username & secret code correctly though its occur Thanks
  2. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    Hii... Mehedi Hasan
    For socialVPS client simply download the EA in the client area and put on the chart no need to enter a secret code or forum username . If you still have trouble , please send PM to me. Give me your VPS IP and password. You can change the password later :)
    Last edited: 22 Jan 2016
  3. Mehedi Hasan

    Mehedi Hasan New Member

    Ref Point
    My problem is solved thanks
  4. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    OK Mehedi Hasan :ok:
    Raffus the problem is solved ? For PM me, click on my profile and start a conversation:)
  5. Raffus

    Raffus Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    hello Agus Mardiyanto
    i m still wainting my VPS from socialVPS.net (is still in pending, i already paid yesteraday)

    is it mandatory to use the downloaded from SocialVPS.net inside their VPS or are free to use in other VPS/computer?
    thanks a lot for clarify me
  6. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    CS socialVPS off today. You can make a ticket from client area by number of your Invoice. Our CS Online tomorrow and they will activate it. You pay via paypal or Skrill ?
  7. Raffus

    Raffus Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    15 minutes ago received my credential of my VPS, now is online !
    i put Like ForexStay Light 7.10 into Roboforex mt4 inside socialVPS and now runs.
    So i understand that some robots works only inside the SocialVPS; about that it seems really fast respect other VPS tested months ago, i'm really happy.
    thanks to all peole helped me
    regards from Italy!
  8. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    Good Luck ;)
  9. Old Coffee_Fx

    Old Coffee_Fx Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Gan, saya sudah langganan socialvps. Kemudian saya login lagi, ternyata tidak bisa. Saya udh kirim tiket, tetapi 3 hari belum ada tanggapan. Mohon solusinya.
  10. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    Mas Old Coffee_Fx tolong cek jam OL CS kami,saat mereka off maka ticket akan di follow up pada jam kerja......hari ini sdh online lagi silahkan chatt sebutkan ticket dan IP VPSnya yaa...
  11. Old Coffee_Fx

    Old Coffee_Fx Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thx gan. Udh direply tiketnya.
  12. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    Dear clients , you should check the working hours of CS when they are online and when they break. They are not robots and needed a break because of the work turns from Sunday 10:00 am to 17:00 pm Friday 24 hours chatt Online. We only online people are not robots and will not cheat clients with continuous online status. And for a ticket that you make in a day off work or offline Chatt and then the ticket will be immediately followed up their schedules active again.Thank you :)
  13. bangkong

    bangkong New Member

    Ref Point
    Saat ini saya telah mengunakan
    EA Forex Copier, aka MT4 Copier
    lalu sudah sewa vps 2 di social vps. saya coba hasilnya lancar 1 minngu. Namun saat saya restar vps kok EA nya client copy nya tidak jalan lagi ( di block) katanya harus kontak ke forum soehoe. Saya downloadnya di member area social vps. Terima kasih. Mohon solusinya
  14. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    Sudah coba EA update terbaru blm mas bangkong klu masih ada problem jika berkenan PM saya VPS nya
  15. bangkong

    bangkong New Member

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    OK sudah lancar lagi update terbaru... sip
  16. cmhoahongxanh

    cmhoahongxanh Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I have the same problem... My EA always gives notices that " contact with soehoe.com less than 7 days" :( it not works >.<! as the attached file
  17. alessandromagno

    alessandromagno Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi all. In order to get free acces on EAs, which vps plan should i buy?? Any?

  18. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    You buy a VPS will get the VPS service, not EA. Currently EA active in the client area www.socialvps.net are EA Copier and EA Pip Hunter. Please if you want to order the VPS on the working hours of our staff. Today 17:00 PM is holiday ,will be back again Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Read the instructions and all exist post on thread before running EA in live account.

    All of Like EA and Like EA Signals in this forum ,the purposes is what the EA seller or the Signal providers really honest and profitable ?
    Before you buy an EA or signal that certainly paid subscription, this Forum support by SocialVPS trying to help what the user want for Free.
    Forum is never advocate or recommend / warrantly any profitable EA :)
    After a few months you can try it certainly has to decide whether to continue using the EA either request in this forum or buy directly to the seller or paid provider signal

  19. alessandromagno

    alessandromagno Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thank you for your reply and for you suggestions...What i've understood (difficult for me reading indo language...:sweating:) is if i buy VPS i get also free access to the 4 EAs on socialvip, as you stated here:

    Am i wrong?

    P.S. this forum is amazing compared to others! Best functions and functionalities ever!!
  20. Agus Mardiyanto

    Agus Mardiyanto Moderator Moderator

    Ref Point
    Yes you are not wrong friend...,welcome and thanks for joining here :)
    There are two EA that can be tried, you read in this thread or other any EA in this forum

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