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Profit and loss is part

Discussion in 'Diskusi Umum' started by Justin009, 04 Dec 2021.

  1. Justin009

    Justin009 New Member

    Ref Point
    Profit and loss is part and parcel of a business. Furthermore, in an efficient trading it is more obvious. To figure the P&L of a position, what you require is the position measure and by what number of pips the cost has moved. The veritable advantage or mishap will be tantamount to the position measure extended by the pip progression. I do trade at Eurotrader broker. It is a leading broker with adequate liquidity. It also provides a wide range of services.
  2. Generalfx

    Generalfx Member

    Ref Point
    It is part of a business for both profit and loss as long as we posses better risk reward in our trading system. This one can be learnt on weekly webinars available in FreshForex. Don't miss another one tomorrow.
  3. andengireng

    andengireng Member

    Ref Point
    Halo agan TS, memang sih, kalau masih newbie kadang kita jadi lupa waktu sampe overtrade, profit yang didapat juga bisa berbalik menjadi habis. kalau agan 2 disini masih susah untuk trading profit, coba aja masuk ke website ya FreshForex, mereka menyediakan robot gratis dan juga analisa harian gratis. selama ini saya pakai analisa mereka, ya hasilnya juga memuaskan.
  4. Matius Perbesi

    Matius Perbesi New Member

    Ref Point
    Benar sekali profit dan loss adalah bagian dari trading. Seperti orang berdagang konvensional, ada untung dan juga rugi. Saat ini saya trading gold dan forex di broker Headway. Dengan memanfaatkan edukasi dan juga updet analisa dari Headway, kemungkinan untuk loss bisa saya minimalisir. Berkat Headway juga saya jadi bisa membedakan cara trading tapi tidak gambling
  5. Generalfx

    Generalfx Member

    Ref Point
    Tapi bagusnya broker Headway ini harus tersedia juga di platform mobile metatrader 4 dan 5 gan. Karena trading di aplikasi brokernya sendiri memiliki delay yang lebih lama.
  6. FXOpen Trader

    FXOpen Trader Member

    Ref Point
    We will need to do such kind of trading that is easy for us to understand and which can give us more income from the markets.
  7. makrll2013

    makrll2013 New Member

    Ref Point
    Profit and loss is part and parcel of a business

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