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Suggestion My Holy Grail After 4 years of trading

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by mohdridzuan, 09 May 2020.


    PHAM NGOC GIAU New Member

    Ref Point
    Give me the settings of the index. Or save the configuration file
  2. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Nice Abduh! continue so :)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Kupiin

    Kupiin New Member Credit Hunter

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    hi M.Abduh. how you get this trade? from my side they are so far from the blue part today.
    mind sharing what make you trade this? thanks :D
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  4. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

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    Yes, it is far from the blue part, I combine the MohRidzuan and BP2000 strategies. MohRidzuan's rules are:
    1. Only OP if the price is in the buy or sell zone (TF 15),
    2. If TF-M15 and TF-H1 are aligned,
    3. Autofibanacci is appropriate
    4. Stochostic Osillator TF-M15 and H1 in the same direction.
    BP2000 does not use ZigzagSignal but adds channel and Wave-Eliot indicators ... and Fibo-Zone settings are also different. When all indicators state the same direction even though the price is not in the tradezone position, I keep the OP with a note: for OP a number of 30 at a relatively similar price. The target time is around 1 hour.

    maybe I violated the provisions of MohRidzuan and BP2000, but this week is good for me

    My English is bad so I use translator :)
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  5. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    we understand you very well.. :)

    thx for your advice
  6. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    But "floating" is eyeing you, hahaha ...
  7. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

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    I'm newbe, and I hate losing my money,
    I'm just trying to understand the MohRidzuan and BP2000 strategies as well as possible, because they are profit.
    I hope all traders here can profit too, Aamiin....

    Thank you, and good luck
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Kupiin

    Kupiin New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    i'm testing on paper trading. right now i'm testing this pair..hope it works
  9. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Nice ... GoodLuck :):):)
  10. Teboho Mohale

    Teboho Mohale Member Credit Hunter

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    first of all I would like to thank Mohd Ridzuan for ALL his good works. It is amazing to find people who are still willing to share in this time of greed and hardships in this world. We truly appreciate your good works Mohd and we cannot thank you enough :clap::clap: !

    the new template shared by Mohd Ridzuan on 5 June 2020 has some problems in it. The template has TOO MANY un-used files in it, so I had to spend the whole day cleaning it up and fixing it so that it ONLY contains the necessary/used files

    i Cleaned it up, Re-organized, Re-named and Re-arranged a LOT of its files meticulously for your convenience. in my re-arrangement of it, NOTHING important in it has been REMOVED or TAMPERED with.

    the RE-Naming process i performed includes EVERYTHING EXACTLY as supplied in the original package. Only the names have been improved to give them CLEAR and CONCISE labels. The candle colors and chart colors have also been optimized for visual appeal and comfort on your eyes. The template has been RIGOROUSLY-tested to ensure that it automatically loads **ALL** of its associated indicators IN FULL as soon as you apply it on the chart

    in addition, i contributed my own 10 different filters that can be used along/together-with Mohd Ridzuan original template (VERY FIRST template), these 10 filter-indicators can be used/applied as Entry Filters on top of the original system, but i did NOT do this in a MESSY/careless way by simply cluttering or mixing up ALL of these MANY filter-indicators onto ONE chart because doing so would now DEFEAT my claim earlier above of Re-organizing and Cleaning-up the template ! Each filter-indicator has its OWN separate template so EACH filter-indicator can be loaded onto the chart as the ONLY filter-indicator to be used along/together-with Mohd Ridzuan original template as an Entry Filter. so all you have to do if you want to see/use/try any of these 10 filter-indicators is that you simply Switch templates ! i believe that this is the most ELEGANT way to handle the complexity in this trading system. my MOST favorite filter-indicators are

    1. Aroon
    2. Binary Code
    3. BAM / Binary+AM Combo
    4. BCMD / BinaryComodo

    strictly in that order !

    but the OTHER ones are POWERFUL too, it is a BIG mistake to think/assume that they useless because I say they are NOT my best or most favorite ones ! Here is the REASON why they are NOT useless, these OTHER non-favorite/non-Best filters, they can detect and reveal confirmations or caution/danger-signs that are NOT visible through my best 4 filters above ! this can SAVE you from a disaster because sometimes you thought that EVERYTHING was perfectly aligned, because you ONLY looked at the chart from a BIASED/one-sided view of your so-called "favorite/Best" filters. for example many people open their trades and they enter TOO EARLY simply because they do NOT know or remember to check for caution/danger-signs AFTER all their confirmations are aligned. when you trade like that (Looking only for alignment of GOOD signs) you may end up going through a MASSIVE draw-down :fubar::rolleyes: before the chart/price finally turns around and it goes in your predicted/expected direction ! many traders are foolish because they ONLY learn how to look for GOOD THINGS (good signs) on the chart, but they FORGET to consider that there might be TWO BAD things that are **hiding** behind THREE GOOD things :nerd::rolleyes:, and this is EXACTLY the invisible BOMB that fools and kills so many traders :mad:. it is ONLY when you look at your NON-favorite (Non-best) indicators that you end up seeing those TWO BAD things that are **hiding** behind THREE GOOD things :cry: and this is the secret that can SAVE your life because it causes you to WAIT a little bit MORE until those TWO BAD things/signs disappear from the chart and then you know that your THREE GOOD things/signs from your favorite/Best indicators are now CLEAR to go since there are No further conflicts still pending on the chart :D

    NB: i did NOT touch the EA by BP2000 as i do Not trust the idea of trading with EAs and Robots ! i see some VERY good results with that EA, but i still believe that there is TOO much room and opportunity for catastrophic errors/failures with EAs and robots, but it is just my PERSONAL opinion. those who still believe in trading with an EA or Robot, you are always FREE to pursue and follow that idea of Robotic trading.

    FINAL NOTE : i know that in Forex AS SOON AS you try to help people by posting or sharing something small, you IMMEDIATELY end up with a Huge number of newbies sending you endless armature questions begging you to teach them how to operate their MT4 terminal and SO MANY other people asking you to teach them how to perform ONE HUNDRED operational things on their MT4 screen :snooze: some people even ask you to show them which BUTTON they must click on the screen to change a setting or where they must click on their computer just to Extract a zip/RAR file :cry: ! And then again other people ask you to show/teach them which button they must press to switch on their computer :snooze::rolleyes:! please friends, do NOT send me Private Messages asking me to give you private ONE-to-ONE Forex or Trading lessons, classes, coaching, computer lessons, or lessons on how to use your own mobile phone or PRIVATE one-to-one mentoring lessons on a secret basis. PLEASE, I am **NOT** here to do that ! if you do NOT know how to perform OPERATIONAL things on your own mobile phone, and you are here looking for lessons on how to use MT4, then you have to first STOP trading and spend some weeks on reading the MT4 manual and watching MT4 videos until you are confident on how to handle OPERATIONAL things on your MT4 terminal. You cannot learn to drive a car for the FIRST time on the DAY that you are **buying** your FIRST car and expect to **drive yourself** HOME in your FIRST car if you NEVER had TIME to practice driving with ANOTHER car EARLIER :(:(:rofl: !!!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 18 Jun 2020
    • Like Like x 8
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  11. Csmas

    Csmas Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Great Insight, I conform with u :):clap:
  12. dinoforexpb

    dinoforexpb Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thank you to Mohdridzuan and BP2000 for the assistance provided.
    bp2000 , thank you for the EA you made. I like it very much. I have something to report to you. I feel there is something that needs to be fixed in the order closing function. The EA cannot close immediately, even though hard TP already exists. please help because this makes us lose the opportunity to get the maximum profit. :)
    I can not coding and only understand a little
    I still use a cent account :wasntme:
    need improve in close function.png
    Last edited: 18 Jun 2020
  13. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Bro ...

    For entry I am using Channel and GWS_Zigpoint indicators and super signal v2b;

    For exit ; 1. Channel to at middle line; 2. GWS_Zigpoint and supersignal sign; 3. EA CloseatProfit 4. And if feel enough profit ...

    Attached Files:

  14. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

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    Attached Files:

  15. username77

    username77 Member Credit Hunter

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    please post the template you are using.

    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  16. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

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    Very Imaging Mr. Ridzuan - BP2000

  17. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

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    I use the template from Mr. MohRidzuan and BP2000, on pages 92 and 93 ...
  18. baaao

    baaao Member Credit Hunter

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    is it manual or ea trading?
  19. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

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    Manual Trading with Holy Grail Strategy by MohRidzuan plus BP2000 and others .... :):):)
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  20. M. Abduh

    M. Abduh Member Credit Hunter

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    This is my review for this thread:
    My opini this thread

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