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Suggestion Sinyal v1.78: Straightforward Tool for Sending Trading Information from your MetaTrader to Telegram

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by noestradamoes, 21 Jul 2023.

  1. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Sinyal: Straightforward Tool for Sending Trading Information from your MetaTrader to Telegram

    Sinyal is a practical and efficient tool that aids in directly sending trading information from your MetaTrader to a Telegram channel or group. This data can be utilized for monitoring personal transactions, advancing your copytrade ventures, or as a signal provider on Telegram. Sinyal notably streamlines the progression of relaying trade specifics from MetaTrader to Telegram. This tool is designed with versatility in mind. Sinyal is designed with an attractive yet informative interface, simplifying your experiences in tracking and understanding your trading transactions.


    What makes Sinyal different?
    • Sinyal is beautiful. We make sure trade information that your telegram group/channel receives is as easy to read and beautiful as we can. It’s very attractive, your group/channel member can notice which pair and open direction even without opening their telegram application.
    • Sinyal is simple. Almost all telegram notification tools out there are complicated. Sure our tools are not as complete as them but why make this world complicated right? You don't even need to know your group/channel ID which sometimes makes it painful to know this. Just put your group/channel name, that's it.
    • Sinyal is free. And always free.


    Sinyal adalah alat yang praktis dan efisien untuk mengirim informasi transaksi trading dari MetaTrader Anda ke saluran atau grup Telegram. Dengan alat ini, Anda dapat mengirimkan data penting ini untuk monitoring transaksi trading pribadi, kebutuhan bisnis copytrade, atau beroperasi sebagai penyedia sinyal Telegram. Sinyal memudahkan pengiriman informasi perdagangan dari MetaTrader ke Telegram. Alat ini dirancang dengan fleksibilitas, menjawab berbagai kebutuhan. Sinyal didesain dengan tampilan yang menarik dan atraktif, menyederhanakan pengalaman Anda dalam melacak dan memahami transaksi perdagangan Anda.

    Apa yang membuat Sinyal berbeda?
    • Sinyal itu indah. Sinyal menampilkan informasi perdagangan yang diterima grup/kanal telegram dengan cantik dan mudah untuk dibaca. Ini tentunya sangat menarik, anggota grup/kanal Anda dapat melihat pair mana dan arah posisi open position anda bahkan tanpa membuka aplikasi telegram mereka.
    • Sinyal itu sederhana. Hampir semua alat notifikasi telegram di luar sana itu rumit. Tentu saja alat kami tidak sekomplit mereka tetapi kenapa harus membuat dunia ini menjadi rumit kan? Anda bahkan tidak perlu mengetahui ID grup/kanal Anda yang kadang-kadang membuat ini menyakitkan untuk diketahui. Cukup masukkan nama grup / kanal Anda, itu saja.
    • Sinyal itu gratis. Dan selalu gratis.

    How To
    Create a Telegram bot by messaging @botfather, then follow the steps provided to secure your Token. Create a public Telegram group or channel. Add the newly created bot into this group or channel. Install Sinyal on MetaTrader4. Don't forget to Allow Webrequest to URL https://api.telegram.org from File > Tools > Experts Advisors.



    • Signal Name: The name displayed every time the signal sends information to Telegram
    • Channel/Group Name: The public group name you own
    • Token: Bot token obtained from botfather
    • Open Position: Send information to Telegram whenever you perform a transaction
    • Close Position: Send profit/loss result of your trading transaction
    • Pending Order: Send pending order information to your group/channel
    • Push Notification: Send information to your MT4 mobile
    • Messages: The message displayed each time information is sent to the channel/group

    Note: This tools is free and for Metatrader 4 only. Some Sinyal users share their trading signal at https://t.me/tradervalas . You can check that telegram group to see this live demo as how its work.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 21 Jul 2023
  2. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Informasi tambahan, biar Sinyal bisa ngirim notif ke Topic tertentu di grup Telegram, di bagian Channel/Group Name tinggal tambahin sintaks ini &message_thread_id=nomor Contoh: @gruptelegram&message_thread_id=21316. Nomor ID topic bisa diliat dengan cara klik di nama topic diatas telegram, nanti keliatan nomornya disitu.
  3. Adhiebae

    Adhiebae Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    Thread Yg Menarik
  4. ahmed007

    ahmed007 New Member

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    This is my review
  5. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Update: Sinyal v1.79
    Sinyal is a practical and efficient tool that aids in directly sending trading information from your MetaTrader to a Telegram channel or group. This data can be utilized for monitoring personal transactions, advancing your copytrade ventures, or as a signal provider on Telegram. Sinyal notably streamlines the progression of relaying trade specifics from MetaTrader to Telegram. Sinyal adalah alat untuk mengirim informasi trading dari Metatrader ke Telegram. Cocok untuk monitoring transaksi pribadi, grup sinyal, copytrade, dan lainnya.

    What's New?
    ☑ Currency Symbol now realtime same as market

    Contoh (profit sesuai mata uang yg kita gunakan untuk trading otomatis):

    Untuk contoh lain bisa diliat di grup telegram https://t.me/tradervalas

    Attached Files:

  6. Jian Sun

    Jian Sun New Member

    Ref Point
    ga berfungsi ya di windows server 2019
  7. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Berfungsi kang.
    Pastikan aja di allow dll nya sama webrequestnya di masukkan https://api.telegram.org
  8. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Update: Sinyal v1.80
    Sinyal is a practical and efficient tool that aids in directly sending trading information from your MetaTrader to a Telegram channel or group. This data can be utilized for monitoring personal transactions, advancing your copytrade ventures, or as a signal provider on Telegram. Sinyal notably streamlines the progression of relaying trade specifics from MetaTrader to Telegram. Sinyal adalah alat untuk mengirim informasi trading dari Metatrader ke Telegram. Cocok untuk monitoring transaksi pribadi, grup sinyal, copytrade, dan lainnya.

    What's New?
    ☑ New Dashboard
    ☑ Daily Report

    Contoh (Ini adalah tampilan fitur terbaru dari Sinyal v.180. Daily Report):

    Untuk contoh lain bisa diliat di grup telegram https://t.me/tradervalas

    Attached Files:

  9. feliipeesc

    feliipeesc Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Daily Report dont work
  10. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Daily Report is sent to Telegram at 11:59 PM VPS time (local time). The report will not be sent if there are no transactions for that day. In some cases, the report may not be received if the Telegram server is experiencing high load or lagging that day. It will typically be delivered normally the next day.

    Anyway feel free to ask or discuss troubleshooting steps in real-time within our Telegram group: @robotvalas (https://t.me/robotvalas). I'm happy to assist you there.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. bobbythomas

    bobbythomas Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Interesting tool. Thanks for sharing. I will try it.
  12. wahidin01

    wahidin01 New Member

    Ref Point
    makasih banyak mas
  13. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Give it a try and let me know what you think after you use it :ok:
  14. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    masama mas
  15. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Update: Sinyal v1.81
    Sinyal is a practical and efficient tool that facilitates direct transmission of trading information from your MetaTrader platform to a Telegram channel or group. This data can be used for monitoring personal transactions, furthering your copytrading endeavors, or acting as a signal provider on Telegram. Sinyal adalah alat untuk mengirim informasi trading langsung dari MetaTrader ke Telegram. Cocok untuk pantau transaksi pribadi, grup sinyal, copytrade, dan lainnya.

    What's New?
    ☑ A dedicated Close button allows for quick termination of all open trades with a single click.

    Screenshot: Tombol Close berfungsi untuk menutup semua transaksi termasuk pending order secara sekaligus.

    Attached Files:

  16. merger

    merger New Member

    Ref Point
    mohon maaf sya baru disini ini apa ya?
  17. noestradamoes

    noestradamoes New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Tool untuk buat nampilin tradingan kita di Telegram. Cocok buat orang" yg jualan sinyal atau pengen pantau tradingannya lewat telegram.

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