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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by winidecorw, 12 Jan 2018.

  1. vadvid

    vadvid Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Not all gold that shines... be carefull!
    You will be surprised at what Hamster is evoke on your real account
  2. pacpar

    pacpar Member

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    Does trailing activate for all trades including martingale trades? Or just the 1st trade?
  3. puturex

    puturex Member Credit Hunter

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    only the first one
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. puturex

    puturex Member Credit Hunter

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    Ahmad Khan
    Mr. Ahmad Khan do you close all position before the market close ? manually?

    Thank you :h::h::h:
  5. puturex

    puturex Member Credit Hunter

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    hehehehehe btw, Mr. Ahmad Khan how many $$$ you making with this ea?:clap::rock::rock:
  6. rafi delemi

    rafi delemi Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello can someone make EA from this non repainting indicator (Sorry but i dont have the mq4 file).

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  7. BluePanther

    BluePanther Active Member Credit Hunter

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    Nice one CM! Looks like ZMEA has a serious challenger in your EA!
    I like this competition! Who can top these EA now?
  8. candleman27

    candleman27 Member Credit Hunter

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    There were real accounts $5mil on hamster turbo that reached 8000% in 20 wks, why she's not giving up, but they weren't using my set and gbp, EUR blows up more frequently due to less retracement and rsi from m5 vs m30 which do you think is more reliable sample??, my set evaluates rsi over 3hrs, theirs samples only 25min! Which is why it's far better, their tp 6 pips mine is 13.5 we need the capital cushion as high as possible for the impending stop out, but I am working more with stop level bc don't need 150 pip 80 usually works fine

    I found hamster on soehoe with a search and Easistan too I believe, now that was a tough one to get

    Yes 28 pairs live 200 account .02 lot Easistan took to 300 in 6 hrs of London session

    I manually traded 325 to 680 balance in a couple hours and Easistan took over and raised to 2100 48 hrs, TRIPLED my live account std not cent and using .1 lot

    Please show a backtest on zaman January 1 to present from 10$ i wasn't able to realize good profit

    I babysit hamster closely has a close all button for a reason!

    My pc mt4 shows -206 on floaters but either way this is real account I added 400 to pad the dd from my cc..

    I totally agree that 2.5 Trillion dollars is not possible but reaching a large balance as fast as possible with an algorithm before it crashes with a small amount of money is using probabilities to our advantage... The better the backtestet the more likely to reach 20k profit quickly as it can happen so fast! Take the profit quickly! Then switch to a stable 28 pair system for diversity and steady growth

    Keep in mind we don't need 2mil for a multipair setup to return great profit, only 10k will have great returns

    Screenshot_20190316-101603_MetaTrader 4.jpg
    Last edited: 16 Mar 2019
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Aggy Amir

    Aggy Amir Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Mr. tanaka akiko san and Mr. Ahmad Khan ..

    I tried this Martingale EA with demo account Pepperstone standard started $460 in 2x24 hours the result is this. Friday profit in 24 hours running + $135.9 !!!:h::h::h:

    Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at 22.15.21.png

    My setting is very simple I tried this EA 24 hours running VPS, with setting TF 5 minutes, 8 pairs, Pip Step with Fibonacci 5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144, etc (big mover such GU, GJ, XAU (buy only) started from 13), and lot size 0.01 and multiplier 1.5 and 1.6 and acceptable loss and floating!

    The result I think is awesome!!! I will try another demo week, before funding into real account with this EA version.:):)

    Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at 22.32.19.png

    Many thanks for your generosity and developing such great EA!!:ok::ok::ok:
    Last edited: 16 Mar 2019
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  10. candleman27

    candleman27 Member Credit Hunter

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    New set attached, 6% less dd with only .8% decrease in return, almost identical return essentialy

    I only changed the virtual stop on hamster to 600 pts or 60 pips, and decreased the dd to 24%, proving the 150 pip stop is not necessary in this set file, keep in mind the traditional method for hamster is to run it with m5 eurusd, and it typically has 70% dd or more depending on how agressive you set it..

    This is set to .7 autolot and reaches max order in 14 days, insane.. Reaches 100k in 18 days, we KNOW manual trading CAN acheive these results, but algos typically can't BUT, MAYBE this will, I HAVE SPENT HOURS AND DAYS optimizing hamster, I tweaked atr period, rsi period, lot size, tp level, timeframe, etc, manually optimized, my pc somehow can't do this.. Literally hours, and then yesterday, just two little changes, rsi levels because I could tell it was skipping many trades watching it live, and decreased tp a little, and BAM, 3x as many trades and you can see the results.. Probability to double your account is extremely likely, but since it can make 1000 into 5000 highly likely, take profit and start again with 1500 and let it run to double your last total, maybe yes maybe no, but how will we know if we dont try.

    As per Easistan, I restarted my live terminal, and it loaded properly, now the 16th, so it didn't expire yet, we will see... I will still pay the man for his work, as they worked 4 years on their strategy, theyre professional traders from Istanbul, very good traders, his manual trading based on the same indicator the ea uses has proven itself, the man inspired me honestly, everyone says this is impossible etc, THEY are the 97% that give up, meanwhile focused effort proves to prevail for them that have desire and tenacity, as it takes both. They that say it's impossible lose desire, they cannot win because they believe they cannot win, and they lose their fleeting desire, thus they never try and never win.


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    Last edited: 16 Mar 2019
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. Ewiezy

    Ewiezy Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Did you ever share the Hamster EA?.
    did you ever share the hamster EA?. I can’t find it...lol
  12. candleman27

    candleman27 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  13. deadbite

    deadbite Member Credit Hunter

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    do you activate the news filter ?
  14. candleman27

    candleman27 Member Credit Hunter

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    This thread is all about ideas, not one single ea that seems to be dominating the past 50 pages!!! ;) With respect

    These all show the marti strategy has merit, the question of the original post is what indicator???? I have posted a few ea's using rsi atr combo, as well as fib level extremes plotted against a 120 ema, brilliant, both use marti, likely Zaman has the same or similar logic for profit optimization, the question is what INDICATOR, most of them are terrible right??

    I wonder if the super signals wouldn't be a good indicator alone, to use with Zaman logic??? But on H4 generated signals, they are quite reliable combined with maybe a stoch cross or ema cross maybe, as I grew my previous 1700 acct to 3800 in 5 days using super signals on h4 combined with price action confirmation closing candles which takes great patience on h4, before I finally risking too much on the NY close on the beast man that was stupid, but they do repaint a little, which is why we use logic like Zaman to average into the position, because it almost always retraces on a h4 strong buy or sell, can use that combined with price action and maybe have a winning ea better than we've seen so far, higher timeframes rule, likely the reason for the better results of a rsi martingale strategy working better on a pair that retraces all the time, the cable..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. candleman27

    candleman27 Member Credit Hunter

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    Please post backtest Jan 1 to present with a set, I just want to try it out... You seem to be the one feeling threatened, this thread is over 500 pages of ideas, is yours the only one?

    I like your logic, how is that attacking you or making war against your ea?? I want to join in furthering the common knowledge of all participants to enable us to find success, that's all, you as well, I want you to succeed too, you mentioned a $200 account deposit was too much to afford at the moment, that is terrible to know, but I want it to change for you too friend, don't take my posts as threats to your intellect, you are smarter than me, and there are MANY of you that are!

    I am sharing ideas based on existing indicators as the original post requests with verified LIVE account results, (rsi+atr combo, super signal for exit OR entry and exit with ZAMAN logic style for profit attack, custom fib ema channel, etc) and you attack me and say my posts are not worth responding to, I unfortunately think I am wasting my time in this thread ALSO if all my posts are simply attacked by the Zaman and not benefitting others!!! Sometimes thinking outside the box is revisiting old ideas.. New is not always better, like my old jeep is far better than new ones ;)

    Your ea is not the only one, you are brilliant and I hope it brings you success yesterday, but please don't read my intentions as anything but helpful.

    I want to help, it seems you are telling me I can help everyone and myself by not interrupting your Zaman with any other idea, surely you don't feel nobody else can bring ideas?

    We ALL work at this at some degree or level, some far more than others, and its not your effort alone but COLLECTIVE effort that has realized your result, as you said. By telling everyone else not to have ideas and PLEASE don't post backtesting of something other than your EA because I didn't write the EA, you are telling us that we can only use new ideas and there are no old ideas that work, yet they do and have been working live and demo on forward testing, if you kill ideas you kill progress and this thread. I don't think anybody wants that.

    If we ever stop and think we cannot improve we have lost.

    And to any that appreciate the information, the pleasure is mine as only by others help have I made any progress, and that is how it will always be.
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2019
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  16. candleman27

    candleman27 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Here is the report for Zaman same tf used on others Jan 1 to Mar 15
    15% return 43% dd on GBPUSD m5 using 10% risk setting I do realize multipair helps dd sometimes, not always though
    See how mt4 incorrectly plots dd on the backtester, it shows balance line as higher than equity but this is a fault of how mt4 plots martingale graphs and it's widely known as it's deceptive making you think there is no or little drawdown... This plots very similarly to Waddah Attar Win by the way, very cool logic using similar pip step and lot multiple etc..

    • Informative Informative x 2
  17. candleman27

    candleman27 Member Credit Hunter

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    Zaman on EURUSD Jan1 to Mar15, much better dd 11% for 15% return using 40% risk setting and volatility filter
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2019
    • Informative Informative x 2
  18. ahmad zhuhrish sholihin

    ahmad zhuhrish sholihin New Member

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    this is my trade indicator. does anyone want to make ea here?

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  19. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    candleman you need better quality of your data.. 90% isnt enought...

    try to download tickstory lite and to correct the quality... e do the test again... :)
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  20. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Ozren nice results dude...

    eventually you have a set to share :p ... I said it... eventually hehehe we will appreciate it... that is not much but it is a start to reach all the same goal ;)
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