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Suggestion BETTER than EA and high accuracy

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by Freddi, 05 Aug 2019.

  1. Freddi

    Freddi New Member

    Ref Point
    Good night all, enough we trade using EA, especially trading using EA martingale, soon it will blow your account.

    I have a very good recommendation, of course for world traders (FOREX , Stocks and Commodities).
    Automatic analysis robot, where the robot is NOT an AUTOMATIC ROBOT TRADING (EA), but this robot will give us VERY VERY good recommendations for us TIME to BUY and SELL, and have some excellent additional analysis.
    To access this robot we only need Cellphone and internet. So you can access the bot via this telegram wherever you are !!

    This automatic analysis system was developed with a very simple chart, even designed so that elementary school children can take action in buying and selling in the market.

    And because this system is very good, this system is NOT FOR SALE
    but it is RENTED via a telegram with a VERY AFFORDABLE PRICE !!!

    if you think this is scam? check our customer https://profitoath.com/customers/
    Start with the desire to try and end with extraordinary profits!
    Have a great day buddy :):)
  2. james jamie

    james jamie Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  3. james jamie

    james jamie Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  4. reboriv

    reboriv Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    As I understand your product is an indicator that we can rent right? Or do you provide signals too?
  5. Freddi

    Freddi New Member

    Ref Point
    yes broh, there is so many people have envy too much . LOL so just ignore haters, if you wont then dont if you want then try, as simple as that hahaha

    Yes, in my automated analyze chart there is provide signal , support and resistance too
  6. zamans98

    zamans98 Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    nothing to envy, just standard tools with cosmetic changes.
    those which, u can get for FREE around here
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Freddi

    Freddi New Member

    Ref Point
    oke then , just looking that free tools around :)
    hope you doing good and get profit with that :) thanks for coming

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