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Trading is risky business

Discussion in 'Diskusi Umum' started by Justin009, 06 Sep 2021.

  1. Justin009

    Justin009 New Member

    Ref Point
    Trading is risky business since anybody would loss be able to immense cash in a couple of moments seconds. This is the motivation behind why cash administration and brain research assume extremely critical part in trading. As it is a risky business that's why there is risk management rules. Every trade needs to follow risk management policy according to his or her trading style. I trade at Eurotrader broker. It is an broker providing forex trading facilities with more than 100 trading instruments.
  2. andengireng

    andengireng Member

    Ref Point
    Selama ini aman aja kok gan... Asalkan kita pilih sesuai dengan selera kita, karena setiap broker pasti punya kelebihan masing masing, dan silahkan dilihat dulu track record broker itu selama ini apakah baik atau kurang baik. Saya dari dulu trading di FreshForex dan saya sangat puas dengan kinerja FreshForex sehingga sampai saat ini saya masih trading di FreshForex, agan harus coba trading di FreshForex. Dan saat ini FreshForex mengadakan acara "FreshForex Birthday Challenge —Sweet 19!" ikuti acaranya!! Pemenang akan mendapatkan hadiah sebesar $30.000 dengan total hadiah sebesar $119.000
  3. FXOpen Trader

    FXOpen Trader Member

    Ref Point
    If we are able to understand the Risks that are present while doing our trades we can make Efforts to minimize them.

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