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New EA EA PatrolRoboFX "Smooth surf in forex market without Slippage"


Well-Known Member
Credit Hunter
Halo smart trader, Salam profit with low DD,..

PatrolRoboFX AKA EA Breeze 11 adalah Expert advisor berjenis scalper dengan menggunakan Stoploss dan trailling stop untuk mendapatkan profitnya. EA ini akan bekerja dengan baik pada saat terjadi volatilitas harga yang besar, namun terkadang jika terdapat high news didalamnya akan terjadi high slippage juga maka dari itu EA ini dilengkapi news filter agar tetap berselancar dengan aman di market tanpa takut terkena slippage.

Tampilan setting

Apa saja yang baru dari PatrolRoboFX ini?
1. New signal trigger dari moving average.
2. Focus on logical profit with risk = reward.
3. Using news filter untuk menghindari slippage (cukup dengan menghindari high impact news).
4. Penambahan LotsExponent untuk memperbesar win opportunity.

Berhati-hatilah saat melakukan backtest berhubung EA ini menggunakan News Filter sehingga kemungkinan besar akan berbeda dengan hasil dari backtest tersebut dengan kata lain hasil dari Forward test bisa lebih baik atau juga sebaliknya. Hal ini disebabkan news filter tidak akan bekerja saat digunakan dalam backtest.

Karena pada dasarnya EA ini akan open posisi saat terjadi volatilitas besar pada market seperti saat terjadi high news dimana saat terjadi high news akan berdampak juga terjadinya high slippage, akan tetapi dengan memakai news filter maka EA ini akan non aktif saat terjadi high news sehingga secara tidak langsung EA ini telah menghindari Slippage.

Hasil BT dengan modelling quality 99,9% pada pairs eur/usd Reversal Trend dengan setfile.

Hasil BT dengan modelling quality 99,9% pairs gbp/usd Follow Trend dengan setfile

Akan saya ingatkan kembali beberapa syarat menggunakan EA scalper seperti PatrolRoboFX atau EA breeze 11 ini.
Syarat EA Scalper:
1. Broker dengan Spread rendah. Usahakan Spread dibawah 1.5 pip (15 point).
2. Broker dgn zero StopLevel atau setidaknya dibawah 5 point.
3, Broker yang memperbolehkan Scalping tanpa syarat waktu.
4. Broker dengan slippage rendah.
5. Timeframe H1.
6. Gunakan pairs yang memiliki spread rendah misal EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD dll
7. Pasang di VPS dengan ping latency yang kecil (SocialVps sangat direkomendasikan) dan lebih baik dengan RAM yang besar. Jika ingin berlangganan SocialVPS DISINI.

Untuk setfile, saya kira lebih baik dicari sendiri settingan yang sesuai dengan karakter dan strategi trading masing-masing trader.

Cara pemasangan di MT4 agar news filter bekerja

Jangan lupa untuk copy paste link yang tercantum di setting EA ke expert option pada MT4

Copas link tersebut pada MT4 option >> expert advisor,. agar link semua bisa ter copy maka lebih afdol pakai aja Ctrl+A lalu Ctrl+C,.. setelah itu pada MT4 expert option tingggal klik Ctrl+V,. Done.

Jika ada kesulitan dalam copas link datafeednya bisa copas link ini http://ec.forexprostools.com/?colum...ortance=1,2,3&calType=week&timeZone=15&lang=1

Update EA PatrolRoboFX silahkan di download disini
Download PatrolRoboFX
Download EA Breeze 11

Berlangganan VPS di SocialVPS

Source: https://www.hobiheboh.com/2019/07/ea-patrolrobofx-smooth-surf-in-forex.html


HFT need volatility or 00 slippage with very low spread
volatility don't exist anymore, slippage and/or spread is something that will exist forever since everyone from the banks to exchangers to brokers to you want to get those moneya :D sometimes they don't even share the moneya :)
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HFT need volatility or 00 slippage with very low spread
volatility don't exist anymore, slippage and/or spread is something that will exist forever since everyone from the banks to exchangers to brokers to you want to get those moneya :D sometimes they don't even share the moneya :)

greedy world
we can avoid slippage with using news filter,.. today get profit
yea sure
that's why you are selling in here and chasing bucks from newbies while you can make profit by scalping!! :snooze:
sell? i has share it here,.. you talk about slippage, then my EA can avoid it,.. now you talk about scalping,.. and what do you want? hahaha,.. if you not able to using scalping then dont using it,. that simple,..
sell? i has share it here,.. you talk about slippage, then my EA can avoid it,.. now you talk about scalping,.. and what do you want? hahaha,.. if you not able to using scalping then dont using it,. that simple,..
ofc you are selling dude, if not this ea you sell other eas :)
that mean one thing only, that you cannot be profitable by trading! you need food on the table as we all need, that's why we are here and there instead of just calm down and traveling or playing :)

and the slippage that you had in that screenshot is enough to make your profit factor <=1

+ ofc i'm not able to scalp or make any profit trading virtual assets :D that's why i always say fx and here sisters is a scam
ofc you are selling dude, if not this ea you sell other eas :)
that mean one thing only, that you cannot be profitable by trading! you need food on the table as we all need, that's why we are here and there instead of just calm down and traveling or playing :)

and the slippage that you had in that screenshot is enough to make your profit factor <=1

+ ofc i'm not able to scalp or make any profit trading virtual assets :D that's why i always say fx and here sisters is a scam
if you not able to trade, i think you just need to leave it,.. that simple way,.. maybe you is EA seller?? that why you aware if any good EA develop,.. hahaha,..

slippage make every your trade in loss position,. if that is profit, no problem at all,.. that simple things that you never know buddy,.. what a pity,..

and one things is,.. you never develop your own EA,.. that why you attack another EA,.. what a pity,..
and you dont know profit factor <1 is if you in a loss position,.. omg you not understand forex at all,..
ofc you are selling dude, if not this ea you sell other eas :)
that mean one thing only, that you cannot be profitable by trading! you need food on the table as we all need, that's why we are here and there instead of just calm down and traveling or playing :)

and the slippage that you had in that screenshot is enough to make your profit factor <=1

+ ofc i'm not able to scalp or make any profit trading virtual assets :D that's why i always say fx and here sisters is a scam
Yonif is an excellent encoder.
Everything I've tested I liked.
You should have a respect
Mantab nih ea scalping bisa buat kejar rebet, biasanya sehari bisa buka dan close transaksi berkali-kali
juragan memang pandai membuat ea dan ini butuh kinerja otak yang tinggi
Hi bro yonif,
When we set the EA to more than one pairs, is the EA will trade on those pairs simultaneously?
this EA will open order if the signal occur sir,.. so, you can try in more than one pairs,.. i using 3 pairs eur/usd, gbp/usd and DE30