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Suggestion PaGaLeO´s Fibonacci goes PRO System

Discussion in 'Sistem dan Strategi Trading' started by pagaleo, 14 Jan 2020.

  1. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    PaGaLeO´s Fibonacci goes PRO System

    Now it´s time to give you my best manual trading secret to be a Pro Trader.
    It´s a very easy and for me the best manual trading system from the last years.
    It´s for all tmeframes, for scalper, daytrader and longtime trader.

    This System is a Fibonacci System, it´s not recommend to know all about the Fibonacci Sequences
    and Numbers, just follow my rules.
    All you must have is in this template.

    Now it´s time to start as simple we can.
    In Future i will post more screen and why i open the buy or sell orders.

    First Recommend:
    By starting this System or for beginners do not open more than 1 or 2 Trades a day.
    Do not with other Systems. Give it a time from 1 year to be a PRO Trader.
    We all will see your results, screens and let us go pro toghether.
    When you will be a pro trader or a fulltime trader you need time and patience.
    Then success comes by itself.

    Let´s start after install the MT4 indicators and template and restart the terminal and load
    the PaGaLeOs Fibonacci goes PRO System.

    Rules: Open Buy Position

    1. Fibo Trend Power of both higher timeframes are green
    2. watch out price is not near the red Fibo Golden Zone 61.8 - it´s a magic number
    because a maybe reversal will come
    3. Only trade in Fibo Trend direction
    4. open trade after Fibo Scalper Blue Box appears.

    To know: check the line connecting of the last two red and blue boxes.
    Then more near horizontal these are, so stronger the signal can
    follow the trend.

    Also to know: When High Impact News comes, do not make a trade.

    Rules: Open Sell Position

    1. Fibo Trend Power of both higher timeframes are red
    2. watch out price is not near the Fibo Golden Zone 61.8 - it´s a magic number
    because maybe reversal will come.
    3. Only trade in Fibo Trend direction
    4. open trade after Fibo Scalper Red Box appears.

    To know: check the line connecting of the last two red and blue boxes.
    Then more near horizontal these are, so stronger the signal can
    follow the trend.

    Also to know: When High Impact News comes, do not make a trade.

    example 1 buy .png example 2 buy .png example 2 sell .png example 1 buy .png example 2 buy .png example 2 sell .png

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  2. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

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    Actually.... example 3 sell .png
    • Like Like x 1
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  3. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

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    Please post after installation your screens so i can look if all is install correct. See you later this evening. I will go to the burthday from my daughter ;-)
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  4. niwat

    niwat Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    thank you for your sharing
  5. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Jan and welcome. The News calender is really good in this template. Thany for sharing. The MACDScalper Indicator i use for visual and last ok bevor i start a trade. Most important is the fibonacci scalper indicator. It´s really amazing. You will find the elliot + fibo indicator in my first post. It´s also integrated in the template.... You can install him again if you don`t have have it in yours.
  6. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    niwat, you are welcome :)
  7. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    A cool combination of indicator
    Fibonacci use golden ratio, MACD views is a different look, a good indicator
    Very useful to looking divergence
  8. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    ok. yesterday i open a sell position with CADCHF. Entry you will find by the first red vertical line by the second red box in the chart. Till now it made about 45 pip and the candles are walking straight down the big green line on the right side. The Fibonacci Trend and the H1 and H4 power are still red. Also the MACDScalper. What can i do now? First Option. Take the Profit or Second Option - i give him a try to go down till Fibo Level 0.0.
    What i do is to give him a try to reach 0.0. The market is like the waves from the ocean on a beach. Forward and backward. Up and down, again and again till they lost there power. Sometimes fundamental news will give the waves a lot of power or other direction. So let us see tomorrow how the chart will look. Thanks to Jan Spijker for the News Calender. It will show you inside the charts when big news comes. I put it in the Template and also the Elliot + Fibo indicator will be correct interated.You can Download it here. Put the News.Calender indicator in your MT4 Indicator Folder and replace the previous template with the new one. live_14_01_2020.png

    Attached Files:

  9. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello blackking, you`re welcome. Yes, thats a very powerfull combination and a good system. Also easy i think. Everyone can learn it, i hope :)
  10. welkam

    welkam Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello, does the system give signals or need to manually view
  11. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    You can turn on alerts for MACD SCALPER, Fibo Trend and Fibo Scalper. The Fibo Scalper only by email.
  12. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

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    Thanks again Jan, great to the someone with own ideas and tipps. I trade much pairs, also DAX30, Gold etc. ... You also can share your template for all others
  13. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

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    OK, Yesterday i post a screen from CADCHF and what i will do. I wrote that all still is in sell mode, i watch Timeframes higher with 1H and H4 and saw that H4 and D1 and Weekly also still in sell mode. I wrote that i will wait till near 0.00 Fibo Line. I think maybe there will come a pulltback, but it also can go more down when you look in higher timeframes. All Fibo Trends are red for sell. For me it was a perfect trade till now, like much others from my past trades and go out. Remember what i wrote about the waves on a beach. I will close the position now because i have made good win and will look for new good entrys in the marke. Result: about 80 Pips and 550 € Win - live account ;-)
    Last edited: 15 Jan 2020
    • Winner Winner x 2
  14. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

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    OK, here is a little bit practice about the fibonnaci golden zone. The Fibo Golden zone is from 38.2 till 61.8 Fibo Line lLevel. The 61.8 is the highest dangerous Level line. Much pro traders just trade godlen zones because very often the price will get a reversal there. So let us only wach what happend when the price will arrive the 61.8 Level ( red line ) ( also there will come big news in some minutes )
  15. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    When i go in pratice with you, i will do live pictures as fast as i can. some minutes ago the 61.8 level was touched. AUDUSD_GoldenZone_touch_61.8.png
  16. pagaleo

    pagaleo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Maybe you´re right and i think so too. It was good to make the take profit by 0.73700 by the 0.00 Fibo Line on 30M Chart see above. It was exactly the 50% line in 1 H and 4H Chart ;-)
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  17. somazo

    somazo Member Credit Hunter

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    Thanks for sharing
  18. Ohiro

    Ohiro Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thanks for posting this system. This was part of my trading systems some time ago.
    You can replace macd blaster pro with absolute strength histogram because macd blaster pro spams a lot.
  19. Ohiro

    Ohiro Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    It comes with macd blaster pro.
    Alternatively you can trun off the macd scalper alert
  20. Adam2019

    Adam2019 New Member

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    This is my review for this thread:
    I tried this system -- i dont recommend it -- it will get you too late in a trade ---i used it a few months ago ...you will blow your account slowly with it
    • Dislike Dislike x 1

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