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Suggestion Nanya Sinyal Forex Perbayar/Premium, itu bagus gak ? Kalo iya, gimana reviewnya ?

Discussion in 'Belajar Trading' started by atheis4.20, 20 Apr 2019.

  1. atheis4.20

    atheis4.20 New Member

    Ref Point
    Saya trader udah lama, saking lamanya juga banyak yg loss juga. saya nyoba wat ikut sinyal forex yang premium, tapi sebelumnya udah ada yg nyoba pake provider kaya gtu gak ? keberhasilan gimna ?

    kalo emang ada, ada yg recommended gak provider sinyal forex yang terpercaya.

    Terima Kasih, semoga yg jawab win profit terus
  2. Joy denil

    Joy denil Member

    Ref Point
    For making profit easily in Forex market as a trader first of all you have to build a good trading knowledge, work hard and keep good patience. Three things will help you in this platform. Forex trading is a profitable and highly challenging business. Forex4you is the trading broker that I am using by the last three years. In every way they help me in making profit and develop my trading skills.
  3. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Sama sekali belum pernah menggunakan sinyal premium, jadi tidak bisa memberikan informasi pengalaman denganya
    mungkin bisa profit juga ya kalau itu benar-benar penyedia sinyal yang berprestasi, tapi kalau banyak loss artinya penipu
  4. Jhonny Rapid

    Jhonny Rapid Member

    Ref Point
    Utilizing your well-deserved cash-flow to test another trading plan is nearly as risky as trading without an arrangement by any means. Before you begin trading real money, open a forex practice account, and utilize virtual funds to evaluate trading plans, and figure out the trading platform you are utilizing. In spite of the fact that you won't be influenced by your feelings a similar way you will be when trading your own money, this is likewise an opportunity to perceive how you react to exchanges not going your direction and gain from your mix-ups without the risk.
  5. Niguru

    Niguru Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Bagus. Kalau memang dipilih yang bagus.
    Sebagai tolok ukurnya, signal tersebut harus senantiasa menghasilkan PROFIT SETIAP BULAN, tanpa pernah ada bulan yang tidak profit.
    Apapun alasannya, mau situasi resesi, situasi perang, kebijakan moneter dari negara besar, fluktuasi harga minyak, atau apapun .. signal bagus harus senantiasa membukukan profit setiap bulan. Clear!

    Selamat berburu signal premium .. Have a nice day :)

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