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Active Investor Password+Live Statement

Discussion in 'Iklan - Advertising' started by Blackeye, 18 Nov 2023.

  1. Blackeye

    Blackeye New Member

    Ref Point
    List Active Investor Password+Live Statement
  2. Blackeye

    Blackeye New Member

    Ref Point
    Excuse me Admin,
    Permission to share in case someone wants to monitor

    AFSID Pro Global Investment++
    Account Number: 602214
    Broker Server: OFGCap-Pacific
    Login Password: AFS-ID.COM2023

    AF-Gold Hunter Pro+ <Final>
    Account Number: 3018851
    Broker Server: ForexChief-DirectFX
    Login Password: AFS-ID.COM2023

    AF-BIG.Player Pro+
    Account Number: 3025197
    Broker Server: ForexChief-DirectFX
    Login Password: AFS-ID.COM2023

    AF-DR.Scalper Pro+ <Final>
    Account Number: 3025731
    Broker Server: ForexChief-DirectFX
    Login Password: AFS-ID.COM2023

    AFSID FX Hunter Pro
    Account Number: 2135122445
    Broker Server: AximTrade2-Live2
    Login Password: AFS-ID.COM2023
  3. IFX Trader Group Int

    IFX Trader Group Int New Member

    Ref Point
    This is my review for this thread:
    Very Good
  4. alex198555

    alex198555 Member

    Ref Point
    It doesn't work anymore

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