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Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by belajartrading, 04 Apr 2016.

  1. Haris Kurniawan

    Haris Kurniawan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Jd umpamanya qt pake lot0.01 trus multiplier diseting 1.3 itu op berikutnya dikali 1.3 gan? Tp kalo akun micro berarti modal minim harus beneran $5000 ya ga bisa $50 hehehe..
    Maaf gan banyak nanya

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
  2. Haris Kurniawan

    Haris Kurniawan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Oo iya gan,kemarin saya ada coba akun demo fbs pake set conservative tf 15.ko ga ada op ya? Emang agaklama ya opnya gan?

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
  3. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

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    Ganti acc ini mksudnya gmn? Klo aku coba di fbs mau ganti akun baru dgn email baru tp dengan data diri yg sama dgn akun yg lama sllu di reject pas verifikasi, apa mksudnya ganti akun dgn add new akun di akun yg lama? Mksih
  4. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

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    This is my review for this thread:
    Mantaps smoga terus ber inovasi
  5. praveen

    praveen Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi, can we use default settings , or need to update settings, also please guide on investment , how much needs to be deposited

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
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  6. merlin1331

    merlin1331 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    you can see this post, upload_2016-9-18_21-27-9.png translate to english , you can use to test.
  7. praveen

    praveen Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi, can we use default settings , or need to update settings to 1.3 ,USDJPY is preffered pair? also please guide on investment , how much needs to be deposited initially
  8. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Saya coba pke sett ini di akun fbs 5 digit.. Bisa order tp ga ada sett TP nya.. Mohon pencerahan dari suhu2 yg di sini

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  9. Haris Kurniawan

    Haris Kurniawan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Saya jg pake difbs mas, tf 15. Tp ga ada tp sama slnya. Bisa diberikan pencerahan?

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
  10. gladiators

    gladiators Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Barusan dpt pencerah
    barusan dpt pncerahan dari master @belajartradding bahwa jika vtp di sett true mka tepe tidak akan di input di broker tp hnya akan di simpan di logic ea saja mknya tepe tidak terlihat di chart/ kabinet.. Tp saat nanti harga mnyentuh setting tp kita maka otomatis dia akan close order seperti layaknya tepe, ini untuk "menjaga" agar broker tidak mngetahui dmn kita sett tepe kita ..maaf klo salah hehe

    Yg msih jd pertnyaan saya apa fungsi setting TP dan TP1? Baangkali ada yg bisa mnjelaskan
  11. Haris Kurniawan

    Haris Kurniawan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    agan gladiator, uda nyoba berapa hari. 1 hari op berapa kali? saya coba tadi pagi jam 5 sampe sekarang total ada 7 op dan sampe sekarang belum ada yg close. apakah itu normal? posisi sekarang minus $2 mohon pencerahannya. saya pake seting concervative tf 15.
  12. Rosebd

    Rosebd Member

    Ref Point
    I have use this EA in my real a/c Forts flex. but main problem is that if Big news how to maintain EA ? it is martingale EA.their website mention that if your a/c losses 70% then close all lossess.so i think if you deposit $2000 and only 3 pairs then it will run best and most profitable.otherwise your a/c must be blown.it is very DD. Finally I want to say frankly if you use the you first decide your a/c will blown but you can earn some $.
  13. Rosebd

    Rosebd Member

    Ref Point
    sir,I am disagree your comments.I have deposited $400 and only 3 pairs (Euro/jpy,Usd/jpy and Euro/Usd) but my a/c Blown within one month.I have not any change just Default Settings.I want to again Deposit $500 Forts Flex (cent a/c).sir if you kindly send me your set file here I will be highly pleased.Thanks and waiting your kind response.
  14. Rosebd

    Rosebd Member

    Ref Point
    I have Lossess $630 for using Benefit EA by the Default settings and 3 pairs.any traders could you please send me the best set file.I am waiting-----.
  15. supachai

    supachai New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Oh, 3 pairs very dangerous. I have try 1 Pair/Acc (30000 Cent) and i have 2 Acc for now very very profitable.
  16. Rosebd

    Rosebd Member

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    sir would you please send me best set file
  17. supachai

    supachai New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Attached file is my set file, Please BT before go live :)

    Attached Files:

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  18. selvam

    selvam Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Today FT result on VPS, really happy with the results..., thanks for sharing this awesome EA....

    Attached Files:

  19. Rosebd

    Rosebd Member

    Ref Point
    Sir I have test it and result it aswome.I am very glad and Thanks a lot for your set file.Sir would you please inform me which 3 Pairs is the best for your set file and time frame ?? supachai
    Last edited: 21 Sep 2016
  20. ariefryandz

    ariefryandz Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Whats pair sir?

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