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New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

EA yang tahan Trend sepanjang apa pun dan Sideways selama apa pun

  1. edyaceh

    edyaceh New Member Credit Hunter

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    pak, masih ada ragu mengenai rekomendasi broker lot 1=$1, saya lihat broker saya semuanya lot 1.0=$10, akun standar, jadi apa bener saya harus pindah ke akun cent jadi 300.000 cent?
    kalau tetap pakai yang akun standar dengan lot 0.01 modalnya harus 30.000 ya? setingan masih bisa pakai defaultyang 30.000 dan 300.000? thk
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  2. edyaceh

    edyaceh New Member Credit Hunter

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    thanks pak, pertanyaan saya jadi double di atas diulang karena kemarin kurang lengkap tulisnya dan berasa kurang jelas, saya masih terganjal broker lot 1=$1 nya, kalau yang cent sudah benar $30 = 3000 cent, yang akun standar lot 1=$10 rasanya ngaco,
  3. ymindrags3086

    ymindrags3086 New Member

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    Iya om ga pake SosialVPS krn langganan VPSku msh berjalan hehehe
    Btw, udah bs kok settingan benernnya di broker hijau dan emas-hitam.
    Terima kasih balasannya
  4. Budi Hartono

    Budi Hartono New Member

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    Terima kasih om pencipta EA ini, sangat bermanfaat sekali.
    Semoga om makin maju dan sukses selalu!
  5. sngalih

    sngalih Member Credit Hunter

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    sudah tes di cent merah, lagi tes di cent ijo, mantap ea nya
  6. Pitkh

    Pitkh New Member

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    Waktu di demo byk posisi yg dibuka oleh EA ini sampai level lot 0.09 malah, tapi pas real kok yg dibuka hanya 2 posisi saja alias buy dan sell masing di 0.01 saja. Saya buka di EUR/USD and GBP/CHF. ? Gmana teman2 ? Pya pengalaman yg sama ? ada apa petunjuk ? normal kah ini ? thanks...
  7. smith123

    smith123 New Member

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    I am looking for the help regarding EA trading so I have find out forexrobotrading. Can I take their service. They are reliable if anyone has taken the service contact me.
  8. Macau

    Macau New Member

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    Thank you for the EA.

    I have one question; how to change the parameter of distance between trades (pip step)?
  9. xinguoxia

    xinguoxia Member Credit Hunter

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    Which teacher can help me figure out how to set up my account. The micro account of XM platform, with micro (if you do one hand, it is equal to 0.01 hand of standard account) (not the cent account), and the account fund is 1600 US dollars. I want to start counting 0.8 hands. How should I set it? Thank you!
  10. charlie karyanto

    charlie karyanto New Member

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    guys, anyone use Social VPS ?
    so there were a server update on this last two days, and theTahan BAnting problem occur

    1. the lot size is set to 0.01 for all pair
    2. it has a warning that we should redownload tahan banting from soehoe, which i did, replace and restart the MT4 but itstill occur

    anyone encounter the same problem?
  11. edyaceh

    edyaceh New Member Credit Hunter

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    saya jawab pertanyaan saya sendiri, setelah saya coba real dan pakai socialvps semua sudah terjawab dan jelas, socialvps auto setting jadi ga pusing, tinggal pakai default saja bisa seting otomatis menyesuaikan lot otomatis dengan modal, saya sudah coba 3000 cent = 0.01, 30.000 cent = 0.1, 3.000.000 cent = 10.0, demikian juga akun standar $3000=0.01 dst, saya pakai H1, demikian info dari saya
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  12. edyaceh

    edyaceh New Member Credit Hunter

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    my socialvps normal
  13. Cleilson Barroso

    Cleilson Barroso New Member

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    I would like to take questions!
    I understand that the moment I turn off the auto lot, EA should keep the initial lot according to capital, right? the only thing that would not interfere would be the martingale, which would flow normally. until then. What is generating doubt is that: when I turn off both auto lots, it still continues to increase lots with each restart of the trade. I thought this was strange.
  14. Cleilson Barroso

    Cleilson Barroso New Member

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    what I would like to do is always turn off the autolots and leave it in the initial fixed lot. regardless of the capital value. the martingale would continue to flow normally. the puzzling thing is that by turning off autolots he continues to increase initial batches. Does anybody know how to solve this? Thank you very much in advance.
  15. kcforex

    kcforex New Member

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    Why i buy SocialVPS it show only Indonesia local? Dont have euro or usa,
  16. kekey

    kekey New Member

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    hi soehoe.. sy br menggunakan ea ini brp minggu. sy menggunakan akun cent. lalu start lot pairnya dimulai 0.03. lalu modal makin bertambah start lotnya otomatis naik jd 0.04. pertanyaan sy master. gmn caranya supaya start lot tetap di 0.03 walau modal bertambah? makasi master
  17. Rickyforex8899

    Rickyforex8899 Member Credit Hunter

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    auto lot di matikan
  18. kekey

    kekey New Member

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    makasi master. lalu autolot ada 2. yg mana yg dimatikan? atau keduanya dimatikan?

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  19. zuzaki

    zuzaki New Member

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    apakah ini berhasil?
    di akun saya walau "UseAutoLots" di set "false" starting lot nya tetap berubah-ubah sesuai equity.

    mohon pencerahan..

    terima kasih.
  20. Frey arias

    Frey arias New Member

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    Selamat siang :D
    Mau tanya, adakah yang pake robot ini dari lama? Pas trending di tahun 2018 lalu apakah aman2 saja?

    Sama mau tanya jg, ini penambahan lotnya gimana ya? Kadang deg2an kalau udh masuk level 13 bakal nambah jd berapa lagi wkwk

    Terima kasih :D

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