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New EA HitmanV2 - Based on Arrow Signal

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by resa2410, 28 Sep 2015.

  1. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Ane TFM1 gan.. Klo 1 pair kayaknya lebih baik TF M5...
  2. maniakfx

    maniakfx New Member

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    oke gan ,
    ow ya tanya lagi ni , di penambahan EA ni kan ada fitur follow trend...
    jd ketika di TF H1 buy maka M5 buy tp jika
    di TF H1 ternyata berubah trend dari buy ke sell
    apa OP yg di M5 semula buy akan di close kemudian berganti OP sell meski minus
    atau OP sell masih bertahan sampai floating minus bisa menjadi pluss???
  3. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Saat ini di tahan sampe plus... Soalnya klo pindah, biasanya dia retrace dulu beberapa pips, yg cukup tuk OP.. Klo mau sih, bisa aja ditambahi cutwhenreverse, tapi khan sayang klo ternyata dia berbalik lagi..
  4. Nugraha

    Nugraha Member Credit Hunter

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    Oh ya, berhubungan dengan high news trade ane mau sharing teknik aja deh meskipun aga OOT.
    Kalo ane biasanya pake hedging floating profit buat news beberapa jam sebelum news. Ane bakal set OP buy dibawah OP sell biar tetep ke floating profti.
    ntar ya tergantung firstwave yang membawa OP mana yang TP mana yang SL.

    Kalo kalender forexnya sih biasanya di forexfactory.com ama dailyfx.com..

    setuju gan, soalnya makin bolak2 balik gerakannya makin bagus..
  5. Nyak Banda

    Nyak Banda Member Credit Hunter

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    Hwahaha.. bisa aja nih Masta Resa, EA ini murni strateginya masta Resa, Ane SANGAT bersyukur bisa kenal beliau dan masta Darwin. Semoga HITMAN terus berjaya.. Amin.
    Last edited: 03 Nov 2015
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  6. yurez83

    yurez83 New Member

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    Hello, resa2410. I would like to say a few words about the new version 2.2. It's great that now there is a filter of higher timeframe. After tests on long trends drawdown hardly observed. Good work!
    There are several proposals to improve adviser. After watching his work on the reversal of the trend turns out that the transaction is opened against a series is not locked, even if you have already received a signal from a higher timeframe to turn. Because of this falls into the drawdown (deposit or discharge) in large movements.
    1. I think that added to the settings item to close all unprofitable trades to achieve n% of the loss of the deposit. Then you can protect yourself in the event of the trend without kickbacks.
    2. If possible, add the option in the settings to work in the opposite direction (for a trend reversal) instantly when a signal filter timeframe. And hedge current loss and fully disclose the castle, only under the conditions of occurrence of signal in the higher timeframe we needed direction.

    If you want to Show screenshot schemes of work - I'll post.
    Thank you for the work done - you're the best!

    Here I give an example on the screen graphically. Advisor knows that the trend turned around and working on the basis of the filter H1 buys. Once on H1 receives a signal to sell - Advisor puts the castle all buy orders and at the same time on the M5 starts at shortstop. As soon as he entered the buy signal on H1 Advisor opens the lock and trying to close hung in buy orders. + If the signal is changed again - then again lock.
    Perhaps to make the adviser urovenb drawdown in which the lock is activated as a% of the deposit.
    Everyone understands that the martingale very dangerous in itself, and can be displayed in a negative transaction. +

    Attached Files:

  7. maniakfx

    maniakfx New Member

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    gan resa2410 saya lihat dari Ft saya ketika TF H1 berubah arah misal awalnya buy trus berubah ke sell...
    maka di TF M5 yg awalnya juga buy berubah ke sell tapi kalau M5 masih posisi buy floating minus ketika ada sinyal buy lg d M5 dia akan Op buy lg tidak menhiraukan trend Sell d TF H1 ..

    Apa benar kya gitu ya gan???
    Last edited: 04 Nov 2015
  8. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    For #1 : You means adding "cut loss when reverse" when "profit minus $ : x" when signal reverse at higher TF? It can be added..
    For #2 : If trend on higher TF change, OP at lower TF will be changed too.. and for OP that before trend change, still do OP with martingale until profit reached.. If you want to close it, it can be done automatically after that "cut loss when reverse" option added. If you want that new OP to become hedge for OP before trend change, its already at setting "HedgingTargetMode : trus/false" and "HedgingPips: xx"..

    Then I should waiting for members donation to pay programmer to add "CutLossWhenReverse", because I'm not programmer... :D

    Betul gan, si BUY akan tetap OP sampe tercapai TP ( walau trend menunjukkan SELL). Klo usulan menambahkan opsi "CutLossWhenReverse" sdh ada di atas..

    Jadi selanjutnya tinggal menunggu donasi untuk menambahkan :
    1. News Filter
    2. Cut Loss When Reverse

    Last edited: 04 Nov 2015
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  9. Trancexe

    Trancexe Active Member Credit Hunter

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    Wkwk jadi ea berjamaah deh..
    ane mau tanya.. reach money ama reach money hedging itu fungsinya apa ya?
    kmrn ga sempet merhatiin. hari ini ane set reachmoney 0.01 sedangkan profit dah 0.38 tpi ga ada apa2
  10. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    ReachMoney itu minimum opit jika panah berlawanan muncul..
    Klo ReachMoneyHedging itu minimum opit jika terjadi hedging..
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  11. maniakfx

    maniakfx New Member

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    Wah temen2 yang sudah ngerasain profit di EA ini kasih lah donasi Developnya ni biar makin powerfull..
    ane sih sebenarnya ingin donasi jika saja profit DEMO bisa di WD :think:..
    maklum saya belum punya modal utk real.. :speechless:
  12. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Tenang aja gan.. Agan2 disini pasti donasi klo opit.. Kita khan care satu same laen sebagai sesama member SoeHoe Forum.. :makeup:

    Wah, klo logic-nya spt itu, gimana nyambunginnnya ama OP yg sdh terbuka gan? :think:

    Amien gan.. Moga semuanya bisa opit, jadi bisa donasi tuk bikin EA ini lebih baik.. :rofl:

    Btw, pengumuman... Akun demo ane tewas.. Di hajar di XAU... jadi jgn bermain di pair itu krn trending-nya puanjang buanget, modal 10k balance ga kuat nahan (bukaan sampe 10.24 lot dari starting lot 0.01), jadi akun ane "bablas angine".... :rofl:

    Bukaan lot paling besar sampe kemaren sblm MC (dgn Multiply : 2) :
    XAU : 10.24 lot (trending berlanjut dan membuat MC)
    GBPJPY : 10.24 lot (tapi terus retrace dan opit)
    USDCHF : 10.24 lot (tapi terus retrace dan opit)
    EURGBP : 10.24 lot (tapi terus retrace dan opit)
    EURJPY : 5.12 lot
    NZDUSD : 2.16 lot
    USDJPY : 1.28 lot
    EURUSD : 1.28 lot
    GBPUSD : 1.28 lot
    AUDUSD : 1.28 lot

    Semoga jadi gambaran buat agan2 dalam memilih pair.. :D
    Last edited: 04 Nov 2015
  13. Ruhartonorudi

    Ruhartonorudi Member Credit Hunter

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    Ini harus dimatikan ya kalo ada news
  14. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Tergantung kebijakan masing2 gan... Klo ane di cent akun sih 24/5.. Agan Darwin dan agan Rizarma di demo akun juga 24/5... Tapi klo agan Nyak Banda (di account standard) dimatikan saat menjelang news.. Bisa agan lihat di threadmarks.. Tapi mungkin lebih aman klo menjelang news EA-nya dimatikan..
    Last edited: 04 Nov 2015
  15. Darwin

    Darwin Active Member Credit Hunter

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    Takutnya sih dah OP di atas level 6-7 dan ternyata berlawanan dengan trend panjang yang alhasil menyebabkan almarhum..hehe,

    So, kalo akun standard bagusan di jaga Drawdown nya..safety nomer 1. :D

    saran sih pake lot increment aja utk akun standard. dan trading pas sblum news. semoga membantu yah :)
  16. Ruhartonorudi

    Ruhartonorudi Member Credit Hunter

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    Masih susah menerima logikanya ... maklum loading nya lama, kalo acuan tranding nya di samakan misalnya f15 dan di chart juga f15 ... apakah akan terjadi lebih buruk
  17. Darwin

    Darwin Active Member Credit Hunter

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    Thanks gan sudah dikasih tahu gambarannya.. :D
  18. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    tdk apa2 jg begitu gan, jadinya spt Hitmanv2.1, yaitu ada panah di TF tempat EA dipasang, dia langsung OP... Tujuannya dikasih TF besar sbg acuan, agar tdk OP bila berlawanan dgn trend, sehingga bisa lebih hemat dalam hal balance... Misal klo trend-nya Buy, agan OP sell, tentunya perlu balance banyak tuk nahan flosting.. Walau memang kadang tdk seperti itu, yaitu saat trend terlambat terdeteksi... :D

    Sama2 gan.. moga bermanfaat.. :D
  19. Trancexe

    Trancexe Active Member Credit Hunter

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    nyak banda keren di fxjunction 2 akunnya masuk top 10 of the week.
    *pake ea ini ga ya

    ane blm bisa pake ea ini. soalnya pair EU udah di gerus ama ea lain wkwkw.
    minggu depan mungkin ane buat akun 1 khusus ni EA. penasaran klo di gas pol. modal 1000 cents aja dlu deh.
    :D :D :D

    klo oke bisa di naikkan perlahan.. klo sesuai report gan reza EU cuma kisaran lot 1.28 harusnya bisa nahan balance segitu
  20. Darwin

    Darwin Active Member Credit Hunter

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    Gold mgkn tipe EA follow trend gan..pake timeframe yang lebih gede kali mungkin...barusan tidak membawa malapetakan

    Utk sementara trading dengan 1000$ cent / standard, max sih 1.28lot dengan TF M1 , Pair EU yang ane alamin ya.
    Kalo bisa agan nyobanya di broker ECN supaya lebih joss...soalnya lebih cepat gonta ganti posisi...hehehe

    Tapi bisa dicoba kreasi yang laen..mana tahu lebih joss gan. hehe

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