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New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by wisnu, 28 Jun 2015.

  1. pangestu

    pangestu Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    semoga diberikan kemudahan mas wisnu , dalam segala urusanya ,
  2. wisnu

    wisnu Active Member Credit Hunter

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    tinggal nyari broker yg mak OP nya bnyak kalau gitu, klu main sell n buy
    terima kasih. amin
  3. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Sejauh ini step tertingginya 29 (OP 0.5 lot) tuk yg pip step-nya 1 dgn lot exp. 1.15 gan.. klo dikali 2 aja, berarti 58 OP maksimal.. Biasanya batasan broker itu 100 OP, jd masih aman bgt gan...
  4. deni pras

    deni pras Member Credit Hunter

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    itu filenya ada 2.. satu .ex4.. satunya lagi .set... yang .set fungsinya gmn ya?
  5. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    .set simpen di "preset".. trus di EA-nya, saat setting pijit "Load" terus masukan .set nya gan...
  6. deni pras

    deni pras Member Credit Hunter

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    terima kasih banyak infonya..
  7. sreeram

    sreeram Member Credit Hunter

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  8. sreeram

    sreeram Member Credit Hunter

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    i am using 4 e.a, out of one is my famous correlation e.a., and some adenan type e.a, i just tested with different parameters, some accounts wash out and some working fine, one of the account is giving 99 % profits in 20 days, and the profit/loss in adenan type e.a based only on the specified parameters in which the power of preset there, so somebody continuously telling that adenan type e.a. is not profitable, if you utilize the perfect settings, it will be more profitable, and along with my existing correlation ea we can make real time money
  9. sreeram

    sreeram Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    i am weekly once changing e.a. and parameters, and everything is based on my own preparation with programer help, so whatever profit/loss is upto my level
  10. Marzio Pessoa

    Marzio Pessoa Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    [QUOTE = "resa2410, pós: 39 244, os membros: 2921"] EJ saborosa gan .. muitas vezes refazer .. tp blm tau klo tempestade neh .. klo até o início do próximo mês DD sua tetep abaixo de 20%, ajuste ane try A demonstração foi em uma conta real .. desta vez ane ainda usam Jacksen com definindo a partida monte 0,01, exp muito. 1333, tp 7 pip passo 3 em uma conta real .. KLO que a demo foi a partida monte de 0,01, muito exp. 1:15, tp 7 pip passo 1 .. [/ QUOTE]

    Hello! You can share your set the screen as I did with mine? It is much simpler to understand.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. BrandyFx06

    BrandyFx06 Member

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    Untuk EA ini perlu disupirin atau di lepas 24 jam gan?
    mohon pencerahannya :D

    apa perlu 2 chart? apa hanya 1 chart ya?

    pair yang joss kira-kira apa ya gan?
    EJ EU GU GJ?

    makasih :D
  12. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I use R*boF*rex, Demo Account, with leverage 1:1000, Pair EJ, TF M1, 2 chart (Buy only and Sell only).. If you use leverage 1:100, then your DD will increase 10 times.. :D

    I suggest you find ECN with highest leverage (1:500 if can), then your DD will only increase 2 times.. ;)


    Ane sih pake di pair EJ gan.. biar ga jantungan.. :rofl:
    Yang di atas set masih dlm demo account, tp klo yg ane pake di real :
    EA Jacksen : EJ, TF M1, 2 chart (buy only dan sell only), start lot 0.01, lot exp. 1.333, TP 7, PipStep 3, running 24/5 >> hasilnya 30% - 40% / bulan..
    Nunggu yg demo account lolos uji 1 bln, baru ane pake di real.. :D
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2015
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  13. dezzy

    dezzy Member Credit Hunter

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    salut banget ama agan satu ini,,,terus eksplorasi ya gaaan...hasilnya apdet di jurnal and dsni juga yaaaa...ane nyimak selalu....
  14. Marzio Pessoa

    Marzio Pessoa Member Credit Hunter

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    Good result, but I think very risky to use 24/5, that's why I configured a specific time to work and this reduced the DD lot. In less than a month he held 100% of the balance. For me it was perfect and I expect it to continue always like this, soon I will start with other more risk.
  15. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Hehehe... Makasih gan atas pujiannya... :blush:

    I think EJ will still safe, because always retrace.. Because Japanese govt never let his Yen down or up too much.. ;)
    • Like Like x 2
  16. UD-BERA

    UD-BERA New Member

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    Candle trakhir gmn gan mksdnya ?
  17. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Di FT aja sambil di liatin gan, biar ngerti.. klo dijelasin susah..
  18. UD-BERA

    UD-BERA New Member

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    ok gan,pernah buat ikut an trading contest g gan ini ea ?
  19. resa2410

    resa2410 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    ga akan menang gan.. pemenang trading yg contest itu hasilnya ratusan sampe ribuan persen per bulan... :rofl:
  20. UD-BERA

    UD-BERA New Member

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    :D hehehehehe ijin donlot buat test dl deh

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