Hi, I'm sharing this EA, but I haven't been able to test it yet, do your tests
and share the results with us please.
I did forward test for an hour and it lostyes it is not good as shown in backtest video.
You tried on Renko chart or without Renkobig failure
VPS latency to broker = 1.7ms
Win 120 ish dollars, lost 590$, all within 1 hour
the longer it run, the bigger the chance of losing
Good luck trying to get it work
I don't think broDo you have an expiration date?
follow the stepsYou tried on Renko chart or without Renko
For this I asked, because I was surprised by your number of trades, I have since yesterday on EU zero and on GU 1 tradefollow the steps
load Mathtrader7 , u will get M2 offline chart, then get the EA on the offline chart RENKO
i ran on multiple pairs, inclusive index and goldFor this I asked, because I was surprised by your number of trades, I have since yesterday on EU zero and on GU 1 trade
Hi with broker it's ?
I test 1 year ago it's shit ea !! Not profitable ....Hi, I'm sharing this EA, but I haven't been able to test it yet, do your tests
and share the results with us please.