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Suggestion Hierarchy Peak

Discussion in 'Sistem dan Strategi Trading' started by Dede TW, 18 Mar 2017.

  1. Dede TW

    Dede TW Active Member Pioneer

    Ref Point
    Market Hierarchy .
    Pasti sudah banyak yang tau, tapi mungkin ada yang belum tau.

    Untuk meramaikan kembali sub forum ini yang mulai sepi, saya mau coba pakai strategi ini yang "katanya" powerfull khusus untuk yang konsisten menerapkan rule nya.

    Peralatan sudah saya siapkan.
    Timefram H4 supaya lebih santai (plan jangka panjang)
    Rule nya sbb:
    BUY jika garis hijau pada candle cross garis hijau besar dari bawah dan Phil peak berwarna hijau
    SELL jika garis hijau pada candle cross garis hijau besar dari atas dan Phil peak berwarna merah
    CLOSE sesuai selera, silakan dipilih:
    - lihat phil peak, ada pergerakan garis yang berlawanan
    - cross garis hijau pada candle dengan garis kuning
    SL diganti dengan averaging setiap 35 pips.
    Garis Merah dan Biru bagi saya hanya sebagai panduan untuk melihat trend

    Tampilan :

    Kalau ada yang sudah pakai boleh di share pengalamannya .
    Mari kita mulai !

    Attached Files:

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  2. lia786

    lia786 Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    English version
    Market Hierarchy.
    Certainly have a lot to know, but maybe there is not yet know.

    To enliven back this sub forum that start quiet, I want to try to use this strategy that "he" specifically for the powerful who consistently implement its rule.

    Hardware I have prepared.
    Timefram H4 to be more relaxed (long term plan)
    His rule as follows:
    BUY if the green line on the candle cross the green line of the bottom and Phil peak green
    SELL if the green line on the candle cross the green line of the upper and Phil peak red
    CLOSE to taste, please have:
    - See phil peak, there is movement in the opposite line
    - Cross the green line on the candle with yellow line
    SL replaced by averaging every 35 pips.
    Red and Blue lines for me only as a guide to see the trend
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Dede TW

    Dede TW Active Member Pioneer

    Ref Point
    thank you very much sir :ok: ;)
  4. HEnrique

    HEnrique Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  5. Dede TW

    Dede TW Active Member Pioneer

    Ref Point
    benar ini indikator yang sama, karena saya memang mendapatkan indikator ini dari sana.
    tapi saya bukan mau share indikator, silakan dipahami di sub forum mana anda berada dan apa yang sebenarnya saya share.
  6. Dede TW

    Dede TW Active Member Pioneer

    Ref Point

    Menunggu cross untuk membuka OP SELL .

    Ada yang sudah mencoba??
  7. Nurpalah

    Nurpalah New Member

    Ref Point
    Itu indikator ma berapa gam ..makasih

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
  8. tof1q

    tof1q New Member

    Ref Point
    setau saya sma 3,13,20,100,200
  9. Dede TW

    Dede TW Active Member Pioneer

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    sudah dijawab dibawah ini :
    thanks om tof1q sudah bantu jawab
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Nurpalah

    Nurpalah New Member

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    Oh mksh gan

    Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
  11. HEnrique

    HEnrique Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Speak english mate please, i can't understand.. even saying that is not repaint, the indicator repaints a lot. be careful
  12. Dede TW

    Dede TW Active Member Pioneer

    Ref Point
    you can use google translate .
    thank you sir

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