Paxic wanted to scam you and what evidence do you have that this is true? Alif answered you correctly and didn't get the money and you think he was trying to scam you? Listen, I repeat Alif I know him but many years and no one has ever cheated, instead I have seen many "smart" people who are biased and think that all people are scammers...I'm sorry for these people...but Alif don't tell you he cheated, indeed he was kind in telling you and giving you info...
Then one thing, each of us believers or not has his own God, and in no way earthly actions must have a religious implication.
You see, when he makes a mistake, Alif apologizes ... we all make mistakes ... but he was not wrong and yet you continue to judge him ... that's not how it's done ...
He didn't defraud you and in case you don't understand, because what Alif wrote seems clear to me, you judge him assuming the presumption that he wanted...
If we start judging intentions....then we are really biased...
You have paid? No ------------ yet you say to him scammer, only if you had paid you could have said this... but I repeat: the one who didn't understand was you. Carlo
N.b.: then the price can change at the will of the supplier, so if the price was 250 or 350... it shouldn't interest you, it's what he asked you, if it suited you ok, in case he did too sold at a lower price or given away... what's wrong with that? Alif gave you the price he wanted at the time. Does bread always cost the same price? Probably a relative of the baker pays less than you the bread .... so what? You know a price and then say yes or no, but don't judge people without knowing them